
"Red heart forever to the party, silver age to show the glory"! The silver age master presented the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

author:Foshan News

On the morning ......of July 1, 21 silver-aged teams gathered in Foshan Nursing Home to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party with a song and a dance.

With the theme of "Red Heart Forever to the Party, Silver Age Blooming", the celebration of the "July 1st" Silver Age Song and Dance Contest was hosted by Foshan Medical Care and Health Care Industry Development Co., Ltd., undertaken by Foshan News and Media Center, and co-organized by Foshan Branch of China Mobile Guangdong Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Zhongjiangfu Health Industry Co., Ltd.

"Red heart forever to the party, silver age to show the glory"! The silver age master presented the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

The scene of the event.

According to the organizers, nearly 100 teams participated in the competition, and 21 teams finally stood out and entered the finals. The whole event attracted more than 20,000 people to participate in the voting, and the total number of votes reached more than 500,000, which fully demonstrated the enthusiasm and support of the masses for the silver age cultural activities. Through the form of the competition, let the silver-aged group sing the main theme of the times of loving the party and the country, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the silver-aged, and show the enthusiasm and vitality of the silver-aged group.

At the beginning of the event, a group of energetic, innocent and dreamy children danced under the childlike song "The Most Beautiful Eye", and felt their love for the motherland through insight into the beautiful world in the eyes of the children.

"Red heart forever to the party, silver age to show the glory"! The silver age master presented the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

In the center of the stage, the dancers sometimes stand on tiptoe and lift their skirts, sometimes in heroic military postures, and sometimes perform fashion shows in uniform movements...... Among them, the song and dance performance "Our Life is Full of Sunshine" brought by the Dream Dance Team showed the colorful dancing posture of the contestants. As the captain of the Dream Dance Team, Liang Caihua told reporters that their team spent more than a month rehearsing this dance. The reason why I chose this song to participate in the competition is because I deeply realize that under the care of the party, our life is full of sunshine.

"Red heart forever to the party, silver age to show the glory"! The silver age master presented the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

"We are a team that has just been formed, because there is no teacher, the practice process depends on watching videos to learn dance moves, and we are also responsible for choreographing dance formations. Liang Caihua said that participating in this event not only learned the advantages of other teams, but also accumulated more experience in choreographing dances for herself in the future. "I wish the Communist Party of China a happy 103rd birthday, shining with the sun and the moon." Liang Caihua said excitedly.

The Yingshan Red in the chorus song "Yingshan Hong" symbolizes the revolutionary spirit of firm belief and never giving up, and symbolizes a spirit of never giving up, moving forward bravely, striving to forge ahead, and not admitting defeat. It also means the prosperity of the motherland and the prosperity of the country. The captain of the Qiaotou Community Bridge Music Choir of Southwest Street said that the song "Yingshan Hong" was sung to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs and celebrate the party's birthday.

"Red heart forever to the party, silver age to show the glory"! The silver age master presented the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party
"Red heart forever to the party, silver age to show the glory"! The silver age master presented the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

The calligraphy teacher of Foshan Nursing Home waved ink and presented a work called "Original Heart" to the party.

"Red heart forever to the party, silver age to show the glory"! The silver age master presented the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

At the event, the first, second and third prizes of the competition were professionally selected by the judges.

"As a state-owned enterprise and a new force in the development of Foshan's silver economy, the medical care and health care company will be based on building a sustainable retirement health care development model and aspire to become a leading retirement health care comprehensive service provider in Foshan." Liu Hongbin, general manager of Foshan Medical Care and Health Care Industry Development Co., Ltd., said that in the future, the company will continue to uphold the tenet of "providing for the elderly, doing something for the elderly, and having fun for the elderly", and through the four core contents of multi-level pension and health management services, cultural and entertainment education experience, recreation and residence service care and lifelong development value, to provide high-quality pension services for the majority of friends in Foshan and other regions, to meet their multi-level and diversified pension needs, and to provide a new type of pension for the silver-haired people in the era of longevity. The trustworthy retirement lifestyle makes the retirement life of Foshan Friends "play" and no longer boring.

On the same day, the "2024 Silver Age Culture Season" was launched at the same time. The song and dance competition is the first event of the cultural season, gathering 21 outstanding silver age song and dance teams in the city, fully showing the unique charm of the silver age family.

"Red heart forever to the party, silver age to show the glory"! The silver age master presented the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party

It is understood that the "2024 Silver Age Cultural Season" will run through the entire third quarter of this year in the form of themed activities: in addition to this song and dance competition, a chess and card competition will also be held in the July cultural and entertainment season; In August, free sub-health testing and health lectures will be provided during the health and wellness season; In September, the style display season will build a stage to show style and self-worth, and show the healthy and upward spiritual outlook of the silver-aged people who are happy and promising.

Text/Sun Jingru, reporter of Foshan News and Media Center