
finally understood why the Chinese U17 men's basketball team reversed France, and after reading the analysis, it suddenly became clear

author:Liaoning fans in Guangdong


finally understood why the Chinese U17 men's basketball team reversed France, and after reading the analysis, it suddenly became clear. Netizens hotly discussed and pointed out: This game gives me the feeling that the boys dare to play and dare to make moves, have strong psychological quality, and it is natural to get the ball and break through the dribble and transmit the ball. More than 50% of the two-point shooting rate, one-third of the three-point shooting rate, and more than 80% of the free throw shooting rate, played a level; fell behind several times, competed and overtaken, and played the will; Dare to make moves, not afraid of confrontation, and play with spirit. Yao Ming's campus basketball is good, but you don't watch it, the middle school students won the game against Greece, and this year's U17 and last year's U19 played well. The men's basketball team will have to watch the post-05 generation in the future, don't stare at the current men's basketball team.

finally understood why the Chinese U17 men's basketball team reversed France, and after reading the analysis, it suddenly became clear

Regardless of the content of the game, whether it is ahead or behind, this passion has not been seen in the national team for many years. After watching the first half, no one thought they could win! The situation changed abruptly in the third quarter, and in the fourth quarter, he was able to bite the score tightly, and stabilize the offense and defense at the critical moment, which was too unexpected! The boys play very confidently, dare to rush and grab, and are full of vitality, and the senior national team can be so good. Our young generation sees hope, and hopes that the adults of each club will promote and train new talents, and those who have talent and strength will try abroad as soon as possible. I watched the first two quarters and felt that China was two notches weaker than them, but the guys' basic skills were really good.

finally understood why the Chinese U17 men's basketball team reversed France, and after reading the analysis, it suddenly became clear

Is the Chinese team U series able to play some results and win strong teams, but in the end, these people are all high and low, such as Wang Zhelin, Zhou Qi and the like, these young people beat the current NBA All-Stars, but now? It really feels like sometimes the Chinese reach their peak at 18, and the foreign ones reach their peak at 30. Facts have proved that competitive sports are still pure, don't make people sophisticated, and let the players play freely, which is one of the reasons why the youth team has good results. The Chinese U17 men's basketball team narrowly defeated the world's second-ranked French team, which on the surface seems to be an upset, which essentially proves that the Chinese team is making rapid progress, and the French men's basketball team has regressed.

finally understood why the Chinese U17 men's basketball team reversed France, and after reading the analysis, it suddenly became clear

The U17 boys played really well against France, with a comprehensive attack and defense, a very confrontational game, Zhang Boyuan, Xun Sinan had a big heart at a critical moment, helping China defeat France, and injecting a shot of strength into the overall period when Chinese basketball was at a low point. Our U17 team is quite a surprise! Talented, dare to fight, can run and jump. The skills and tactics are still underpolished, but at least they won't be very messy, and their performance in this kind of competition is much better than that of the national team. The vast majority of basketball coaches in China are based on this virtue and only care about their immediate results. In terms of seniority, young people are not given or given fewer opportunities.

finally understood why the Chinese U17 men's basketball team reversed France, and after reading the analysis, it suddenly became clear

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