
It's China's turn to show off to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them

author:Tech Avril 6O6e

As we all know, the economic blockade of the European and American markets on the mainland is now only limited to chips, and in the face of the research and development and popularization of 5G technology in the mainland, the European and American markets have realized the threat from China's technology and economic field.

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It's China's turn to show off to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them

Today, the Netherlands, once a coachman at sea, has become the world's leading technological power, and almost all of the world's high-tech technologies come from the Netherlands, especially in the field of lithography machines.

According to statistics, the Dutch lithography machine technology has occupied nearly 80% of the world's market share, especially the most sophisticated EUV lithography machine, which is currently only manufactured by ASML in the Netherlands.

It's China's turn to show off to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them

In the past, the mainland hoped to strengthen the economic and technological development of the mainland by strengthening economic and technological exchanges between countries, so the mainland proposed to learn from Europe and send engineers to Europe to visit and study, and wanted to know how to build lithography machines, but China was hit hard by European engineers.

It's China's turn to show off to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them

In the face of Chinese engineers' thirst for knowledge, engineers from European and American countries said to Chinese engineers who came to China to apply for jobs: Even if I give you drawings, you can't make them.

For the mainland, this is undoubtedly a great insult and contempt.

It's China's turn to show off to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them

However, this is not a lie, because whether it is according to the technology of the mainland at that time or according to the national economic level of the mainland, the lithography machine is a huge challenge for the mainland.

It's China's turn to show off to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them

Moreover, the complexity of the lithography machine is not as we think, as long as there are manufacturing drawings can be manufactured, it involves an extremely complex and high-end industrial supply chain, which can not be developed in a short period of time in the mainland.

However, there is no such thing as a permanent lag behind. Nowadays, with the continuous development of the mainland, the mainland has gradually mastered a leading technology in the world, that is, in the development of new energy vehicles.

It's China's turn to show off to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them

Nowadays, the world is advocating green life and green development, and new energy vehicles have also been advocated by the majority of countries, and now the mainland's new energy vehicles have successfully led the world, and have gradually become the original Netherlands.

It's China's turn to show off to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them

Like lithography machines, behind new energy vehicles is also the entire new energy vehicle industry chain, and European and American countries cannot manufacture new energy vehicles by manufacturing drawings.

It's China's turn to show off to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them

Even if European and American countries want to start with power batteries, most of the main raw materials of batteries come from China.

Just talking about graphite and manganese, the two key mineral raw materials, China accounts for 100% and 93%, and how can Western countries develop.

It's China's turn to show off to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them

The United States, which stands in opposition to China, has also publicly admitted that China's new energy vehicles have stood in the leading position in the world, and almost no country can match it.

It's China's turn to show off to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them

In addition to the main power battery, China's intelligent cockpit and automatic cars are also in the leading position in the world, and no other country can surpass or catch up, which is also the main reason why the mainland's new energy vehicles can lead the world.

It's China's turn to show off to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them

It took China 13 years for China's new energy vehicles to go from 0 to 1 million, but from 1 million to 3 million, it took China only a year and a half, and now, China has only taken 9 months from 3 million to 5 million.

It's China's turn to show off to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them

It can be seen that the development speed of China's new energy vehicle industry is rising rapidly.

In recent years, China's automobile exports have surpassed Japan's, ranking first in the world. Now, mainland engineers are as confident as the engineers of European and American countries at the beginning, saying that even if the drawings are given to you, you will not be able to build them.

It's China's turn to show off to Europe: give you drawings, and you won't be able to make them

From the chip blockade to China's new energy vehicles today, this not only shows China's development speed in recent years, but also shows that China will not be easily blocked by technology and shackle its own development.

Now, in the wave of intelligence and advanced leading the world, China's new energy vehicles are stepping into the center of the world stage, and it also shows the next new development opportunities for the mainland.

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