
My wife was admitted to the civil service, and her salary dropped from 16,000 to 6,000, but she began to dislike me

author:Seventy-seven emotional story
My wife was admitted to the civil service, and her salary dropped from 16,000 to 6,000, but she began to dislike me

My wife, Chen Meng, and I have been married for five years. In the past five years, we have experienced many ups and downs together, and our relationship is quite stable. As a result, a public examination directly pulled me into the abyss of nightmares.

Chen Meng used to work in a private company, she is very hard-working and capable, and she can get a salary of 16,000 per month, which is a very good income in our city.

As for me, I work in an ordinary job in a medium-sized company, with a salary of only 13,000, but fortunately, Chen Meng did not dislike me because of this, and our relationship has always been very good. Although our life is not rich, it is also enjoyable.

Chen Meng has always been a very self-motivated woman, although her current achievements are already very good in the eyes of others, but she has always been dissatisfied with her current situation, because she has always had a dream of being a civil servant. She feels that civil servants have stable jobs and good benefits.

Therefore, in his spare time, Chen Meng has been studying hard and wants to be admitted to the civil service. Fortunately, with her efforts, she managed to go ashore. This should have been a happy thing, but I didn't expect it to become the fuse for problems in our marriage.

My wife was admitted to the civil service, and her salary dropped from 16,000 to 6,000, but she began to dislike me

After Chen Meng became a civil servant, his salary dropped from 16,000 to 6,000 all of a sudden. I didn't think it was a big deal, after all, the job was stable and there were all kinds of benefits. However, gradually, I noticed that Chen Meng's attitude towards me had changed.

She started to get fussy and would often lose her temper with me over trivial things.

Once, when I came back a little late from work, she was full of unhappiness: "Look at you, you have been busy all day, and I haven't seen how much money you make to come back." "I was stunned at the time, even if Chen Meng's salary was higher than mine, she never disliked me for having less income than hers, but now, her salary is lower, but she begins to dislike me?

I couldn't understand it, and it wasn't until later that we went to a friend party together that I really figured out what the problem was.

My wife was admitted to the civil service, and her salary dropped from 16,000 to 6,000, but she began to dislike me

At the party, friends were talking about their jobs and incomes. When someone asked Chen Meng about her current job, she happily said that she was admitted to the civil service. Friends expressed their envy, saying how good the civil servants are, stable and face-saving. After Chen Meng heard this, he looked at me with a hint of disgust in his eyes.

I finally understood that Chen Meng was now a civil servant, so he began to feel that he was superior and had a sense of superiority, and he began to dislike me. But I really don't understand, civil servants have the advantage of being a civil servant, but I'm also working hard.

Later, as long as there was a contradiction, Chen Meng would say: "Look at you, just earn so much money, and if you don't work hard, I don't know how I fell in love with you in the first place." ”

Every time I hear this, I feel very uncomfortable. What I didn't expect was that both parents also began to get involved.

My wife was admitted to the civil service, and her salary dropped from 16,000 to 6,000, but she began to dislike me

After they learned that Chen Meng was admitted to the civil service, they were all very happy and felt that this was a particularly glorious thing. Then, they began to urge me to take the civil service exam, saying that the dual-income workers are very happy and their future life is guaranteed.

I really don't understand why they think that. I'm actually quite satisfied with my current job, and although the salary is not particularly high, I am very happy with it. Also, it's not that I don't want to be motivated, it's just that everyone has their own rhythm and way. I don't want to do things I don't like in order to meet other people's expectations.

I was very firm in my choice, but during this time, my parents persuaded me and my wife fell out, and my life became a mess, and I began to feel a little confused. I don't know what I should do, should I follow their advice and take the civil service exam, or should I stick to my ideas and continue with my current job?