
When kissing, men have the following 3 reactions, which are often not true love

author:Lingling cuisine

In the romantic and intimate act of kissing, men's reactions often reveal their true feelings. However, not all men's reactions are representative of true love. This article will reveal three possible reactions that a man may exhibit when kissing, but it does not necessarily mean that they are truly in love with each other. Take a look at the secrets behind these reactions.


Kissing is an important part of the relationship between couples to enhance their relationship and cultivate intimacy, and the man's reaction in this process can often reflect the state of their relationship with their partner. However, sometimes these reactions are not always a sign of true love, and below we will reveal three common reactions that men often show when kissing, but they do not necessarily mean that they are truly in love with each other.

When kissing, men have the following 3 reactions, which are often not true love

Reaction 1: Indifferent and calm

When kissing, some men may show a cold and nonchalant attitude. They don't have any strong emotional response, as if they were on a mission. This reaction often hints at how cold they are in their relationship, probably because they are not really invested in the relationship.

Such a man may lack emotional empathy with his partner and be reluctant to form a deeper connection with the other person. They may only see kissing as a superficial form of intimacy, rather than as a true expression of affection. If your partner often shows this kind of cold and calm reaction, then it is likely that he does not have true love for you.

When kissing, men have the following 3 reactions, which are often not true love

Reaction 2: Nervousness

Another common male reaction is to appear cramped and restless while kissing. They may appear confused, hesitant, and may even avoid or avoid kissing scenes.

This reaction often means that men are uncomfortable with intimacy, which may be due to inexperience, introversion, or past trauma. They are not comfortable expressing their emotions in a way that makes it difficult for them to release their love from the depths of their hearts. This doesn't necessarily mean that they don't love each other, but it's worth noting that this reaction may be a sign that they need more time and effort in building and maintaining intimacy.

When kissing, men have the following 3 reactions, which are often not true love

Reaction 3: Excessive enthusiasm

Compared to the first two reactions, some men show an overly passionate attitude when kissing. They may engage in behaviors such as strong control, rough lip biting, excessive tongue kissing, etc., to give the other person a feeling of being invaded or controlled.

This reaction often stems from a man's inner insecurity, wanting to prove his masculinity and mastery in a strong and intense way. However, this is not the quality that true love should have. Such men tend to focus only on their own needs and satisfactions and ignore their partner's feelings and needs. Therefore, if your partner shows an overly passionate reaction when kissing, then you need to be wary of whether he is genuinely treating you.
