
Literature empowers rural revitalization! Dali Town held a rural revitalization essay competition

author:Foshan News

On the morning of June 29, the launching ceremony of the essay contest of "Striving for a New Journey, Gathering 'Li' Millions - Rural Revitalization to See Dali" and the 35th anniversary of the Licheng PEN Club was held in Dali. The event was jointly sponsored by the Rural Revitalization Office of Dali Town, the Publicity, Culture, Sports, Tourism and Education Office, and the atmosphere was warm, attracting many literature lovers to participate.

Literature empowers rural revitalization! Dali Town held a rural revitalization essay competition

Foshan writers call for rural revitalization.

It is reported that according to the deployment of the cultivation of "hundreds of thousands" typical villages in Nanhai District, a total of 11 communities such as Yanbu, Zhongbian and Lidong have been included in the second and third batches of typical village cultivation ranks. At the same time, Dali Town established the Rural Revitalization Promotion Association, set up academic research and talent think tanks, and explored the "micro + aesthetics + university + operation" model, focusing on green and beautiful villages, rural aesthetics, cultural taste, local nostalgia, farmhouse and property foreign trade promotion, promoting high-quality rural revitalization, and accelerating the realization of high-quality, strong, and new vitality of the "central Dali". At present, Dazhen and Fengchi have won the title of "the first batch of typical villages of Guangdong Province's 'Millions of Projects'".

Literature empowers rural revitalization! Dali Town held a rural revitalization essay competition

Writer collection scene.

Literature empowers rural revitalization! Dali Town held a rural revitalization essay competition

Walk into the Dali Rural Revitalization Demonstration Site to visit.

In the wind collection session, the participants visited a number of rural revitalization demonstration sites such as Fengchi, Taiping, Dazhen, and Lidong to gain an in-depth understanding of the achievements of Dali rural revitalization, personally feel the new look and new atmosphere of the countryside, and collect the humanistic history, nostalgia and folk customs of Dali through the interaction with the commentators and the local people. With the development of the visit, Fengchi Revitalization Hall, Taiping Shibu Liu Si Small Garden, Hongwei Bridge Space, Dali City Living Room, Yongzhengtang Copper Culture and Art Center ...... These development cases that reflect the harmony of human settlements and show the wisdom of Dali not only give literature lovers a deeper understanding of the development and changes of Dali, but also become the display object of everyone's exchange and check-in.

Chen Xiongchang, a national second-class writer and a member of the Licheng PEN Club, said after the visit that Dali is not only economically developed, but also does a very good job in the integration of urban and rural development, all the visiting points on the day of the event, the environment is clean and comfortable, the spatial layout is rich in local characteristics, and the cultural heritage is exuded everywhere. Complete the answer sheet of good literature to empower rural revitalization.

As a partner of this essay competition, Licheng PEN Club has been based on the development of Dali, actively engaged in the construction of local cultural undertakings, and has provided a platform for literature lovers to learn and exchange through various activities over the years, which has been highly affirmed by all walks of life in terms of talent incubation and literary exchange activities. In order to cultivate new literary talents, the association has planned three writers' activities on campus this year, inviting well-known writers to the campus and communicating with students face-to-face, which has effectively stimulated students' interest in literature.

A call for papers is attached

Literature empowers rural revitalization! Dali Town held a rural revitalization essay competition
Literature empowers rural revitalization! Dali Town held a rural revitalization essay competition
Literature empowers rural revitalization! Dali Town held a rural revitalization essay competition

Text/Foshan News and Media Center reporter Li Hongling Correspondent Chen Yanting

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