
Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

author:Laughing oranges
Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community


The academic community has set off stormy waves! Peking University mathematics professor openly questioned young scholars, is academic criticism a catalyst or a stumbling block? Let's uncover the secrets behind this turmoil!


01. Professors and young scholars of Peking University

There has been a recent storm in the academic world, when Yuan Xinyi, a professor in the Department of Mathematics at Peking University, publicly questioned the paper of a young scholar, Jiang Ping. The controversy quickly became the focus of attention both inside and outside the academic community, sparking a heated debate about academic norms and critical culture.

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

The cause of the incident was that Professor Yuan Xinyi discovered some key mistakes while reading Jiang Ping's mathematical papers. As an internationally renowned mathematician, Professor Yuan believes that these mistakes are not trivial, but seriously affect the overall value and credibility of the paper. He pointed out that mathematics, as a rigorous subject, does not tolerate any negligence or sloppiness. Professor Yuan decided to make this discovery public, not only to correct the mistake, but also to maintain the rigor and impartiality of the academic community.

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

In the face of such public skepticism, the response of the young scholar Jiang Ping shows her academic literacy and growth potential. She humbly accepted Professor Yuan's criticism and admitted that there were indeed some deficiencies in the paper. Jiang Ping promised to carefully study the comments put forward by Professor Yuan and further revise and improve the paper. She also expressed her desire to have more in-depth academic exchanges with Professor Yuan, showing the humility and desire for knowledge that a young scholar should have.

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

This academic controversy has led to more people thinking: how should academic criticism be conducted? Will public skepticism discourage young scholars? How can academia find a balance between rigor and inclusion? The answers to these questions may affect the future direction of the entire academic community. And what is the final outcome of this turmoil, and what impact will it have on the academic community? Let's move on!

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

02. The double-edged sword of academic criticism

The incident of Peking University professor Yuan Xinyi openly questioning the paper of young scholar Jiang Ping just allows us to see the two sides of academic criticism.

For young scholars, criticism is actually a catalyst for growth. It helps them identify their shortcomings, correct mistakes, and improve their research. Think about it, without the guidance of their predecessors, how can young people find their way in the vast academic world? Although criticism may be uncomfortable, it is precisely this kind of "good medicine and bitter mouth" that can make young scholars grow faster.

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

However, the online perception of this incident is not one-sided. Proponents see Professor Yuen as a role model for the academic community by being rigorous and responsible. Opponents fear that public questioning will discourage young people, arguing that this approach is a bit too harsh. This debate reflects a deeper question: Where are the boundaries of academic criticism?

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

Indeed, criticism needs to be measured. too weak to play a role in error correction; Too drastic, and it can kill the spark of innovation. So, how to find a balance between maintaining academic norms and protecting the enthusiasm of young scholars? There is no standard answer to this question, and it needs to be explored by the entire academic community.

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

Perhaps, we need to build a more open and inclusive academic atmosphere. In this atmosphere, questioning and criticism are seen as a normal part of academic communication, rather than attacks or humiliation. Young scholars don't have to be afraid to make mistakes because they know that even if they do, there is an opportunity to correct and grow. At the same time, senior scholars will also pay more attention to ways and means when criticizing, and strive to point out problems and give encouragement.

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

Building such an academic environment is not an easy task, but it is essential to advancing academic development. Think about it, if everyone could face criticism calmly and have the courage to question authority, would the academic community be more dynamic? If criticism is always constructive, will young scholars be more motivated to explore the unknown?

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

03. From the case to the big picture

The academic controversy between Professor Yuan Xinyi and Jiang Ping seems to be just an ordinary academic discussion, but in fact it reveals a series of deep-seated problems in China's academic environment. The turmoil is like a litmus test, shining a light on the many hidden dangers in the academic world: academic misconduct occurs from time to time, there are loopholes in the evaluation system, and the distribution of resources is not fair enough. These problems are like reefs that hinder the progress of China's academic community.

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

Solving these problems is not something that can be done by one person or organization alone. We need the government, universities, research institutions and every scholar to work together to build a healthy academic ecosystem. Imagine if we could all work together, would we have a spring in academia?

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

In this process, the government should play a guiding and supporting role. Increase investment in scientific research, improve relevant laws and regulations, and provide a good external environment for academic development. Universities and scientific research institutions need to establish a more fair and scientific evaluation system, eliminate academic exaggeration, and encourage real learning. Have you ever wondered if the evaluation criteria were more reasonable, would it inspire more scholars to innovate?

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

At the same time, we also call on every scholar to uphold their academic conscience and abide by academic ethics. Academic research is not for fame and fortune, but for the purpose of exploring truth and promoting human progress. If everyone could have this original intention, would our academic environment become more pure and vibrant?

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

It is an urgent task to improve academic norms and evaluation systems. We need to establish more scientific and reasonable evaluation criteria, not only focusing on the number of papers published, but also on the quality and actual contribution of research. Think about it, if our evaluation system can truly reflect academic value, will more talented scholars stand out?

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

China's academic development is at a critical juncture. We have world-class talents, a strong economic foundation, and a determination to pursue excellence. As long as we can face up to the problems and have the courage to reform, we will certainly be able to push China's academic circles to new heights.

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community


Finally, let's work together to create a vibrant academic environment where criticism and criticism are opportunities to learn, and questioning and being questioned are ladders of progress. I believe that in the near future, we will see more scholars like Yuan Xinyi and Jiang Ping who dare to face problems and pursue the truth.

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

There is no end to the academic path, only continuous progress. Let us take this event as an opportunity to reflect, learn and grow, and jointly contribute to the prosperity and development of Chinese academics. The academic world of the future will be broader and brighter because of our efforts today!

Dear readers, what do you think of this academic turmoil? How should academic criticism be conducted? Feel free to share your views in the comment section!

Question it again! Yuan Xinyi, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, posted an article commenting on Jiang Ping, claiming that it was for the justice of the mathematics community

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