
Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl

author:Yi Yi talks about the world
Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl
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Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl

On December 24, 2004, the Shantou Civil Affairs Bureau welcomed a special couple. 82-year-old Yang Zhenning, the world-renowned Nobel laureate in physics, joined hands with 28-year-old Weng Fan to receive a red marriage certificate symbolizing the beginning of a new life.

The couple, who are 54 years apart, instantly became the focus of global media attention, sparking a heated discussion about love, morality and social values.

However, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of doubt, Yang Zhenning's eldest son Yang Guangnuo gave an unexpected evaluation: "Weng Fan is a kind girl. This sentence seems to cast a veil of mystery over this controversial marriage.

What kind of emotions can cross the age gap of half a century? How will this pair of "grandfather and grandson lovers" face the doubts and challenges of society? A love legend that spans time and space has begun.

Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl

In 1995, at Shantou University, an important academic conference was underway. 19-year-old Weng Fan, a vigorous college student, was chosen as a receptionist.

She never imagined that this ordinary work experience would become a turning point in her life.

Among the distinguished guests of the conference was a special presence - 73-year-old Professor Yang Zhenning, who was accompanied by his wife, Ms. Du Zhili. Although Weng Fan was young, her shrewdness and decency soon attracted the attention of the academic celebrities.

Weng Fan's background is also quite special. Born in 1976, her father is a scholar who has made great achievements in the field of Chinese studies. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, Weng Fan not only developed a strong interest in classical culture, but also showed extraordinary talent in his studies.

Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl

She was admitted to Shantou University with excellent grades, majoring in English. It was this background that gave her the opportunity to get up close and personal with a world-class scientist like Yang Zhenning.

During the reception, Weng Fan was impressed by Yang Zhenning's approachability. The world-renowned physicist does not sit high on the shelf, but patiently answers the various questions she asks, both academic and personal.

Yang Zhenning and his wife also had a good impression of this smart and lively little girl, and their relationship gradually went beyond a simple reception relationship.

After the meeting, Weng Fan and Yang Zhenning established a relationship of mentor and friend. She often asks Yang Zhenning for academic questions, and Yang Zhenning always takes the trouble to answer.

Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl

As time went on, they interacted more and more frequently. Weng Fan not only sought advice from Yang Zhenning in his studies, but also confided in his life seniors about his troubles in life.

Yang Zhenning and his wife's love for Weng Fan is increasing day by day. They often invited her to dinner and treated her like their own daughter. Ms. Du Zhili even said to her son: "You don't care about me as much as Weng Fan, a little girl."

This relationship between teachers and students that began in Shantou laid the groundwork for the future relationship between Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan. Who would have thought that an ordinary academic conference reception would trigger a love story spanning half a century? The gears of fate quietly turned in this way, gradually leading the two originally unrelated life trajectories to converge.

In 2003, fate once again intertwined the life trajectories of Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan. Yang Zhenning's beloved wife Du Zhili passed away due to illness, and the 80-year-old scientific giant fell into deep grief.

Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl

After Weng Fan learned the news, he made a special trip to attend Du Zhili's funeral. Looking at the lonely and haggard appearance of Professor Yang, who was high-spirited in the past, Weng Fan couldn't help but feel an indescribable sourness in his heart.

In a letter, Yang Zhenning candidly recounted his experience of having to give up his Chinese nationality to stay in the United States in order to continue his research in physics. This decision has aroused dissatisfaction in domestic public opinion.

Weng Fan was deeply touched after reading it, and she wrote in her reply: "There is nothing wrong with what you have done, and patriotism is not only reflected in nationality. These words were like a shot in the arm, giving Yang Zhenning great comfort.

As time passed, the correspondence between the two became more frequent and intimate. In a love letter written in English, Weng Fan boldly expressed his heart: "I love without regrets, but I am happy, and I intend to escape, and my heart has fallen."

Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl

This straightforward confession made Yang Zhenning clear in his heart. In his reply, he wrote: "The last treasure of God has given my old soul the joy of rejuvenation.

In 2004, Yang Zhenning invited Weng Fan to go on a trip to Beihai. On the sunny beachfront, the two held hands and pedaled a tandem bicycle, enjoying a rare romantic time.

Far from the distractions of the world, only each other is left in their world. This trip became a turning point in their relationship, and Weng Fan decided to follow his heart and no longer care about the eyes of the world.

After returning to Beijing, Yang Zhenning proposed to Weng Fan. Although Weng Fan's parents had concerns about this relationship and were worried that their daughter would suffer from the pressure of public opinion, they finally chose to respect their daughter's decision.

Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl

In this way, they returned to Shantou, where they met for the first time, received a marriage certificate at the Civil Affairs Bureau, and officially stepped into the palace of marriage.

This love across ages, from the initial friendship between teachers and students, to the confidant who forgot to make friends in the past year, to the partner who has a heart-to-heart relationship, every step embodies the sincere emotions of the two.

Those letters not only convey the feelings of longing, but also witness a sincere relationship that transcends the world's vision. It tells us that love knows no age, it only cares about whether two hearts are truly compatible.

