
Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

author:Xiaozo Naogon
Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

In the Chinese entertainment industry, the "old drama bone" Li Qi used to be a well-known name. He has conquered countless audiences with his superb acting skills and unique charm, and has created many unforgettable roles.

However, today's Li Qi can't help but sigh. Two packs of cigarettes a day, eight taels of liquor per meal, such an indulgent lifestyle eventually paid a heavy price for him.

Li Qi, who was once handsome and dashing, is now full of white hair and has a haggard face. Not only is he bloated, but he even needs to stop and catch his breath from time to time when he even walks. What's even more shocking is that the former star now needs to rely on a wheelchair to get to the hospital.

What is the reason why this once beautiful actor has fallen here? Let's uncover the ups and downs of Li Qi's life story.

Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

Li Qi's acting career began by chance. When I was 15 years old, a touring theater came to the village. At that time, Li Qi was participating in the work of planting rice in the countryside, but he always thought about how to be lazy.

When he heard that the theater was recruiting people to perform, he immediately put down his farm work and ran to sign up.

With his handsome appearance and clever eloquence, Li Qi managed to get a small role. This experience gave him a love for acting and laid the foundation for his future acting career.

After the performance, the theater leaders were so impressed by Li Qi's performance that they persuaded him to stay and do chores, and occasionally arranged for him to perform on stage.

Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

With a longing for his acting career, Li Qi resolutely went north to chase his dream. In Beijing, he met fellow countryman Guo Da. The two were like-minded and decided to work together.

However, the reality is not as rosy as imagined. They had to live in a small basement of only 70 square meters, and struggled to survive for seven years.

During this period, Li Qi and Guo Da continued to create and perform sketches, and even if there were few audiences, they never gave up. Their persistence has finally paid off.

The well-crafted sketches won the favor of the TV station, giving them the opportunity to take the stage bigger. They bring laughter to the audience, and the applause and praise of the audience becomes the motivation for them to keep going.

Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

The year 1996 was an important turning point for Li Qi. This year, he took center stage for the first time, and his outstanding performance attracted the attention of many directors.

Since then, he has frequently participated in the filming of various TV series. No matter what role he plays, Li Qi can always interpret it vividly, and gradually establish a deep impression in the hearts of the audience.

However, fame comes not only with applause and accolades, but also with endless rehearsals and a packed schedule. The long-term and high-intensity work has put Li Qi's body and mind under great pressure.

Perhaps it was at this time that he began to rely on tobacco and alcohol to relieve stress, laying the foundation for future health problems.

Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

Looking back on Li Qi's acting career, what we see is the inspirational story of an ordinary rural teenager who has reached the pinnacle of acting step by step through his own efforts. However, behind this seemingly glamorous road, there is a bitterness and pressure that ordinary people can hardly imagine.

Li Qi used his experience to tell us that success is often accompanied by a huge price, and how to maintain a balance of physical and mental health while chasing dreams is a problem that every dreamer needs to think about.

When his career was booming, Li Qi also ushered in his true love. He met Goryeo in the same crew, but the beginning of this relationship did not go well. Goryeo didn't like Li Qi at first, thinking he was too rough and arrogant.

However, Li Qi was not discouraged. He observes Goryeo's preferences attentively and gets up every morning to prepare food for her. Li Qi's years of social experience have made him keenly aware of Goryeo's emotional changes and give timely care.

Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

Finally, Li Qi's sincerity touched Goryeo, and the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

After marriage, Li Qi and Gao Li had two sons, and their lives seemed to be happy. However, Li Qi still has an unfulfilled wish in his heart - he longs to have a daughter.

Considering that Goryeo had already endured the pain of childbirth twice, Li Qi proposed to adopt a girl. This decision brought new joy to their family.

The growth trajectories of the three children are different, which makes Li Qi feel relieved and a little worried. The eldest son inherited Li Qi's acting talent and made a name for himself in the entertainment industry at a young age.

Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

However, he has not yet started a family in his thirties, which makes Li Qi quite worried. Although the youngest son is slightly inferior in acting, he perfectly inherits his father's bad living habits.

He had no control over his diet and was on par with his father's stature. Faced with the situation of his youngest son, Li Qi felt helpless and self-blamed, after all, even he could not control himself, let alone restrain his young son.

What Li Qi is most proud of is her adopted daughter. She has been well-behaved and sensible since she was a child, and her academic performance is excellent. When she became an adult, she resolutely chose to join the army, whether it was flood relief or earthquake relief, she could always be seen charging into battle.

Whenever he talks about his little daughter, Li Qi's eyes will shine with pride.

Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

However, behind the seemingly harmonious family life, Li Qi is quietly indulging in tobacco and alcohol. At first, Goryeo didn't interfere too much, thinking that it was just her husband's way of relieving stress.

But as time went on, Li Qi's addiction to cigarettes and alcohol became more and more serious, and he was eventually hospitalized for excessive smoking and alcoholism. This incident made Goryeo realize the seriousness of the problem.

From then on, whenever her husband was found smoking and drinking, Goryeo would admonish her bitterly. For this reason, the two had many disputes. Once, Li Qi had dinner at home with friends, and he promised to just taste it, but unknowingly began to drink in the bottle again.

Goryeo, who witnessed this scene, was furious and snatched the bottle and threw it to the ground. Although this scene made Li Qi feel ashamed, it also made him more deeply aware of his wife's hard work.

Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

Li Qi's family life is like a mirror, reflecting the ups and downs behind his career success. It tells us that even glamorous stars will face the troubles and struggles of ordinary people.

How to balance career and family, how to overcome their own weaknesses, these are all life issues that Li Qi and even everyone need to face.

Li Qi's dependence on tobacco and alcohol is not unfounded, and its roots can be traced back to his childhood. Although his family is not wealthy, Li Qi's parents always do their best to give him love.

Whenever they come home from work, as long as they see a delicious food or interesting toy, they will not hesitate to bring it home to Li Qi. This warm memory left a deep imprint on Li Qi's heart.

Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

As your career gets off the ground, a hectic work schedule and a lot of pressure ensues. Frequent rehearsals and intensive performance arrangements made Li Qi physically and mentally exhausted. In this case, tobacco and alcohol became his main way of relieving stress.

At first, he may have just scratched the surface, but over time, this dependence deepened.

Li Qi's obsession with alcohol is beyond the ordinary. He once proudly said that no matter what kind of alcohol, you can accurately judge the alcohol content just by sniffing it. He even admitted frankly that if there is no wine in a meal, he feels that life is boring.

Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are accompanied by wine. Others use food to accompany wine, but Li Qi uses wine to accompany food. When he was full, he would light a cigarette and enjoy the brief moment of pleasure.

Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

This dependence on tobacco and alcohol, coupled with the pressure accumulated over a long period of time, made Li Qi unconsciously fall into a situation from which he could not extricate himself. His life seems to be dominated by tobacco and alcohol, and his health and family relationships have been severely affected as a result.

Li Qi's experience reminds us that the good memories of childhood are precious, but they should not be used as an excuse to escape from reality. When faced with stress, we need to find more healthy and positive ways to regulate our emotions instead of indulging in tobacco and alcohol.

Only by facing up to the problem can we truly get out of the predicament and regain our health and happiness.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Li Qi and his family embarked on a long and difficult journey to quit smoking and drinking. However, habits that have been cultivated over the years are difficult to change overnight.

Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

Li Qi has been hospitalized many times for excessive smoking and drinking, and after each discharge, he vowed to correct it, but it was always difficult to persevere.

Faced with his father's stubbornness, Li Qi's son racked his brains and came up with various solutions. He designed a unique cigarette case for his father, hoping to limit the number of cigarettes he could smoke.

This idea stems from his son's helplessness and distress. He knew that his father's addiction to smoking was difficult to completely quit, but at least he could control the amount of cigarettes he smoked in this way. Seeing his son so attentive, Li Qi's heart was also full of desire to change, but the process of quitting was extremely difficult.

Goryeo, as Li Qi's wife, played an important role in this protracted war. She not only strictly controls her husband's intake of tobacco and alcohol, but also accompanies him at all times and cheers him on.

Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

However, there will inevitably be contradictions and conflicts in the process. His family would persuade Li Qi to quit smoking and drinking every year, but he always tried his best to play with them.

Once, Li Qi was taken to the hospital by his family for a physical examination. He even took advantage of the doctor's arrival to secretly smoke a cigarette in the bathroom under the pretext of going to the bathroom. This behavior not only caused headaches for doctors and families, but also made them realize that there is still a long way to go to quit smoking and drinking.

Another time, Li Qi had dinner at home with friends, and the original promise was just a superficial taste, but unknowingly began to drink the bottle again. Goryeo, who witnessed this scene, was furious and snatched the bottle and threw it to the ground.

Although this scene made Li Qi feel ashamed, it also made him more deeply aware of the hard work of his family.

Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

Now, under the strict supervision of his family, Li Qi is trying to control his intake of tobacco and alcohol. His wife even asked him to exercise on his bicycle and accompany him personally.

Although this road to quitting is difficult, with the support of his family, Li Qi is still working unremittingly.

Li Qi's journey to quit smoking and drinking shows us how difficult it is to change a deep-rooted habit. It requires personal determination, family support, and ongoing efforts.

Although the process is full of setbacks and repetitions, as long as you don't give up, there is always hope to overcome your weaknesses. Li Qi's experience also reminds us that prevention is far easier than cure, and that stopping bad habits before they form is the wisest choice.

Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

Li Qi's experience has undoubtedly sounded the alarm bell for us. This once beautiful "old drama bone" now needs to rely on a wheelchair to seek medical treatment, such a change is embarrassing.

His story vividly illustrates the consequences of overindulgence.

For a long time, Li Qi consumed two packs of cigarettes a day and drank eight taels of liquor at every meal. This unrestrained lifestyle eventually led to the complete hollowing out of his body.

Today's Li Qi has gray hair and beard, and his body is bloated, and he even has to stop to breathe after walking a few steps. All this is the price of his disregard for health.

Despite the doctor's opposition, actor Li Qi, who used 2 packs of cigarettes a day and 8 taels of liquor every time, became like this in his later years

Li Qi's story reminds us that we must do everything in moderation, especially if it is harmful to our health. Although tobacco and alcohol can temporarily relieve stress, long-term over-dependence will inevitably have serious consequences.

Li Qi paid a terrible price for this, not only suffered great physical damage, but also needed to spend a lot of money to treat the disease.

This story also makes us reflect on whether we should also pay attention to our physical and mental health while pursuing career success. Stress in life is inevitable, but we should look for healthier, more positive ways to regulate our emotions instead of relying on cigarettes and alcohol.

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