
"Executive Judge": All the acting skills passed, but only one person was a failure, and the acting skills were too bad!

author:Xiao Qi chats about entertainment

The mainland is a country ruled by law, and attaches great importance to popularizing the law among citizens, and film and television works are a good way to publicize it.

Political and legal dramas are also a characteristic drama in the mainland, which guides the audience to understand some legal knowledge from the perspective of various law-related professions.

In recent years, many political and legal dramas have been broadcast on the mainland.

For example, "The Bottom Line" from the perspective of judges, "Elite Lawyer" from the perspective of lawyers, and "Winning Court" from the perspective of prosecutors.

"Executive Judge": All the acting skills passed, but only one person was a failure, and the acting skills were too bad!

Because the material in reality is almost inexhaustible, political and legal dramas are also an enduring drama.

Recently, a "Executive Judge" came out, and the ratings reached the second place in the country.

The plot of "Executive Judge" is still good, and the actors' acting skills are also very good.

Only one person acted really badly, which lowered the perception of the whole show.

"Executive Judge": All the acting skills passed, but only one person was a failure, and the acting skills were too bad!

The male protagonist Luo Jin

Luo Jin is an actor who has been challenging himself, and his acting skills are still remarkable.

His wife Tang Yan was nominated for Magnolia with "Flowers", and she rejuvenated the second spring of her career, and Luo Jin was naturally not to be outdone.

In recent years, Luo Jin has long jumped out of the shackles of idol dramas and frequently starred in dramas.

In the costume drama "The Long River under Heaven" and the military drama "Scout Hero", Luo Jin's performance is also very good.

Luo Jin's image is very upright, and there is no sense of disobedience as a judge.

"Executive Judge": All the acting skills passed, but only one person was a failure, and the acting skills were too bad!

It can be seen that Luo Jin has carefully studied his role, and the tone and pause and expression of his lines are very immersive.

When his aunt was detained, the male protagonist was not selfless, but a little panicked.

People are complex and can't control their feelings, and Luo Jin is not formulaic in playing a judge, which is worth recognizing.

Wang Tonghui

Teacher Wang Tonghui was a proper little fresh meat when he was young, and now he is getting older and more attractive.

Although he can't play the male lead, he can also play some supporting roles.

In "Police Honor" with a similar theme, Wang Tonghui played the role of the old policeman Cheng Hao, and his performance was very good.

In "Celebrating More Than Years 2", Wang Tonghui played the role of Guo Zheng, the examiner of Chunqiu, who was a little unrecognizable.

"Executive Judge": All the acting skills passed, but only one person was a failure, and the acting skills were too bad!

Guo Zheng seems to be kind, but in fact he only cares about his own political performance, and does not care about the future of the candidates at all.

This time in "Executive Judge", Wang Tonghui plays the leader of the male lead.

For a capable person like the male protagonist, the leader still attaches great importance to him, and he gets along very well every day.

But the local leaders who need to be criticized are certainly indispensable.

Wang Tonghui grasped this degree very well, and at the same time performed the kindness and majesty of the leader.


Teacher Sarina plays Luo Jin's aunt this time.

In order to protect her son, my aunt did not hesitate to confront the police, which was very spicy.

My aunt is also very active in thinking, but after all, there is no culture, and there is a feeling that she is a little hearty but not much.

"Executive Judge": All the acting skills passed, but only one person was a failure, and the acting skills were too bad!

After being detained and seeing her nephew, she showed guilt again, and her emotions were very good.

The sentence "Auntie has embarrassed you" actually made people feel distressed.

The heroine Yang Zishan

Yang Zishan is the only acting failure in the whole play.

She relied on the youth campus drama "To Youth" to become popular, but she is already old and is not suitable to play a student anymore.

Yang Zishan obviously did not adapt to this transformation, and playing a public official does not show maturity at all, which makes people feel very frivolous.

As a court president, he should be able to speak and do things with ease, but Yang Zishan acted too hard, which made people feel that this heroine was very willful.

"Executive Judge": All the acting skills passed, but only one person was a failure, and the acting skills were too bad!

This shows that Yang Zishan has not studied the profession of the character, and is completely relying on her own experience to take it for granted.

In terms of the simple use of acting skills, Yang Zishan is really flattering, she always squeezes her eyebrows and her facial features fly wildly.

She is like an AI, she wants to show all her own things in one go, in fact, it is not streamlined at all, and people have to refine it themselves.

If Yang Zishan continues like this, no matter how well other actors act, the reputation of "Executive Judge" is also very easy to collapse.

"Executive Judge": All the acting skills passed, but only one person was a failure, and the acting skills were too bad!

As an actor, you must continue to improve your acting skills, study the role with your heart, and not just rely on the script and self-imagination to act.

Especially the actors in high positions, their performance directly determines the future direction of the whole show.