In the story of Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan, we see the purest and most moving appearance of love.

Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl

After marriage, Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan did not usher in the peaceful life they imagined. Their union was like a bombshell that caused a huge shock in society.

Criticism and doubts followed, some people accused Weng Fan of being for Yang Zhenning's wealth and status, and some people questioned that Yang Zhenning took a fancy to Weng Fan's young and beautiful appearance.

In the face of these unfriendly voices, the couple chose to prove the sincerity of their feelings with practical actions.

Weng Fan did not rest on his laurels just because he was married to a world-class scientist. Instead, she was determined to elevate her level of knowledge to match Yang Chenning's wisdom and status.

Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl

After unremitting efforts, she was successfully admitted to the Department of Architecture of Tsinghua University to study for a doctorate. However, this achievement has raised new questions, and some people suspect that she is using Yang Zhenning's influence.

In this regard, the news person in charge of Tsinghua University personally came forward to clarify, emphasizing that Weng Fan applied for a doctorate degree as a Hong Kong resident and was admitted completely by his own strength.

At the same time, Yang Zhenning is also trying to adapt to the lifestyle of young people. He began to read Weng Fan's favorite books, and even accompanied her to watch the TV series "The Secret History of Xiaozhuang".

It's surprising that this scientist, who was once immersed in physics, can now talk about the plot of the TV series.

Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl

In daily life, the two take care of each other and love each other. Weng Fan often boiled tonic decoctions for Yang Zhenning, although Yang Zhenning didn't believe in the effects of these supplements, he never refused, just because he couldn't bear to live up to his wife's heart.

When Weng Fan is sick, Yang Zhenning will take care of him carefully; And when Yang Zhenning has poor hearing due to age, Weng Fan always patiently repeats the other party's words.

Yang Zhenning once sighed: "When a person enters his old age, he will inevitably realize the shortness of life. Married to a young woman, I realized how this marriage had allowed me to continue my life in a way.

These words show how much he cherishes this marriage in his later years.

Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl

In the face of doubts and pressure from the outside world, Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan chose to support each other and face it together. Their stories tell us that true love can cross the age gap, and in the face of worldly prejudices, two people who love each other can work together to overcome difficulties, so that the relationship will continue to sublimate in the test.

The marriage of Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan is not only the combination of two people, but also the blend of wisdom and youth, showing us the most touching power of love.

In the love story of Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan, the most surprising thing is the understanding and support of the two families for this marriage. This warmth from their loved ones has undoubtedly injected great strength into their feelings.

Yang Zhenning's eldest son, Yang Guangnuo, commented on Weng Fan with a simple but meaningful sentence: "Weng Fan is a kind and gentle woman. This short sentence is neither too much praise nor the slightest dissatisfaction, which just reflects the harmonious coexistence between Weng Fan and the children of the Yang family.

Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl

Although Yang Zhenning's children are older than Weng Fan, they did not reject the young stepmother because of this, but gave them understanding and acceptance.

On the other hand, although Weng Fan's parents were apprehensive about their daughter's choice at first, they eventually chose to support it. Weng Fan's father said in an interview with the media: "My daughter's choice to take on the responsibility of taking care of Professor Yang in her later years is a selfless love and an incomparable honor.

These words fully reflect the Weng family's affirmation and support for this marriage.

Interestingly, Weng Fan's parents are younger than Yang Zhenning, but they get along very well. Yang Zhenning will accompany Weng Fan back to his parents' house to visit, they play together, drink tea and talk, just like a family.

Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl

This kind of harmony across ages adds a bit of warmth to this marriage.

The understanding and support of the family undoubtedly provided a solid backing for the marriage of Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan. Under the witness of this love, their feelings can continue to bloom in a warm atmosphere, writing a unique chapter of love that belongs to them.

Time flies, and the marriage of Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan has gone through 18 spring and autumn seasons. Today, Yang Zhenning has entered the age of 100, and Weng Fan is about to usher in her 50th birthday.

However, time doesn't seem to have left much of a mark on their relationship.

Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl

In recent photos, we can still see the couple strolling hand in hand in a couple's outfit with a happy smile on their faces. Their demeanor is intimate, and their eye contact is full of warmth, as if they have returned to the sweetness of their first love.

Such a picture makes people sigh that the power of love can transcend the boundaries of age so much.

Weng Fan once said affectionately in an interview: "I am grateful to Yang Zhenning for allowing me to immerse myself in the quiet life of an ivory tower, and I deeply love this life."

These words show how much she cherishes and satisfies this marriage.

Yang Zhenning married 28-year-old Weng Fan when he was 82 years old, and his eldest son calmly: Weng Fan is a very good girl

The story of Yang Zhenning and Weng Fan is not only a romantic legend that transcends time and space, but also a challenge and breakthrough to the traditional concept of marriage. They interpreted the true meaning of "love has nothing to do with age" with practical actions, and showed the world the power of sincere feelings.

This couple, who are 54 years apart, used their acquaintance to compose a touching hymn to love. Their story may become a beautiful legend that will forever live in people's hearts, inspiring those who believe in true love to follow their hearts.

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