
In the past, a good actor in Beiying has been playing supporting roles all his life, but he has also become a national first-class actor, which is admirable

author:Yi Yi talks about the world
In the past, a good actor in Beiying has been playing supporting roles all his life, but he has also become a national first-class actor, which is admirable
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In the past, a good actor in Beiying has been playing supporting roles all his life, but he has also become a national first-class actor, which is admirable

In the history of Chinese cinema, there is such an actor: his name is Li Mengyao, but he is little known to the audience. However, the many characters he created are deeply imprinted in the memories of countless people.

From Mi Sanduo in "Summer Story", to Huang Jingbo in "Red Child", to the kind village chief in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", Li Mengyao has dedicated one unforgettable supporting role after another to Chinese films with his superb acting skills.

Although he has been playing supporting roles and tricks all his life, Li Mengyao finally won the title of national first-class actor with his infinite love for acting and profound acting skills.

His story is an obscure but glorious artistic hymn that illustrates what the true spirit of an actor is.

In the past, a good actor in Beiying has been playing supporting roles all his life, but he has also become a national first-class actor, which is admirable

In April 1926, in Lizhuang Village, Luguan Township, Nanpi County, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, a boy named Li Ximeng was born. This ordinary rural child will leave a strong mark in the history of Chinese cinema with the name of Li Mengyao in the future.

From an early age, Li Mengyao showed extraordinary artistic talent. Before he even set foot in primary school, he was able to write simple scripts and organize his peers to rehearse plays. This love for performance is like a seed that quietly takes root in his young heart.

After graduating from high school, the burden of life forced Li Mengyao to put his artistic dreams on hold for a while. He worked as a registration clerk and then a statistician in the hospital, but his passion for acting never went out.

Whenever he had the opportunity, he actively participated in the performance activities of the drama club, honing his acting skills on the amateur stage.

In the past, a good actor in Beiying has been playing supporting roles all his life, but he has also become a national first-class actor, which is admirable

In 1950, the door of opportunity opened to Li Mengyao. Under the impetus of the famous actor Chen Boer, the Film Bureau opened the Performing Arts Research Institute at No. 4 Laoniang Hutong in Xisishi, Beijing.

With his love and dream of acting, Li Mengyao resolutely applied for the exam. With his outstanding performance, he successfully became one of the first batch of film actors with a professional background after the founding of New China.

During his studies at the Institute of Performing Arts, Li Mengyao eagerly absorbed the knowledge and skills of acting. His hard work was not in vain, and in 1953, at the age of 27, Li Mengyao completed his studies with honors.

Subsequently, together with Zhang Yuan, Pang Xueqin, Yin Zhiming and other classmates, he joined the Beijing Film Studio Actors Troupe and officially embarked on the road of professional actors.

In the past, a good actor in Beiying has been playing supporting roles all his life, but he has also become a national first-class actor, which is admirable

Standing at the crossroads of his life, the young Li Mengyao may not have imagined that this choice would lead him to a different artistic path. Although most of his later screen career has been supporting roles and roles, each role embodies his love and dedication to the performing arts.

From a small village in Hebei to the big stage in Beijing, Li Mengyao's experience is like an inspirational movie. He used his life to interpret what is the persistent pursuit of art, and also set an example for countless young people with acting dreams.

This boy from the countryside will eventually become an indispensable member of the Chinese film industry.

In 1954, 28-year-old Li Mengyao ushered in his screen debut. In the film "Land", the young actor challenged a character who was far from his own age - Uncle Shi, an old farmer.

In the past, a good actor in Beiying has been playing supporting roles all his life, but he has also become a national first-class actor, which is admirable

Despite his youth, Li Mengyao portrayed this unpretentious old farmer vividly with his delicate and nuanced performance, showing his acting skills beyond his age.

This successful attempt seemed to open Pandora's box, and Li Mengyao began his brilliant supporting role. In subsequent films such as "Riding on the Angry Sea", "The Story of Summer", "Blessing", etc., he created one impressive role after another.

Although each character does not have many scenes, Li Mengyao can always accurately present the character's identity, personality, inner world and other complex emotions through meticulous expression changes and action design in the limited screen time.

However, what really left a deep imprint on Li Mengyao in the hearts of the audience was his role as Huang Jingbo in "Red Child". The line "I, Huang Jingbo, is back again", like Liu Jiang's classic line in "Shining Red Star", has become a cultural symbol of that era.

In the past, a good actor in Beiying has been playing supporting roles all his life, but he has also become a national first-class actor, which is admirable

Li Mengyao vividly interpreted Huang Jingbo's gangsterism and ruffianism, so that the audience remembered this role and the actor Li Mengyao.

Interestingly, after "Red Child", many people thought that Li Mengyao would be stereotyped as a "villain actor". But his subsequent acting career surprised everyone.

In "Construction Site Youth", he played the upright Mu Qing; In "Moving Forward Side by Side", he became Zheng Deming, the president of an agricultural society who serves the people wholeheartedly; In "A Grass on Kunlun Mountain", he incarnated as the elder Hui of the transportation station who sticks to his post and is conscientious.

Li Mengyao used his acting skills to prove that an excellent actor has no type restrictions.

In the past, a good actor in Beiying has been playing supporting roles all his life, but he has also become a national first-class actor, which is admirable

In 1963, in the classic "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" directed by Cui Wei, the village chief played by Li Mengyao left a deep impression on the audience although he did not have many scenes.

Especially in the scene where the village chief guides Gazi, Li Mengyao uses simple movements and eyes to convey the care and advice of the elders to the younger generations, which is moving.

