
Carry forward the core values of socialism|Warm love with blood, love warms the world

author:Jiang Han style

Jiang Hanfeng reported: At ten o'clock in the morning of July 1, Jingzhou City's "Caring Enterprise Blood Donation Month Activity" was officially launched, and the representatives of enterprises on the scene jointly passed the torch of love and carried forward the humanitarian spirit of selfless dedication, mutual assistance and friendship. At the event site, under the guidance of the staff of the blood station in the city center, volunteers lined up in an orderly manner, filled in the form for registration, measured blood pressure, and conducted preliminary screening tests in turn, actively participated in unpaid blood donation, and lit up the hope of life with love.

Carry forward the core values of socialism|Warm love with blood, love warms the world

Wang Hang, an employee of Jingzhou Huachao Automobile Trade Co., Ltd., introduced: Every year, Mr. Yang will tell us about the benefits of blood donation to our body, and now blood is more urgently needed, and I hope that our blood can help more people in need.

Ran Yunbing, a security guard at Zhuyeshan Property, introduced: Everyone gives a love, and I hope that my blood can help other people and help more people.

Carry forward the core values of socialism|Warm love with blood, love warms the world

The event was attended by more than 90 caring teams and enterprises, including Jingzhou Central Blood Station, Jingzhou Huachao Automobile Trade Co., Ltd., and Jingzhou Zhuye Mountain Bike World.

Carry forward the core values of socialism|Warm love with blood, love warms the world

Liao Liming, an investor of Jingzhou Huachao Automobile Trade Co., Ltd., introduced: It is a positive promotion for our company's employees, the embodiment of love, and calls on all caring enterprises to launch our heat and drive more caring people, so that we can save more people and achieve better love transmission effect.

Summer is the off-season for unpaid blood donation, but there is still a high demand for blood in hospitals. In the "Caring Enterprise Blood Donation Month", the Jingzhou Central Blood Station will go to various caring teams and enterprises to carry out blood donation activities to encourage more people to participate in the activities.

Carry forward the core values of socialism|Warm love with blood, love warms the world

Mao Guoqing, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of Jingzhou Central Blood Station, introduced: This is the first time we have organized caring enterprises to carry out activities in Jingzhou City, I did not expect so many enterprises to participate in the registration, and we hope that more caring enterprises will join the ranks of unpaid blood donation.

(Reporter: Xu Shizhe, Han Yujiu/Editor: Wang Xiangming/First Instance: Tang Jie/Second Instance: Wang Taofang/Third Instance: Jiang Min)

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