
China's sale of "NATO weapons" in Paris and its open seizure of the US and Russian markets were praised by the RAND Corporation

author:Tech Avril 6O6e

At the "European International Defense Exhibition" held in Paris recently, China's weapons were killed in all directions, and this year China has a purpose, and wants to show its talents in the field of military weapons, you must know that at the last European Defense Exhibition, only 10 Chinese military enterprises from the mainland went to participate, and this time China participated in the European Defense Exhibition, a total of 61 enterprises participated in the European Defense Exhibition.

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China's sale of "NATO weapons" in Paris and its open seizure of the US and Russian markets were praised by the RAND Corporation

Two heavy guns of China's northern military-industrial enterprises have aroused the interest of other countries, namely the PLZ-52 self-propelled howitzer and the SH-15 truck gun, both of which are self-propelled artillery of the People's Liberation Army and use the Nordic standard 155mm caliber, which shows that China also has the strength of self-made artillery.

China's sale of "NATO weapons" in Paris and its open seizure of the US and Russian markets were praised by the RAND Corporation

Not only that, researchers from the RAND Corporation are also full of praise for the two howitzers launched by the mainland, believing that China's weapons are making rapid progress, and compared with weapons from other countries, China's weapons are more advanced and the price is more advantageous.

China's sale of "NATO weapons" in Paris and its open seizure of the US and Russian markets were praised by the RAND Corporation

As we all know, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is still ongoing, Russia is a large arms exporter, but with the attrition of the war, Russia also has to focus on the manufacture of its own weapons.

China's sale of "NATO weapons" in Paris and its open seizure of the US and Russian markets were praised by the RAND Corporation

In the past few years, China has also made some progress in the research and development of weapons and equipment, so it wants to open up a new world in the weapons and equipment market.

China's sale of "NATO weapons" in Paris and its open seizure of the US and Russian markets were praised by the RAND Corporation

But as far as the current situation is concerned, China's self-made howitzers are unlikely to be sold to NATO member countries, because these countries will still be constrained by the United States, but for the Middle East and African market, China's howitzers are more competitive, because China's weapons and equipment are both advanced and affordable, which is a very good choice for the Middle East and Africa Middle East and African countries to buy weapons and equipment from China, but also to reduce dependence on American weapons.

China's sale of "NATO weapons" in Paris and its open seizure of the US and Russian markets were praised by the RAND Corporation

Therefore, there is still a chance for Chinese weapons to compete for a share in the international market, and the development of Chinese weapons should not be underestimated.

Although China does not want wars to occur frequently in the world, as long as there are hegemonic countries like the United States and other countries, it must always be on guard and should have corresponding weapons and equipment at hand, and it cannot be empty-handed, otherwise it can only raise its hands and surrender when other countries hit its own territory.

China's sale of "NATO weapons" in Paris and its open seizure of the US and Russian markets were praised by the RAND Corporation

China can also take advantage of Russia's declining market share in arms exports to show the strength of China's weapons and equipment, so as to occupy more market share, which is good for China's military and economy.

China's sale of "NATO weapons" in Paris and its open seizure of the US and Russian markets were praised by the RAND Corporation

However, China has a long way to go on the road of arms exports, because at present China's arms market share in the international market is relatively small, and the strength of China's weapons is still far from that of Russia and the United States, so China must continue to strengthen its weapons and equipment and develop more advanced weapons with high combat effectiveness.

China's sale of "NATO weapons" in Paris and its open seizure of the US and Russian markets were praised by the RAND Corporation

Some netizens believe that China's arms should not fight a price war, especially if the weapon technology is high, the price should be raised, otherwise it will disrupt the market.

China's sale of "NATO weapons" in Paris and its open seizure of the US and Russian markets were praised by the RAND Corporation

However, some netizens believe that even if Chinese weapons are not sold, they can bring down the price of weapons in the United States, which is also beneficial to other countries.

China's sale of "NATO weapons" in Paris and its open seizure of the US and Russian markets were praised by the RAND Corporation

China also sells weapons in the hope that it will enable those weak and small countries to buy weapons at a very high cost performance, so as to enhance their own defense capabilities, avoid being bullied by hegemonism, and at the same time enhance China's international influence.

China's sale of "NATO weapons" in Paris and its open seizure of the US and Russian markets were praised by the RAND Corporation

Although China has a bright future on the road of arms exports, it is also facing very fierce market competition, and if we want to improve China's position in the arms market, we need to continuously improve our weapons and equipment technology, and only when China becomes stronger and stronger can we have more say and status in this international community, and in the future, China should also learn from Russia in the manufacture of advanced weapons and equipment, and I believe that China will one day shine in the arms market.

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