
Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!

author:CiCi sees the world
Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!

Text| CiCi sees the world

Edit | CiCi sees the world

Before going to college, I was looking forward to a good campus life, some schools sounded famous, you think the campus environment must be good, and only when you get to find out, how to drop, is this school still a minor called "Xiuxian"?

Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!

If you look at the university on the map, it is hidden between the mountains and mountains, and the campus buildings are also quite ancient, and it is not an exaggeration to say that there are gods and hermits cultivating immortals here!

When many universities expanded, the urban areas where land was scarce could no longer accommodate the newly built campuses, so they had to build in the suburbs! For example, the High School Affiliated to the Central Academy of Fine Arts, which our art students yearn for, is located in Yanjiao, Hebei Province, and the High School Affiliated to the China Academy of Fine Arts is placed in Xiangshan in Zhuantang!

The High School Attached to the China Academy of Art is on the campus of Gome, and the United States is beautiful, but because it is too remote, it was complained by the senior sister as a "rural prison".

The so-called good mountains and good water are so boring!

Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!

This is the law school of Zhejiang University? I thought it was some kind of magic academy! This cold feeling of isolation is really not a place for Muggles to go!

Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!
Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!

There are mountains and waterfronts, and it should be quite rewarding to catch up with the sea after class! It's just that it's more comfortable to be a hermit who cultivates immortals than to be a fisherman!

Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!
Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!

It's too normal for schools in the south to be built on the side of the mountain, and Kean University in Wenzhou is also built on the side of the mountain alone, and the surrounding environment and campus are very beautiful, but I don't know if the takeaway can be called?

Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!
Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!

↑ When you get to this kind of university, you can concentrate on studying without distractions, and it is not a dream for the new graduate school to go ashore! ↑

Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!

↑ When I go to school for the first time, when the car drives farther and farther, and the more remote it is, will my heart get colder and colder? ↑

Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!

↑ Universities in Yunnan, you can see snow-capped mountains on campus! ↑

Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!

↑This school is as beautiful as a Chinese painting↑

Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!
Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!

↑ Does this look a bit like Xinjiang? Beauty is beautiful, but there is a feeling of being assigned to the frontier! ↑

Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!

↑ If you're not happy, go to the surrounding mountains to eat some soil? This experience is Northwest yes! ↑

Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!
Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!

↑ This look is Guilin, which is the best in the world, this is really living in the scenic spot! ↑

Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!

↓The mountains in the north have the taste of the north, just this scenery, I asked the students in the south if they are envious? ↓

Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!
Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!

↑ Who would have thought that the above comment was a student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University? I thought I was going to the bustling city, but it turned out that this campus is so remote! ↑

Look at the location of your school before you go to college, hahaha! It may be possible to "cultivate immortals" remotely!

For those of you who are going to fill in the volunteers, don't you know that the geographical location of the school is not in your consideration? If you like the prosperity of the world, then be careful to avoid these "immortal" schools!

If you like beautiful scenery near mountains and rivers, that's great, there are a lot of schools like this to choose from!

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