
CCTV is optimistic about "Executive Judge", but the audience asked to stop broadcasting and take it off the shelves, why did it scold

author:Hammer sister film entertainment
CCTV is optimistic about "Executive Judge", but the audience asked to stop broadcasting and take it off the shelves, why did it scold

CCTV's latest legal drama "Executive Judge" has quickly aroused widespread social attention and discussion since its launch. The series is about the daily work of judges, but the generally bad reviews it encounters have made viewers question its quality and authenticity.

Audience criticism of its plot is widespread and unanimous.

Netizen Xiao Ming expressed his opinion on social media: "I just finished watching "Executive Judge", and I feel that the case handling is too unprofessional! The legal procedures in the play are just nonsense, and I can't stand it. His comment quickly caused a heated discussion, with many people liking and leaving messages to express their sympathy.

CCTV is optimistic about "Executive Judge", but the audience asked to stop broadcasting and take it off the shelves, why did it scold

Netizen Xiaohong also left a message in the comment area: "I think the relationship between the characters in the plot is a bit unreliable, and the problems that can be easily dealt with are dragged on for a long time, and I feel that the screenwriter is a bit deliberately creating contradictions." Her views resonated with many other viewers, who replied with the same concern.

In terms of the depiction of the legal process, netizens sighed after watching it: "This drama is simply made up by the screenwriter, and the legal terminology is called inaccurate, I am a little skeptical that the screenwriter really understands the law." His remarks quickly sparked deep questions about the level of creation of the series, and many netizens also began to discuss whether the excessive exaggeration of the plot affected the viewing experience of the series.

CCTV is optimistic about "Executive Judge", but the audience asked to stop broadcasting and take it off the shelves, why did it scold

In addition, some netizens also specifically mentioned the problem of plot rhythm. Netizen Xiaohua posted on the circle of friends: "After watching a few episodes of "Executive Judge", I feel that the rhythm is very slow, and every case is handled like a big drama, which is really not in line with the real situation. Her opinion immediately sparked a wave of discussion about the overall look and feel of the series, and everyone started a heated exchange around the compactness and authenticity of the plot.

In the feedback from netizens, it can be seen that the criticism of the "Executive Judge" episode is not untargeted. They are not only concerned about whether the plot is engaging, but also hope that the series can have higher standards and performance in terms of the accuracy of legal details and the authenticity of the characters. For legal dramas, viewers expect to see more authentic, professional and thought-provoking content, and "The Enforcement Judge" seems to have a lot of room for improvement in this regard.

CCTV is optimistic about "Executive Judge", but the audience asked to stop broadcasting and take it off the shelves, why did it scold

Although CCTV's latest legal drama "Executive Judge" attracted the attention of many viewers in the early days of the broadcast, as the content of the series gradually unfolded, netizens' evaluations began to diverge and question.

Netizen Xiao Wang expressed his opinion in the circle of friends: "I don't watch this kind of TV and movie, especially police movies, I used to like to watch it, and I also like to watch "Although I am far away", I don't know when I stopped watching it." His words struck a chord with some friends, and some people left messages saying that the recent TV series was indeed disappointing, and the plot was too exaggerated and no longer so attractive.

CCTV is optimistic about "Executive Judge", but the audience asked to stop broadcasting and take it off the shelves, why did it scold

Netizen Xiao Zhang said in the comment area: "I feel the same way! These TV series are losing their realism and appeal more and more, and I am gradually losing interest in this genre. His opinion is supported by some other netizens, who believe that the current series tends to be overly commercialized and hyped, and lacks real connotation and depth.

Netizen Xiao Li directly mentioned the specific problems of the series "Executive Judge": "I watched a few episodes, and I feel that the plot rhythm is slow, not compact at all, and the legal knowledge in it is also suspicious, too unprofessional." His comments immediately sparked a debate about whether the series truly reflects the reality of the legal industry, and some people believe that this kind of subject matter should pay more attention to authenticity and detail in order to better attract the attention and recognition of the audience.

CCTV is optimistic about "Executive Judge", but the audience asked to stop broadcasting and take it off the shelves, why did it scold

In addition, some netizens mentioned their views on the actor's performance. Netizen Xiao Liu posted on Weibo: "The actors' performances are uneven, especially the heroine Yang Zishan, her acting skills are really worrying, and I feel that I can't get into the role at all." His remarks sparked some discussions about the actors' acting skills, and many people said that although the theme of the series is attractive, the impact of the actors' acting strength on the series cannot be ignored.

The performance of the actor became one of the focuses in the audience's evaluation. Luo Jin has been widely recognized for his excellent acting skills, and many viewers have praised him for his role shaping and acting in the play. A viewer posted on social media: "Luo Jin's acting skills are stable, especially when handling cases and showing the image of a judge, giving people a professional and profound feeling." ”

CCTV is optimistic about "Executive Judge", but the audience asked to stop broadcasting and take it off the shelves, why did it scold

However, the performances of the other actors in the play were uneven, especially Yang Zishan's acting skills were sharply negatively evaluated. Some viewers bluntly said that she was incapable of emotional expression and role control, and some commented: "Yang Zishan's performance is very blunt, and I can't feel the authenticity of the role she plays at all." These criticisms sparked widespread discussion in the comments section, with some arguing that the actors' performance level directly affected the viewing experience and overall quality of the series.

In the online discussions, the audience had a variety of opinions on the actors' performances. Some believe that the professional performance of the actors is the key to the success of the series, and Yang Zishan failed to live up to the audience's expectations in this performance. A netizen wrote on Weibo: "Watching "Executive Judge", the actors' performances are too different, resulting in a great reduction in the coherence and realism of the plot. This view has been shared by some netizens, who believe that the unqualified performance of the actors directly affects the overall look and feel of the series.

CCTV is optimistic about "Executive Judge", but the audience asked to stop broadcasting and take it off the shelves, why did it scold

At the same time, viewers' comments on the actors' performances also directly affect their perception of the overall quality of the series. Some commentators pointed out that despite the series' appealing subject matter, the actors' performances really need more refinement and refinement. A viewer mentioned in the comments: "Luo Jin's acting skills are very stable, but the performance of the overall cast is uneven, which is a big pity for a series." ”

Judging from the production level of the series, the audience has criticized the performance of the picture, the handling of lighting, and the rhythm of editing. There are obvious problems in the picture performance of the series, and the lack of production makes the plot design appear too exaggerated and lacks a sense of reality, which also leads to a lack of professionalism in the shaping of the image of the judge.

CCTV is optimistic about "Executive Judge", but the audience asked to stop broadcasting and take it off the shelves, why did it scold

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