
It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

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In yesterday's U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final, Zhang Ziyu showed remarkable personal ability, slashing 42 points and 14 rebounds, but unfortunately the Chinese team finally lost to Australia 79-96 and was the runner-up.

It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

Her hard work and the team's hard work were impressive, and even though we lost, their wonderful performance touched every fan deeply.

The Aussies broke down our defence with a combination of inside and outside and deservedly defended their title.

This game is not only a basketball competition, but also a mixture of youth and passion, which makes people excited, looking forward to the next challenge!

On June 30, Beijing time, the U18 women's basketball Asian Cup final was blazing, and the Chinese team and the Australian team launched a thrilling competition.

It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

In the end, the Chinese team lost to Australia 79-96 and had no choice but to settle for second place.

However, the game was much more exciting than you might have imagined, with many of the highlight moments unforgettable.

1. Zhang Ziyu: The amazing performance of a lonely hero

Let's focus on Zhang Ziyu of the Chinese team first, the youngster's performance on the field is simply amazing.

He scored 42 points and grabbed 14 rebounds, which is a luxurious statistic.

It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

Every time she catches the ball under the basket, it is like an unshakable mountain, leaving the Australian team's defenders helpless.

She has a variety of scoring methods, including a tough inside attack, and with her excellent height and strength, she can squeeze the opponent and easily put the ball into the basket; He also moved with nimble footwork, and skillfully turned and hooked under the basket to hit.

Moreover, Zhang Ziyu is also domineering in the scramble for rebounds, jumping high and taking the rebounds into his pocket steadily.

It's a pity that even if she was so brave, she couldn't turn the game around.

It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

But her fighting spirit and outstanding performance undoubtedly let people see the light of hope for the future of the Chinese women's basketball team.

2. The first quarter: a stalemate and fierce confrontation

From the very beginning of the game, the two sides quickly got into the groove.

The girls of the Chinese team were all in high spirits, and their eyes were full of determination and determination.

Australia also showed great quality, with their players working well together and passing the ball quickly and accurately.

It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

The Chinese team did not show weakness, defended tightly, and did not give the opponent the slightest respite.

On the offensive end, the players of the Chinese team actively ran and looked for the best shots.

Every ball is handled with the utmost care and every effort is made to be foolproof.

The Australian team was also aggressive, alternating between the two sides, and neither could quickly gain the upper hand.

It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

In this section, both sides showed a very high level of competition, and the audience on the field was also engrossed, and their hearts were raised to their throats, for fear of missing any wonderful moments.

Third, the second quarter: Australia's strong force

Entering the second section, the wind and clouds suddenly changed.

The Aussies were like beasts awakened in an instant, with a sudden change in tactics and their carefully orchestrated combination of inside and outside began to show incredible power.

The interior players are like steel chariots, with their incomparably strong bodies, rampage, and fiercely impact the basket of the Chinese team.

It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

Every powerful collision brought huge pressure to the Chinese team's defense, causing a series of killings.

And their perimeter players seemed to be enchanted, and their hands felt hot.

The basketball turned into a deadly dart in their hands, hitting three-pointers one after another, and the precise shooting was like a perfect performance that was pre-designed.

The girls of the Chinese team faced the sudden and fierce attack of the Australian team, and instantly fell into a panic and seemed a little caught off guard.

It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

There were glaring holes in the defensive system, allowing Australia to take advantage of their chances and score frequently.

The coach on the sidelines was anxious, his forehead was bruised, and he kept shouting at the top of his voice, trying to turn the situation around through tactical adjustments.

But the Australian team is like a surging torrent at this time, the momentum is like a rainbow, and the offensive momentum is like mercury, without hindrance.

Their passing was swift and precise, and their chemistry was amazing.

It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

The Chinese team tried hard to resist, but it was still difficult to stop the opponent's fierce offensive, and gradually fell into an extremely passive situation.

The audience's mood also became heavy, and every heart was tightly grasped.

Everyone is silently cheering for the Chinese team, hoping that the girls can stabilize their positions as soon as possible and regain the rhythm of the game.

Fourth, the third quarter: Zhang Ziyu's Jedi counterattack

However, the excitement of the game lies in its ups and downs.

In the third quarter, Zhang Ziyu stood up and became the savior of the Chinese team.

It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

She turned the tide on the inside, and carried the team forward by herself.

Every time she scored, she could trigger cheers from the audience, like a shot in the arm, giving the Chinese team hope again.

The rest of the Chinese team was also infected by Zhang Ziyu's fighting spirit and played their best.

They work together more closely and defensively more aggressively.

But at the end of the quarter, the Australian team once again showed their sophistication and composure, and through a few exquisite combinations, they once again overtook the score.

It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

This escalated the suspense of the game again, and the mood of the audience was like a roller coaster.

Fifth, the end: despite defeat, still glorious to the end

Coming to the end of the quarter, the Chinese team did not give up, and they launched a final counterattack.

Every player gave their best, sweat soaking their jerseys.

But Australia's Shears and other players played well, and their scores pierced the Chinese defence time and time again like a sword.

It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

Although the Chinese team lost the game in the end, the tenacious fighting spirit they showed on the field was touching.

When the whistle blew at the end of the game, the girls' eyes were full of regret, but more determined and unyielding.

After the game, there was a frenzy of heated discussions on the Internet.

Netizens expressed their opinions, and some said: "Zhang Ziyu has done her best, she is the mainstay of the future of the Chinese women's basketball team."

It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

Some people also questioned: "Is the tactical arrangement of the Chinese team not flexible enough and does not give full play to the characteristics of each player?" Others sighed: "The overall strength of the Australian team is really strong, and the Chinese team needs more experience in the tournament to improve itself."

But no matter how netizens argue, there is no doubt about one thing, that is, the girls of the Chinese team showed fearless courage and tenacious fighting spirit on the field.

Although they missed out on the championship this time, they gained valuable experience.

It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

Australia's successful title defence is a testament to their deep roots in women's basketball.

But the Chinese team does not need to be discouraged, Zhang Ziyu's outstanding performance is the spark of hope.

I believe that in the coming days, after more training and growth, the Chinese team will be able to raise its eyebrows in the international arena and write its own glorious chapter!

It's hard to stand alone! Zhang Ziyu slashed 42+14, and China lost to Australia in the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup and won the runner-up

This U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup final is not only a game, but also a grinding of growth and a pursuit of dreams.

Let's look forward to the girls of the Chinese team blooming more brilliantly in the future arena!

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