
Wei Shen of Peking University had dinner with his family in the restaurant, only eating steamed buns and not vegetables, and living a simple, thrifty and thrifty life

author:Grapefruit Grepp Volt

Wei Shen's family time

Peking University Wei Shen's every move will attract everyone's attention and discussion, recently, Wei Shen's cousin posted a video about Wei Shen on social platforms, which caused heated discussions among everyone. In the video, Wei Dongyi's laughter and laughter with his family, as well as his cordial response to netizens, make people feel the other side of the mathematician in the family environment.

Wei Shen of Peking University had dinner with his family in the restaurant, only eating steamed buns and not vegetables, and living a simple, thrifty and thrifty life

The warmth and speculation behind the meal

In the video, Wei Shen's cousin takes her children and Wei Dong to eat in an on-campus restaurant at Peking University, and this family visit is not only a family companion for Wei Dongyi, but also a celebration of his recent achievements.

Wei Shen of Peking University had dinner with his family in the restaurant, only eating steamed buns and not vegetables, and living a simple, thrifty and thrifty life
Wei Shen of Peking University had dinner with his family in the restaurant, only eating steamed buns and not vegetables, and living a simple, thrifty and thrifty life

The choice of dining place is also quite meaningful, this restaurant located in Peking University is not only elegant, but also has authentic Beijing special dishes. Wei Dongyi's family deliberately chose this place, obviously hoping to give him a good taste bud experience, and it is also an affirmation of Wei Dongyi's academic achievements.

Wei Shen of Peking University had dinner with his family in the restaurant, only eating steamed buns and not vegetables, and living a simple, thrifty and thrifty life

However, Wei Dongyi's dining habits have once again become the focus of heated discussions among netizens. Although the table is full of delicious and delicious dishes, he seems to prefer simple rice and water, a unique eating habit that makes people smile.

Wei Shen of Peking University had dinner with his family in the restaurant, only eating steamed buns and not vegetables, and living a simple, thrifty and thrifty life

In addition, some of Wei Dongyi's cute actions during the meal made netizens feel his honesty and truthfulness. These details not only shortened the distance between Wei Dongyi and netizens, but also gave people a deeper understanding of this mathematical genius.

Wei Shen of Peking University had dinner with his family in the restaurant, only eating steamed buns and not vegetables, and living a simple, thrifty and thrifty life

Interesting stories at the dinner table resonate with netizens

Wei Dongyi's dining habits are once again in the spotlight, and he doesn't seem to be interested in the sumptuous dishes on the table, preferring instead simple rice and water. This unusual eating habit not only made netizens curious, but also triggered a burst of relaxed laughter. Wei Dongyi's "picky eating" behavior, although somewhat unexpected, also reflects his consistent simplicity and focus.

Wei Shen of Peking University had dinner with his family in the restaurant, only eating steamed buns and not vegetables, and living a simple, thrifty and thrifty life

This unique way of dining not only shows his personality, but also makes netizens feel his cuteness and authenticity. This informal attitude to life, in stark contrast to his rigor and dedication in the field of mathematics, gives people a deeper understanding of his personality charm.

Wei Shen of Peking University had dinner with his family in the restaurant, only eating steamed buns and not vegetables, and living a simple, thrifty and thrifty life

In addition, Wei Dongyi's cute demeanor during the meal, as well as the scene of his cordial conversation with his family, made netizens feel the warmth and happiness of his family. These pictures not only shorten the distance between Wei Dongyi and netizens, but also let people know more about the daily life of this mathematical genius.

Wei Shen of Peking University had dinner with his family in the restaurant, only eating steamed buns and not vegetables, and living a simple, thrifty and thrifty life

Netizens responded enthusiastically to Wei Dongyi's dining anecdotes, and expressed their hope that he could become happier in the company of his family, and also hoped that he could try more food and enjoy the fun of life. This kind of care and blessing from netizens is undoubtedly a kind of encouragement and support for Wei Dongyi.

Wei Shen of Peking University had dinner with his family in the restaurant, only eating steamed buns and not vegetables, and living a simple, thrifty and thrifty life

The company of family and the blessings of netizens

In the company of his family this time, Wei Dongyi's dining anecdotes not only made netizens feel another side of his life, but also let people see the support and love of his family.

Whether it is the cousin's "snap" photo or the cordial conversation at the dinner table, it reveals the family's concern and encouragement for Wei Dongyi. The power of this kind of family affection is undoubtedly an important support for Wei Dongyi's achievements in the field of mathematics.

Wei Shen of Peking University had dinner with his family in the restaurant, only eating steamed buns and not vegetables, and living a simple, thrifty and thrifty life

This kind of positive energy from all walks of life will undoubtedly add more color to Wei Dongyi's future path. Wei Dongyi's image is more three-dimensional and vivid in people's hearts, and his achievements and personality have also been recognized and loved by more people.

Wei Shen of Peking University had dinner with his family in the restaurant, only eating steamed buns and not vegetables, and living a simple, thrifty and thrifty life

With the support of his family and the blessing of netizens, he will continue to chase his dreams, whether it is exploring in the ocean of mathematics or moving forward in the journey of life, he will go wider and wider.

Wei Shen of Peking University had dinner with his family in the restaurant, only eating steamed buns and not vegetables, and living a simple, thrifty and thrifty life

Thank you netizens for their care and support, and wish Wei Dongyi's future full of infinite possibilities.


Wei Shen of Peking University had dinner with his family in the restaurant, only eating steamed buns and not vegetables, and living a simple, thrifty and thrifty life

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