
Completely angry! Big S changes hexagram rarely appear on camera to brush up on the sense of existence, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Zhang Lan to see her grandson

author:Witness to history

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Completely angry! Big S changes hexagram rarely appear on camera to brush up on the sense of existence, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Zhang Lan to see her grandson

At first, Da S was full of enthusiasm and applied for Taiwan compatriot permits for his children in a hurry, as if he was determined to let the children go to Beijing and share the joy of family with his father Wang Xiaofei.

Completely angry! Big S changes hexagram rarely appear on camera to brush up on the sense of existence, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Zhang Lan to see her grandson

At that time, many people were secretly happy in their hearts, thinking that this family could finally have more warm moments together.

But the world is changing fast, who would have expected that in a blink of an eye, Big S would make a 180-degree turn and resolutely refuse to let children come to Beijing.

This sudden change of hexagram is like a basin of cold water, pouring everyone cold.

Netizens exploded, and all kinds of speculations and doubts poured in.

Completely angry! Big S changes hexagram rarely appear on camera to brush up on the sense of existence, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Zhang Lan to see her grandson

Some people say that Big S may have been disturbed by external factors, some people think that it is her own inner entanglement and contradictions, and some people even wonder if there is some ulterior secret behind it.

But in any case, this incident has made everyone full of doubts about Big S's motives.

Next, let's take a look at Wang Xiaofei's side.

Completely angry! Big S changes hexagram rarely appear on camera to brush up on the sense of existence, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Zhang Lan to see her grandson

This guy has really been through a lot of hardships.

Big S's successive court appearances are as many as 18 times, which is a jaw-dropping frequency.

Every appearance in court is like a mental torture for Wang Xiaofei.

After being entangled in these lawsuits for a long time, his psychological defense gradually collapsed, and anxiety and depression were like two demons that tightly entangled him.

Completely angry! Big S changes hexagram rarely appear on camera to brush up on the sense of existence, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Zhang Lan to see her grandson

There was a time when Wang Xiaofei's physical condition was extremely bad.

The whole person was emaciated, so weak that it was difficult to walk normally, and he had to rely on the support of others to barely move forward.

That kind of helplessness and despair makes people feel distressed just thinking about it.

In those dark days, it was as if he was in a bottomless black hole and could not find an exit.

Completely angry! Big S changes hexagram rarely appear on camera to brush up on the sense of existence, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Zhang Lan to see her grandson

In order to escape the pain of reality for a while, he can only lock himself in his room and watch horror movies one after another.

Those terrifying images and tense plots may allow him to temporarily withdraw his mind from the predicament of reality, even if it is only a moment's respite.

However, life always shines a light on you when you are most desperate.

Completely angry! Big S changes hexagram rarely appear on camera to brush up on the sense of existence, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Zhang Lan to see her grandson

Just when Wang Xiaofei was mired in the quagmire and couldn't extricate herself, Ma Xiaomei appeared.

She is like a warm beam of sunshine, illuminating Wang Xiaofei's gloomy world.

Her company, like a spring breeze, gently but firmly soothed Wang Xiaofei's wounded heart.

With endless patience and care, she dispelled the haze in Wang Xiaofei's heart little by little, and let him regain the courage and confidence in life.

Completely angry! Big S changes hexagram rarely appear on camera to brush up on the sense of existence, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Zhang Lan to see her grandson

With Ma Xiaomei's support, Wang Xiaofei gradually broke free from the painful swamp and stood up again.

As time goes by, the relationship between Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei is also heating up.

They flew to Taiwan hand in hand to pick up their children, and the picture was full of anticipation and hope.

Completely angry! Big S changes hexagram rarely appear on camera to brush up on the sense of existence, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Zhang Lan to see her grandson

Moreover, they are also planning a vacation with Zhang Lan, imagine what a beautiful scene it would be for the family to stroll on the beach happily, enjoying the sun and sea breeze!

Let's talk about Wang Xiaofei's birthday.

It was a lively day.

Completely angry! Big S changes hexagram rarely appear on camera to brush up on the sense of existence, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Zhang Lan to see her grandson

Ma Xiaomei's group of friends came to celebrate his birthday, and the scene was full of laughter and warmth.

Everyone toasted together and sent their most sincere blessings to Wang Xiaofei.

At that moment, Wang Xiaofei's face was filled with a happy smile, which was the joy of seeing the rainbow again after experiencing the wind and rain.

With this big S, it was rare to go online on Wang Xiaofei's birthday, sharing the queen's scepter lipstick.

Completely angry! Big S changes hexagram rarely appear on camera to brush up on the sense of existence, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Zhang Lan to see her grandson

This move immediately attracted everyone's attention and speculation.

Some people think that she is warming up for the upcoming live broadcast to bring goods, trying to attract more eyeballs and traffic with the help of this special day.

After all, in today's entertainment industry, such marketing methods are not uncommon.

But some people think that Big S may simply share the bits and pieces of life, and has no other meaning.

Completely angry! Big S changes hexagram rarely appear on camera to brush up on the sense of existence, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Zhang Lan to see her grandson

However, whatever her true intentions, this act inevitably sparked a lot of discussion in the outside world.

Today, the current situation of Wang Xiaofei and Big S is in stark contrast.

Wang Xiaofei, accompanied by Ma Xiaomei, gradually walked out of the haze and ushered in a new dawn.

The relationship between him and Ma Xiaomei became sweeter and more affectionate, and their careers gradually improved, as if everything was developing in a better direction.

Completely angry! Big S changes hexagram rarely appear on camera to brush up on the sense of existence, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Zhang Lan to see her grandson

As for the big S, although trying to return to the public's field of vision, it is said to be facing a lot of economic pressure.

used to be infinitely beautiful, but now I have to work hard for life, such a gap is really embarrassing.

In fact, looking back on the past of Wang Xiaofei and Big S, it is really emotional.

In the past, they also loved vigorously, but now they have come to such a field.

Completely angry! Big S changes hexagram rarely appear on camera to brush up on the sense of existence, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Zhang Lan to see her grandson

However, life is what it is, full of uncertainties and unknowns.

We can only hope that after going through so many ups and downs, Wang Xiaofei can truly know how to cherish the happiness in front of her and become stronger and more mature.

I also hope that Big S can let go of all kinds of grievances and hatreds in the past and think more about the future of the children.

Completely angry! Big S changes hexagram rarely appear on camera to brush up on the sense of existence, and it is becoming more and more difficult for Zhang Lan to see her grandson

Children are innocent, and they need an environment where they can grow up with love and warmth.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or personal infringement, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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