
The law of male and female interaction: marriage after the age of 30 is "ripe"

author:Harui Murakami
The law of male and female interaction: marriage after the age of 30 is "ripe"

Recently, I ate a very cute melon in the entertainment industry:

Xiao Huo, an old-fashioned and old cadre, is introverted and not good at socializing.

Independent, confident, and outgoing, Kobayashi who is very sociable.

The two have known each other for more than ten years since they were about 20 years old, and they were almost 40 years old when they decided to get married.

The reason for deciding to get married is even more simple: Xiao Huo said, Xiao Lin is the only one who will definitely come out to eat if I ask her to eat.

Xiao Lin said: Xiao Huo is too pitiful, not good at communication, if I don't accompany him out, he won't be able to find anyone to eat.

When the two were young boys and girls, they didn't fall in love or get married, but one day after more than ten years of friendship, they suddenly proposed: Let's get married.

It's as simple as eating a light meal, and the major events in your life are finalized.

Like us in reality?

When people grow up, whether they are in love or married, they like to pick acquaintances to start.

How come people who didn't like it at the beginning suddenly fall in love with them when they reach middle age?

The law of male and female interaction: marriage after the age of 30 is "ripe"


Marriages after the age of 30 are all ripe

After people reach the age of 30, on the one hand, they are urged to marry by their parents, and on the other hand, they are indeed lonely.

My career has reached a bottleneck, I have some savings in hand, I don't need to work so hard, and I don't have so much passion, but I still have a long life to go through.

The more you see through life, the more you have no desires, the more lonely you are.

This kind of loneliness will be vented once you meet former classmates and old friends.

Maybe you don't like each other that much, but you certainly don't hate each other.

And you have the same environment, you have a common topic, and you know each other well.

There is no need for disguise, no need for compliments, it is simply an excellent object to reminisce about the past, complain about the present, pass the loneliness, and vent emotions.

Don't worry about the other party's ulterior motives, "What are you, I don't know"?

Each has its own black history, little handles.

Get along without scruples, but show more true temperament.

With such a mode of getting along, it is only a matter of time before they fall in love.

So, after the age of 30, one day I met a former acquaintance.

Maybe you don't know yourself, why are you so eager to chat with him, how do you find him more fun and interesting than before?

If you think about it carefully, the two of them are single, get along happily, and come out of another place, so if you know the roots, then you can live together.

So we hit it off and got married.

Therefore, the older the unmarried person, the easier it is to find acquaintances around him.

This is probably the way to finally get love, and it can be considered romantic to reunite after many years and fall in love for a long time.

The law of male and female interaction: marriage after the age of 30 is "ripe"


Why people after the age of 30,

Love or marriage choose to kill ripe?

After the age of 30, the second reason for finding acquaintances is: reality.

Because living is too realistic, too transparent.

I have seen through the essence of marriage, but it is just two people who can live in harmony and live together for a lifetime.

At the age of 30, I have experienced passion and madness, I have been impulsive for love, I have been hurt, and I have tasted the ups and downs of feelings.

For love, no yearning, no attachment.

As a result, they live a delicate and self-interested life, sober and realistic, and don't want to waste their energy on love.

If you have to choose one person to marry, you don't want to waste time and energy to get along from scratch, a little bit of familiarity and understanding.

Then the circle of acquaintances is simply the best choice.

Everyone knows the roots, the level and level are about the same, and there is a high probability that there will be no principled contradictions in life.

At the age of 30, he has experienced the beatings of work and society, and his temperament is more stable, and he is more mature and stable in handling things.

If at this time, two people can still talk together, then there is a high probability that they will have something to talk about in the future.

You don't need to spend more time to get acquainted, and you don't need to talk about it.

It doesn't take much effort to investigate the background, everyone is from the same hometown, just ask, and the true form will be revealed.

And after the age of 30, everyone's career has basically been finalized, and two people don't need to gamble together, and they don't need to take too many risks.

In the case of similar background, three views, and interests, it is normal for two people to choose to live together together.

And because they have common memories and experiences, they are more emotionally resonant and more able to understand and tolerate each other.

Even if there is no love, you can live a married life like a confidant.

If the two are lucky, they can spark love and find that each other is true love, which is simply a beautiful thing.

Therefore, the love or marriage of adults after the age of 30 is all killing.

It is more convenient, reduces the cost of silence, and reduces the investment risk, and the two are mutually beneficial.