This small clip has become the warmest stroke in the movie.

In addition, Li Mengyao has many memorable roles in his acting career: the old boatman in "For the 61 Class Brothers", the spy in "Eternal Life in the Fire", the old Chinese medicine doctor in "Red Rain", Guo Shunfeng in "Mountain Flower", and Lu Huli in "The River Flows" and so on.

In the past, a good actor in Beiying has been playing supporting roles all his life, but he has also become a national first-class actor, which is admirable

Although these characters often only have a few shots or even a few lines, Li Mengyao can always inject the soul of the character into it in a limited time, making each small role shine.

Li Mengyao often said: "An actor is to act like something." This simple and unpretentious sentence expresses his understanding and pursuit of performing arts. No matter how big or small the role is, he puts his heart and soul into it, striving to make the most of each role.

It is this spirit that allows Li Mengyao to stand out among the many supporting roles and become the unforgettable "king of supporting roles" in the hearts of the audience.

Li Mengyao's acting career is a hymn to his incomparable love and dedication to the performing arts. Faced with the fact that he has been playing supporting roles and tricks all his life, Li Mengyao has never had a trace of complaint.

In the past, a good actor in Beiying has been playing supporting roles all his life, but he has also become a national first-class actor, which is admirable

When asked why he insisted so much, he always replied with a smile: "I just love acting." It is this pure love that sustains him to find joy and fulfillment in every role.

However, Li Mengyao's acting career was not all smooth sailing. When he was in his 30s, a bad news shattered his peaceful life - he was diagnosed with a heart attack.

For an actor in his prime, this is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue. But Li Mengyao was not knocked down, he chose to fight the disease and continue to stick to the post he loved.

Even in his 70s, Li Mengyao is still active on the screen. In "The Secret History of Eunuchs", he successfully interpreted the historical figure Li Lianying and won praise from the audience.

In the past, a good actor in Beiying has been playing supporting roles all his life, but he has also become a national first-class actor, which is admirable

This kind of professionalism, regardless of age and physical condition, is undoubtedly a model for every professional actor.

Li Mengyao's love and dedication to acting is not only reflected in his persistence, but also in his attitude towards each role. No matter how big or small the role is, he puts his heart and soul into it, striving to make the most of each role.

In "For the Brothers of the 61st Class", he successfully created a vivid image of the old boatman at the Yellow River ferry with only two short lines, which is impressive.

Li Mengyao often said: "An actor is to act like something." This simple and unpretentious sentence expresses his understanding and pursuit of performing arts. In his opinion, there are no small roles, only small actors.

In the past, a good actor in Beiying has been playing supporting roles all his life, but he has also become a national first-class actor, which is admirable

It is this spirit that allows him to stand out among the many supporting roles and become the unforgettable "king of supporting roles" in the hearts of the audience.

Lee's story tells us that a true artist doesn't care about the size of the character, but about his attitude towards art. He has spent his life interpreting what is a pure love for performance and what is true professionalism.

This spirit is the backbone of the development of China's film industry, and it is also an example that everyone with acting dreams should learn from.

In the long history of Beijing Film Studio, it is not uncommon to see excellent actors like Li Mengyao. Zhao Ziyue, An Zhenjiang and others are among the best, and together they form a solid cornerstone for the development of China's film industry.

In the past, a good actor in Beiying has been playing supporting roles all his life, but he has also become a national first-class actor, which is admirable

However, Li Mengyao's achievements are particularly admirable. With his profound acting skills and life-like performance, he finally won the title of national first-class actor, and won high recognition from his peers in the industry and the audience.

Li Mengyao's success proves that on the road of art, there are no small roles, only small actors. Even the most inconspicuous supporting roles can radiate a unique charm under his interpretation.

He used his practical actions to interpret what is the true spirit of an artist - not pursuing fame and fortune, but only focusing on the improvement of acting skills and the shaping of roles.

In Li Mengyao's acting career, we have seen the professionalism and artistic pursuit that an actor should have. Every time he acts, no matter how many scenes, he pours all his enthusiasm and talent.

In the past, a good actor in Beiying has been playing supporting roles all his life, but he has also become a national first-class actor, which is admirable

From the helpless and sad Jin Huantian in "Traces of Tears", to the complex and multifaceted Pan Amiao in "Sea Prisoner", to a series of roles in "Chunlan Qiuju", "Ordinary People", and "The Love of the Ginkgo Tree", Li Mengyao has added a strong touch to Chinese films with his performances.

Compared with those famous big-name stars, Li Mengyao's achievements are particularly difficult. His success does not depend on eye-catching topics or sensational scandals, but on solid acting skills and a deep understanding of the role.

This spirit of silent cultivation and excellence is the backbone of the development of China's film industry, and it is also an example that everyone who loves performing arts should learn from.

In 2012, 86-year-old Li Mengyao left the stage he loved so much, drawing an end to his wonderful acting career. Although he did not gain great fame, his contribution to the Chinese film industry is indelible.

In the past, a good actor in Beiying has been playing supporting roles all his life, but he has also become a national first-class actor, which is admirable

Whenever we revisit those classic films, the vivid characters created by Li Mengyao are still vivid on the screen. Especially in "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", although the village chief he played did not have many scenes, he left a deep impression on the audience.

The kind eyes and warm smile seem to still shine on the screen.

Li Mengyao has spent his life interpreting what a real artist is and what is a pure love for performance. His story tells us that the value of art lies not in fame and fortune, but in the sincere interpretation of the character and the sincere dedication to the audience.

Let us always remember this unknown but glorious master of cinema and pay him the highest respect.

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