
On the north side of Baoying women and children, a man is in trouble!

author:Today's Baoying net Tianhe

A few days ago, the Anyi Squadron of the Traffic Police Brigade of the Baoying County Public Security Bureau conducted a routine drunk driving inspection on the north side of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

On the north side of Baoying women and children, a man is in trouble!
On the north side of Baoying women and children, a man is in trouble!

In the face of this abnormal move, the police immediately decided to pursue the parties separately. In the end, the suspect was arrested on the south side of Yuese in Hexiang. The police then conducted an alcohol breath test, and the test result was 135mg/100ml, and then the police took the person to the People's Hospital to take a blood sample, and the result was 97.5mg/100ml, which had reached the standard for drunk driving.

On the north side of Baoying women and children, a man is in trouble!
On the north side of Baoying women and children, a man is in trouble!

Du Deyu, a police officer from the Anyi Squadron of the Traffic Police Brigade of the Baoying County Public Security Bureau, said that the public security organs will severely punish the behavior of breaking cards and escaping. Baoying traffic police call on everyone, drink and don't drive, don't drink while driving, and create a peaceful and peaceful Baoying.

The case is currently being further processed.

Source | Baoying County Rong Media Center