
After acting in "Love Apartment" and then "Spending the Year of China", at the age of 29, changing clothes is like changing faces, no wonder it has not been popular

author:Xiao Qi chats about entertainment

After the finale of "The Story of Roses" and "Between the Ink Rain Clouds", there was no splash in the new drama.

is also a "Spend the Year of China", I think it's okay.

This drama is starring Zhang Linghe and Zhao Jinmai, and the appearance of the male and female protagonists alone is enough to attract people to watch it.

The cast of "Du Hua Nian" is relatively young, and the other young actors are not well-known except for the male and female protagonists.

This has affected everyone's enthusiasm for watching dramas to a certain extent.

After acting in "Love Apartment" and then "Spending the Year of China", at the age of 29, changing clothes is like changing faces, no wonder it has not been popular

However, there is a female supporting actress in the play who once also received top-level traffic, but unfortunately she didn't grasp it and soon disappeared.

Now in "Du Hua Nian", people no longer recognize her.

The plot of "The Beginning" is somewhat similar to "The Beginning", with elements of "crossing".

The heroine chose Zhao Jinmai, and she always felt that it was hot.

The male and female protagonists were originally fighting each other, but suddenly they both went back to twenty years ago and restarted their lives.

Then they turned enemies into friends and eventually tied the knot.

After acting in "Love Apartment" and then "Spending the Year of China", at the age of 29, changing clothes is like changing faces, no wonder it has not been popular

At the beginning of "The Year of China", the rhythm was very fast, and the male and female protagonists did not hide and misunderstand, and soon learned that both parties were reborn.

This is very rare, and many of the male and female protagonists of many TV dramas now have a bunch of misunderstandings, and they don't make it clear when they are killed.

But the follow-up plot is still a little delayed, which makes it difficult for this drama to become a high-quality product.

Not to mention the plot, from the perspective of actors alone, "Spending the Year of China" is a very failure.

This can't be blamed on the director, the aesthetics of today's young actors are too simple, and they all look similar.

Face-blind audiences can't distinguish the characters, and it is very difficult to watch the drama.

After acting in "Love Apartment" and then "Spending the Year of China", at the age of 29, changing clothes is like changing faces, no wonder it has not been popular

Although the male and female protagonists Zhao Jinmai and Zhang Linghe are very recognizable, the audience has long been tired of their aesthetics.

It's really not to blame the audience for being demanding, and now TV series come and go.

The men are Zhao Lusi, Bai Lu, Yu Shuxin, and the women are Wang Hedi, Wu Lei, and Zhang Linghe, anyway, these people are changing matches.

It's time for internal entertainment to add fresh blood.

In "Du Hua Nian", Shangguan Ya and I look good, her appearance is very high, and her acting skills are also good, mainly because she looks at her face.

After acting in "Love Apartment" and then "Spending the Year of China", at the age of 29, changing clothes is like changing faces, no wonder it has not been popular

checked the actor and found that my actor was actually Zhuge Dali in "Love Apartment 5", and I couldn't recognize it at all.

Zhuge Dali's actor is called Achievement, and when "Love Apartment 5" was broadcast, there were bad reviews, and only she was regarded as a goddess by netizens because of her appearance.

At that time, the results were extremely popular, but unfortunately she soon had no news, and I didn't hear that she had acted in other works.

originally thought that she had withdrawn from the circle, but this time suddenly she saw a supporting role in "Spending the Year of China".

After acting in "Love Apartment" and then "Spending the Year of China", at the age of 29, changing clothes is like changing faces, no wonder it has not been popular

Shangguan Ya played by her has two personalities both internally and externally, on the surface she is a beautiful lady, but in fact she advocates freedom.

The results interpret both sides very well, and it can be seen that the acting skills are good.

has both acting skills and good looks, so why did the results disappear so quickly?

Because the result is a drama throwing face, changing a drama and changing makeup, it won't be unrecognizable.

In fact, the drama throwing face is a good thing for pure actors, but it is a problem for stars.

After acting in "Love Apartment" and then "Spending the Year of China", at the age of 29, changing clothes is like changing faces, no wonder it has not been popular

The audience can't even remember your face, so how did you become famous?

If you don't have fame, you don't have resources, and if you don't have resources, you can't get good roles, it's a vicious circle.

In order to improve these problems, the result could only play roles similar to Zhuge Dali's image, such as Ouyang Mofei in "Broken Things Elite".

But if you play too many similar roles, you will be said to be unable to get out of your comfort zone.

The entertainment industry does not have such a high fault tolerance rate, and after "Love Apartment", several attempts failed, and finally it could only disappear.

After acting in "Love Apartment" and then "Spending the Year of China", at the age of 29, changing clothes is like changing faces, no wonder it has not been popular

If you have a high appearance or no acting skills, you are a vase, and if you have high acting skills and no good looks, you will have a limited way to play;

Striving for excellence in one field is a narrow path, and trying different types is not distinctive;

Recognizable in appearance and acting skills means that you are yourself in everything you play, and you can't remember you if you throw your face in the drama......

No matter what you do, there will be people who are dissatisfied, and the entertainment industry is too cruel.

But people make a lot of money.