
Ensuring the safety of urban flood drainage: Sanitation workers in the central urban area urgently responded to heavy rainfall

author:Jiang Han style

Jiang Hanfeng reported: On July 1, affected by the short-term heavy rainfall in the central urban area, the urban management departments of various districts in the central urban area urgently dispatched sanitation staff to quickly clean up the garbage of road manhole covers and rainwater grates in the jurisdiction, keep the water unobstructed, and ensure the safety of the people.

Ensuring the safety of urban flood drainage: Sanitation workers in the central urban area urgently responded to heavy rainfall

"Water accumulation at the intersection of Jiangjin Road and Wude Road has caused roadside garbage cans to float, please deal with it quickly." The Jingzhou District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau received feedback from the public and quickly arranged for sanitation workers to rush to the area to deal with it. The urban management of Jingzhou District has taken road section by road inspection, cleaned up the debris on the road and sidewalks in a timely manner, comprehensively cleaned up the garbage in the low-lying areas of the road, and cleaned up the garbage around the rainwater grate.

Ensuring the safety of urban flood drainage: Sanitation workers in the central urban area urgently responded to heavy rainfall

"Gongnong Road, Gongqing Road, Baiyun Road and other sections used to be water-prone points, please arrange personnel to deal with the garbage of road manhole covers and rainwater grates." The Shacheng District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau deployed in advance and arranged for various sanitation companies to organize young and strong sanitation personnel to clean up the garbage from manhole covers and rainwater grates in their jurisdictions, so as to avoid water accumulation on the roads as much as possible. According to the relevant person in charge of the bureau, in general, this kind of flooded area does not dare to let the sanitation workers go over to clean up, for fear that there will be circuits in the deep water, and the wading operation will be dangerous, so arrange experienced, young and strong sanitation workers as much as possible to deal with it.

Ensuring the safety of urban flood drainage: Sanitation workers in the central urban area urgently responded to heavy rainfall

At the same time, under the unified command of the Municipal Urban Management Law Enforcement Committee, the Municipal Municipal Environmental Sanitation Center responded quickly, dispatched all staff, actively participated in the flood drainage work, and cooperated with the Municipal Housing and Urban Renewal Bureau to ensure the safety of citizens. In order to cope with the continuous rainy weather, the urban management staff in the urban area will continue to stick to the front line, and then inspect, reinforce, and control to ensure the safety of urban flood drainage.

(Reporter: Wang Ziyao  Correspondent: Tang Haijuan , Li Mengxue/Editor: Wang Xiangming/First Instance: Tang Jie/Second Instance: Wang Taofang/Third Instance: Jiang Min)

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