
The review has fallen! The Shanghai Composite Index rose nearly 1%, and real estate stocks strengthened! Netizen: Welcome to the good start of A-share July

author:The post-00s have become old aunts


On July 1, the financial community reported that as of the close on July 1 (Monday), the Shanghai Composite Index rose 0.92% to 2994.73 points, the Shenzhen Component Index rose 0.57% to 8899.17 points, the ChiNext Index fell 0.04% to 1682.69 points, and the Science and Technology 50 Index fell 0.35% to 709.6 points. The total turnover of the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges was 658.071 billion yuan.

Many media have reported the news one after another, which has aroused great attention and heated discussions among netizens.

The review has fallen! The Shanghai Composite Index rose nearly 1%, and real estate stocks strengthened! Netizen: Welcome to the good start of A-share July

Some netizens said: In line with expectations, welcome the good start of A-share July

As netizens said, the market was not good in June, the Shanghai Composite Index fell below 3,000 points, and it was not easy for the market to usher in a good start on the first day of July.

The review has fallen! The Shanghai Composite Index rose nearly 1%, and real estate stocks strengthened! Netizen: Welcome to the good start of A-share July

Some netizens ridiculed: Financial consumers, have you consumed today?

I have to say that it is indeed inappropriate for the media to refer to shareholders as financial consumers, after all, everyone's original intention to enter the market is to make profits, not to consume.

Of course, to some extent, many investors think they are investing when they first start trading stocks, but later find out that it is speculation, then find out that it is gambling, then find out that it is fraud, and finally know that it is robbery. The media said that consumption is still polite, but I think the media awareness is still not high enough, obviously this is a donation.

The review has fallen! The Shanghai Composite Index rose nearly 1%, and real estate stocks strengthened! Netizen: Welcome to the good start of A-share July

Some netizens commented and asked: If you can make money by speculating in stocks, you have to trust you to even open an account.

However, the nature of the market is such that only a small number of people are likely to make a profit through investment.

The review has fallen! The Shanghai Composite Index rose nearly 1%, and real estate stocks strengthened! Netizen: Welcome to the good start of A-share July

Closer to home, today's stock market is showing a positive trend, with the Shanghai Index in the CSI 300 Index, the main board of China's stock market, reaping nearly 1% gains, and investor sentiment is heating up, especially in the real estate sector. Some leading real estate companies such as Binjiang Group and I Love My Home have a strong daily limit, and special services, hair shares, China Merchants Shekou, Nanguo Real Estate, urban construction development, Gemdale Group and Vanke A have also followed the rise, showing the hot spot focus of the market and signs of industry recovery.

There are many economic driving forces behind the emergence of this series of markets, among which domestic policy support has played a key role. The launch of the trillion-yuan treasury bond issuance plan has directly provided a strong financial guarantee for infrastructure construction investment, which has not only boosted investors' confidence in the real economy, but also injected stable expectations into the stock market. The government's increased investment in infrastructure hints at China's economic growth potential and long-term resilience.

The review has fallen! The Shanghai Composite Index rose nearly 1%, and real estate stocks strengthened! Netizen: Welcome to the good start of A-share July

In addition, today's rare earth permanent magnet concept stocks are also strengthening, Zhongke Magnetics, Huahong Technology, Chuangxing Resources, and Huayang New Materials. With the continuous increase in prospecting efforts, the prospects of the resource industry are promising, which will not only drive the performance growth of relevant listed companies, but also boost the activity of the entire stock market. Moreover, with the advancement of the overseas strategy, mainland enterprises will seek greater international market space, which is undoubtedly a great benefit for those companies with a global layout.

With the steady recovery of domestic consumer demand and the adjustment and optimization of the industry itself, the mainland's financial market will achieve steady development. Today's good performance of the A-share market is not only the result of short-term market sentiment and policy guidance, but also a reflection of China's economic restructuring, transformation and upgrading. Investors should pay close attention to these signals and grasp investment opportunities in a rational manner. Of course, in any case, it is also important to recognize that the volatility of the stock market is always there, and the long-term investment perspective is more important, and you should always remember that "entering the market is risky, and you need to be cautious in investing", do not be blindly confident, and use leverage tools before thinking twice.