
Daliang Xinsong: Commendation of pioneers, praise! Convenient service, warm!

author:Foshan News

On the morning of June 30, the Party Committee of Daliang Xinsong Community, the Xinsong Administrative Service Station, the Xinsong Community Residents' Committee, and the Xinsong Community New Era Civilization Practice Station held the "Party Building Leading and Empowering Driven" - Xinsong Community's "Inheriting the Red Gene and Continuing to Write the Affectionate Affection of Fish and Water" Party-Mass Co-governance Commendation Activity.

Daliang Xinsong: Commendation of pioneers, praise! Convenient service, warm!

Program performances.

Liang Zhiwei, Secretary of the Party Committee of SIASUN Community, summarized the work of SIASUN Community in the first half of the year and paid tribute to the pioneers of the Party and the masses who made selfless contributions to SIASUN Community.

Daliang Xinsong: Commendation of pioneers, praise! Convenient service, warm!
Daliang Xinsong: Commendation of pioneers, praise! Convenient service, warm!
Daliang Xinsong: Commendation of pioneers, praise! Convenient service, warm!

This year, the Xinsong community organized a total of 7 green and beautiful new pine tree planting actions, planting a total of 779 green plants, optimizing the "four small gardens" model built by the party and the masses, and improving the management of homesteads and the improvement of village appearance. At the same time, the "Pine Age" Mutual Aid and Recuperation Project for the Elderly in Xinsong Community has successfully received a grant of 45,000 yuan from the Guangdong Desheng Community Charity Foundation to provide elderly care services such as rehabilitation and health care, cultural entertainment, and social participation at the "doorstep" of the community.

Daliang Xinsong: Commendation of pioneers, praise! Convenient service, warm!


Next, SIASUN community will continue to adhere to the guidance of party building, improve the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organization, further improve the party-mass co-governance mechanism, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of the majority of residents, and jointly build a better SIASUN community.

In order to carry forward the spirit of role model and inspire advanced forces, the Party Committee of Xinsong Community commended the outstanding custodians of the four small gardens of the party and the masses who actively participated in the construction of the four small gardens of the community, and the outstanding volunteers of the vanguard of the party and the masses who actively participated in various volunteer activities.

Daliang Xinsong: Commendation of pioneers, praise! Convenient service, warm!

Group photo.

Interactive Q&A sessions were also set up on the site such as party building knowledge, "Millions of Projects", dengue fever prevention, and three prevention knowledge. In this activity, the Party Committee of Xinsong Community and Donghua Orthopedic Hospital of Shunde District carried out health and convenience free clinic activities, and carried out free orthopedic consultation, on-site diagnosis and treatment of orthopedic diseases, health education and guidance and other health convenience services for residents.

Text, Picture | Qin Zhengpeng, reporter of Foshan News and Media Center, correspondent Xinsong Community

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