
The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!

author:Poison Crow Movie
The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!


The Englishman is a western to watch, although it can be confusing and circuitous at times.

But the wonderful performances and panoramic scenery of the two protagonists in the film are enough to satisfy anyone's pursuit of beauty.

The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!

Cornelia Rourke (Emily Blunt) is as green as an unripe wheat plant, and she shows up in this deserted place with a satchel full of money.

The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!

She has an irrational but desperate desire to take care of the killer of her son.

Cornelia Rourke blames the driver for driving too fast, causing her to get motion sickness.

But he was told that this was the most dangerous wilderness in the United States, and that if he was caught by the murderous Indians, he would be better off dying.

Cornelia Rourke said she had never met any Indians along the way.

At this moment, the innkeeper moved away, and an Indian was hanging behind him.

The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!

And the reason he was hanging here was simply that the other party walked straight into the hotel and wanted to have a drink.

Although the Indian was very polite, the innkeeper said that he never looked at the person's mannerism, only at the color of her skin.

The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!

Cornelia stepped forward to ask, and it was Eli, who had been left in the army, who was hanging.

He stood on tiptoe and turned to look at her, and when he learned that she was single, Eli advised her not to meddle in her business, for she was no longer able to protect herself.

Cornelia wanted to buy the Indian.

But at this time, the store manager smiled, saying that he had been waiting for her to understand her dangerous situation.

Cornelia didn't seem to understand his words and turned to look at Eli who was hanging, thinking that freeing the Indians would cause danger to him, but the next second he was directly stunned by a big slap from the innkeeper......

The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!

It turned out that the innkeeper had long taken a fancy to her beauty and the cash she carried.

The innkeeper, who got his wish, was in a good mood and released Eli and told him to follow the carriage back to the nearest reservation, where he seized his horses......

The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!

For Eli, survival begins with his retirement.

Without a uniform, he was just a barbarian in the eyes of the whites, after all, he served on the side of the enemy and thus participated in the genocide of the aborigines.

But, whether he likes it or not, he is a man with a righteous heart but a stain.

The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!

Regardless of his intentions, past and attitude: his happiness ended with military service.

But at this time Rai did not intend to leave his horse and few possessions to go anywhere......

So when a twist of fate frees him from the stagecoach, he goes back to fetch his horse and possessions while shooting the man who threatens to kill Cornelia.

Thinking that this is a sign that they should travel together, Cornelia begs Eli for help.

The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!

Because she is too pitiful and naïve, she is likely to kill herself.

So Eli agreed to travel with her.

But only a short walk.

The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!

However, as the two of them move towards their respective destinies, they encounter all sorts of hardships, struggles, and lengthy conversations.

The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!

Like a raw onion, peel back the layers of their complex lives.

In the series, the coordination of the male and female protagonists is incredible.

It is a slow-burning and tragic romantic love between them.

The heroine is surprisingly mean and deep when necessary, while Eli says "none of my business".

But he always unconsciously turns things into his own business.

Cornelia seemed like a fish out of water, carrying a large bag of cash in her satchel on the carriage.

The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!

It seems that this is not enough to make her a target.

She even wore gorgeous costumes and delicate cosmetics to make no secret of her wealth.

Every character around her has traces of physical labor or battle on their faces and clothes, which contrasts with Cornelia's demure appearance.

Even after committing a horrific act of violence, Cornelia seems to feel upset and guilty.

The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!

In a world full of violence, she is the tipping point between civility and barbarism.

This film shows the life of women in the Old West more realistically.

The West is not a good place, and the villains are waiting at every turn to rob you, kill you, steal your horse, or give you to someone else for some kind of reward.

The film is bleak to say the least, but there are also lighthearted and charming moments.

However, it is not for the faint of heart, as it is violent and targets not only people, but also animals.

The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!

In contrast to the articulate Cornelia, Eli maintains a stoic image for most of the miniseries.

Eli's calm personality may have been the result of his military training, and he hid not only the grief of losing a loved one, but also the burden of oppression he experienced as a Native American.

The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!

Despite his military service, he still finds himself hunted in many cases, surviving by his cunning and Cornelia's loyalty.

Unlike typical revenge stories, The Englishman focuses on the friendship formed between the two protagonists rather than revenge itself, which can be explained by the unattainable nature of revenge.

The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!

Although violence is second nature to some and unthinkable to others, retribution rarely satisfies seekers as much as they expect.

The Englishman tells us that the best way to heal pain and loss is to build relationships with those who are still here.

It's not a light-hearted drama, but it will touch you and force you to be angry and cry.

It will make you see the power and it will also bring darkness, so deep until you too can feel the warmth, and this warmth will gradually transcend everything.

The scale is wide open, the whole process is uncensored, there is something in this drama!