
One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch


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Recently, a TV series "Executive Judge" with the theme of law has broken into everyone's field of vision, which has aroused widespread attention and discussion. Presumably, many friends have already started the drama chasing mode and are talking about the plot in it.

The core characters of this drama are the two judges played by the male protagonist Luo Jin and the female protagonist Yang Zishan. What is particularly special is that the filming location of the play is inside the courthouse, and this unique setting makes the audience feel as if they are in the scene and truly feel the solemnity and sacredness of the law. Because of this, as soon as this drama was broadcast, it set off a wave of heated discussions.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

The male protagonist in the play is an upright, principled judge who is not afraid of power. His style of conduct is admirable, and every just verdict demonstrates the majesty and justice of the law. The heroine is transformed from a workplace elite to a judge. Such a character setting should have been quite successful in the advancement of the plot, after all, the audience has always favored this image of a judge who has both firm beliefs and full of human feelings.

However, it backfired. There was a female number one who was criticized by everyone as "down" in the play, and her performance made the audience uncomfortable, and even the director was probably helpless. You must know that other TV series she participated in have actually received a lot of praise, but because of the role she played in this drama, the response of the show fell into a trough, which is really regrettable.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

Let's talk about the heroine Yang Zishan, the situation is not optimistic. The female president "Chu Yun" she played in the play should have been a heroic and admirable image, but it turned out to be the "slot responsibility" in the audience's mouth.

Her face in the play is really a bit dramatic. His face was swollen as if he had just been attacked by a swarm of bees, and his nasolabial folds were so obvious that they could trap a row of mosquitoes. When watching the drama, the audience's eyes are always involuntarily attracted by her abnormal face, which undoubtedly brings great discomfort to the viewing experience.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

Moreover, judging from the official trailer, her whole person's performance is too prominent, but not because of excellence, but because of various inappropriateness.

When it comes to Yang Zishan's acting skills, problems are endless. She has always been regarded as a "powerful faction", but her performance in the play this time disappointed the audience. Netizens complained that she "only stared and roared" and "collapsed the whole show". Originally, the audience had high expectations for the female judge she played, expecting to see a cautious, solemn and solemn image. But Yang Zishan's interpretation is far from meeting this expectation.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

Whether facing superiors, colleagues or the masses, she basically has a straight face, and she yells at anyone. This single, brutal way of performing makes the characters lose their due sense of hierarchy and complexity.

Not long after the new drama "Executive Judge" was launched, there was a lot of scolding on the Internet, and it was criticized for being indecent. There is no other reason, that is, the performance of the heroine Yang Zishan is really unsatisfactory. Some netizens even bluntly said: "Yang Zishan ruined the whole drama alone!" Although this is an exaggeration, it also fully reflects that her acting skills do make people feel speechless and disappointed.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

However, having said that, we really can't completely deny this drama just because the heroine Yang Zishan's performance is unsatisfactory. After all, aside from this part of Yang Zishan, there are wonderful performances contributed by actors like Luo Jin and other actors in the play. With their solid acting skills, they have created vivid and impressive character images for the audience.

Moreover, this drama also has a well-constructed legal story line, with ups and downs in the plot, full of suspense and twists, which tightly captures the hearts of the audience. The tense and exciting trial plots are even more exciting, making the audience feel as if they are in a real courtroom, feeling the solemnity and justice of the law, as well as the wisdom and power contained in it.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

You must know that the success or failure of a drama often does not depend on a single factor, but on the final result of multiple aspects working together. Take "Executive Judge" as an example, Yang Zishan's performance may be a fairly obvious shortcoming at present, which has brought a certain negative impact on the reputation of the whole show. However, we should still examine and judge with a more comprehensive and objective attitude.

With good expectations, we look forward to breakthroughs and improvements in the future development of the plot, and to win back the hearts of the audience through wonderful plot design and excellent actors' performances, so that this drama can radiate new vitality and vitality.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

At the same time, this phenomenon also sounded a heavy alarm bell for the majority of actors. No matter what brilliant reputation and dazzling achievements have been achieved before, in the face of each new work, you must devote yourself wholeheartedly, do your best to interpret the role, and speak with excellent strength and outstanding performance. Only in this way can we truly win the long-term recognition and sincere love of the audience, and can we gain a firm foothold in the fiercely competitive entertainment industry and continue to move forward.

After all, you must know that the audience's eyes have always been bright, and they are not so easily fooled. They have extremely keen insight and precise judgment about the quality of the work and the performance of the actors.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

The audience can easily distinguish which works are shoddy and perfunctory, and which actors are fishing in troubled waters and have no sincerity; can also keenly capture which works are carefully polished and full of painstaking efforts, and which actors are wholeheartedly committed and sincerely interpreted.

Only those creators who truly devote themselves to creation and pour their talent, enthusiasm and effort into their works without reservation; Only those actors who really figure out the role with their hearts, perform with their hearts, fully integrate themselves into the role, and give the character soul and life, can leave an indelible deep impression in the hearts of the audience.

One person ruined the whole show! The "down" female number one in "Executive Judge" makes people uncomfortable to watch

Only such works and actors can leave a dazzling light in the long river of film and television development, become classics, classic people, remembered by the audience, and praised by the times. Even if time goes by and the years change, they can still shine in the audience's memory and become an eternal treasure in the field of film and television.

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