
Multi-image direct hit | Xingtan right beach is fishing! The special brand of yellow croaker food is coming

author:Foshan News
Multi-image direct hit | Xingtan right beach is fishing! The special brand of yellow croaker food is coming

Fishing site.

On July 1, the fishing moratorium in the Pearl River Basin of Guangdong ended and ushered in the full opening of fishing. On the same day, Youtan Village, Xingtan Town, held the opening ceremony of the fifth "Open Fishing Festival" and the first "Yellow Croaker Festival".

Multi-image direct hit | Xingtan right beach is fishing! The special brand of yellow croaker food is coming

The fifth "Open Fishing Festival" and the first "Yellow Croaker Festival" in Youtan Village, Xingtan Town opened.

Multi-image direct hit | Xingtan right beach is fishing! The special brand of yellow croaker food is coming
Multi-image direct hit | Xingtan right beach is fishing! The special brand of yellow croaker food is coming

Fishing site.

Huang Yunchu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Youtan Village, said that Youtan Village will take advantage of the opportunity of the fishing festival to adhere to the concept of green development, strengthen the protection and rational utilization of fishery resources, actively introduce and promote new technologies and models of fishery aquaculture, and continuously improve fishery production efficiency and product quality. At the same time, Youtan Village will also pay attention to the excavation and inheritance of fishery culture, and enhance the cultural confidence and sense of belonging of fishermen by holding various fishery cultural activities.


Multi-image direct hit | Xingtan right beach is fishing! The special brand of yellow croaker food is coming

Fishing site.

Multi-image direct hit | Xingtan right beach is fishing! The special brand of yellow croaker food is coming

Fishing site.

The establishment of the "Yellow Croaker Festival" is the affirmation and inheritance of Youtan Village's characteristic fishery resources. As a special aquatic product of Youtan Village, yellow croaker has won the love of consumers with its delicious taste and rich nutritional value. Huang Yunchu introduced that the "Yellow Croaker Festival" is not only to show the fishery achievements of Youtan Village, but also to respond to the call of the "Millions of Projects" to create "one village and one characteristic", promote the transformation and upgrading of the fishery industry, create a fishery culture brand with the characteristics of Youtan Village, further activate the economy of Youtan Village, and promote the common development of fishery and catering industry.

Multi-image direct hit | Xingtan right beach is fishing! The special brand of yellow croaker food is coming
Multi-image direct hit | Xingtan right beach is fishing! The special brand of yellow croaker food is coming
Multi-image direct hit | Xingtan right beach is fishing! The special brand of yellow croaker food is coming

Yellow croaker specialties.

Multi-image direct hit | Xingtan right beach is fishing! The special brand of yellow croaker food is coming

The Right Beach Fishermen's Association was inaugurated.

On the same day, the Right Beach Fishermen's Association was inaugurated. At the event site, the relevant staff also carried out safety education for fishermen.

Text, Pictures, Videos | Qin Zhengpeng, reporter of Foshan News and Media Center

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