
After opening for 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners drag their families with their mouths, which is unacceptable to Chinese!

author:The sea breeze views the world

Recently, the mainland has opened up a 144-hour visa-free visa to many countries, which means that it has become easier for foreigners to travel to China. China's beautiful environment, inexpensive prices, and the reputation of the food street has spread among foreign travel experts, and every time a wave of foreigners reluctantly leaves, there will be a larger wave of foreigners who come to visit.

After opening for 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners drag their families with their mouths, which is unacceptable to Chinese!

Recently, this photo of a foreign father taking four children to China has gone viral. In the picture, a white father is carrying a large bag and a small bag, with four children, pay attention, each child is carrying a bag, especially the last boy, the suitcase is almost as high as others, it is obvious that he is very difficult, but the father did not help, and walked in front by himself.

After opening for 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners drag their families with their mouths, which is unacceptable to Chinese!

If this is Chinese, most parents will definitely feel sorry for their children, and would rather run more than let their children carry such heavy luggage.

In addition, you will definitely hold your child close to you, and it is best to be within the range of your eyes to be reassured.

How can a foreigner's heart be so big?

This is formed by cultural differences, generally speaking, there are the following differences in the education of children between China and foreign countries, you can see how many points you have hit.

After opening for 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners drag their families with their mouths, which is unacceptable to Chinese!

1. In the eyes of Chinese parents, what their children do is dangerous, and parents export it: be careful! Dangerous! No! Chinese pay more attention to the safety of their children.

Foreigners, on the other hand, want to cultivate their children's spirit of adventure and teach them to be bold.

After opening for 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners drag their families with their mouths, which is unacceptable to Chinese!

2. Chinese parents take more care of their children, for fear that their children will suffer. Foreign babies, on the other hand, are natural playful, preferring to make friends and mingle with their peers.

After opening for 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners drag their families with their mouths, which is unacceptable to Chinese!

3. Chinese mothers generally dare not let their children stay alone, and they have to hold their backs for fear that the child will bump into them, while foreign babies are put aside by their mothers to play alone, so they will not pester their mothers.

4. The same is to play with the child, the Chinese father is condescending and makes the child "obedient", while the foreign father is more willing to lower the father's posture and become a "peer" with the baby.

After opening for 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners drag their families with their mouths, which is unacceptable to Chinese!

5. When there is a conflict between their two children, Chinese parents will habitually scold Dabao and protect Xiaobao; Foreign mothers, on the other hand, are treated equally, no matter how big or small.

In general, compared to foreigners, Chinese parents are too fond of their children and always want to give their children the best in the world.

After opening for 144 hours of visa-free, foreigners drag their families with their mouths, which is unacceptable to Chinese!

When the child was a child, he sheltered him from the wind and rain, arranged everything and protected him under his wings. When the child grows up and even starts a family, Chinese parents still take care of their children inside and out, and they seem to live for their children all their lives, and there is no trace of their own life at all.

It cannot be said that the Chinese are wrong to do this, this is a tradition formed by the Chinese for thousands of years. This kind of behavior makes Chinese families more cohesive, and children are more filial to their parents, which is the gene engraved in the bones of Chinese, and this is how love is passed down from generation to generation.

The stocking of babies by foreigners and the care of babies by traditional Chinese are just a way of life, and there is no superiority or inferiority.

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