
The situation has taken a turn for the worse! NATO's 20,000-strong troops are approaching the Belarusian-Russian border, and US military bases in Europe may be in danger again

author:North American bar brother

At a time when Lebanon and Israel continue to exchange fire and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues to spill over, there are also signs of tension in Europe.

First, US military bases in Europe have suddenly entered a state of high alert.

According to a report by Fox News on July 1, US Department of Defense officials revealed that reliable intelligence indicates that US military bases may be attacked in the next week or so, and all US military bases in Europe are on high alert. It is reported that all US military bases in Europe have raised the alert level to "C-level troop protection status", which means that the US military has already believed that some kind of terrorist attack is being planned.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse! NATO's 20,000-strong troops are approaching the Belarusian-Russian border, and US military bases in Europe may be in danger again

Well, everything happens for a reason, and since the United States can receive reliable information, the terrorist attacks that the US military may face will not be impulsive, accidental, and unorganized, but why is Europe facing terrorist attacks?

U.S. officials stressed that the threat of a terrorist attack had nothing to do with electoral activities in France.

According to a report by Xinhua News Agency on July 1, voting in the French National Assembly election has begun, and at present, the French far-right party National Alliance won about 34% of the vote in the first round of voting, and its support rate is significantly ahead. There is no doubt that the victory of the French far right is something that the United States does not want to see, and on the issue of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the position of the National Alliance is contrary to that of the United States, and the National Alliance is not interested in aiding Ukraine, and clearly opposes the deployment of troops to Ukraine and the deployment of long-range weapons to Ukraine.

Because of this, the Biden team is quite worried about the outcome of the French National Assembly election, fearing that Macron will become a "lame duck" because of this, and France will not be able to do anything to contain Russia due to internal political chaos.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse! NATO's 20,000-strong troops are approaching the Belarusian-Russian border, and US military bases in Europe may be in danger again

It just so happens that in recent times, Europe has not been very peaceful. More coincidentally, the leaders of relatively pro-Russian European countries in distress, such as Slovak Prime Minister Fizo, who was shot, and Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, who escorted a convoy into a sudden crash.

The United States has specifically emphasized that the threat of terrorist attacks has nothing to do with the French election campaign, and the claims of the French far-right, which has better electoral prospects, are also relatively pro-Russian, which makes people wonder whether the United States wants to cover up the situation, or whether it has really received some other rumors, or whether it wants to carry out self-directed and self-staged activities.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse! NATO's 20,000-strong troops are approaching the Belarusian-Russian border, and US military bases in Europe may be in danger again

Second, Poland announced that it would not send troops to Ukraine.

Poland has always been considered an "anti-Russian vanguard", and after the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, Poland has been quite active in aiding Ukraine and fighting Russia, but after France repeatedly advocated sending troops to Ukraine, Poland showed extreme restraint.

According to a report by the Russian Satellite News Agency on July 1, Poland's Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Władysław Kosinyak-Kames announced that Poland will not send troops to Ukraine, even in the form of training Ukrainian soldiers.

Poland may have made this statement for two reasons:

1. The "government dispute" in Poland is still ongoing, and both sides need to try to win the Polish public opinion as much as possible. After the influx of cheap Ukrainian agricultural products into Poland, the attitude of the Polish people, especially farmers, towards Ukraine has deteriorated sharply, and even the attitude of the Polish people towards Ukrainian refugees has changed significantly. On the issue of sending troops to Ukraine, the Polish government does not want to wade into this troubled water for the time being.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse! NATO's 20,000-strong troops are approaching the Belarusian-Russian border, and US military bases in Europe may be in danger again

2. Poland is only afraid that it is really worried about getting on fire. NATO's recent attitude towards Russia has become more and more worrying, whether Russia and NATO will really break out into conflict, no one can say, but with the delivery of fighter jets by the West to Ukraine, Poland, as the forefront of aid to Ukraine, is the most likely to be involved in the conflict among NATO member states, and the more tense the moment, the more cautious Poland must be, so as not to bring unnecessary risks to Poland.

Third, the pressure on the Belarusian border has increased sharply, and Belarus is worried.

According to a report by Overseas Network on July 1, Belarusian Chief of General Staff Pavel Muraveyko pointed out that NATO has deployed 10 tactical battalions on the Belarusian border, with a total number of more than 20,000, of which 6 tactical battalions are from the United States. Belarus is starting to feel nervous and is closely monitoring the movements of NATO troops and developing a response plan, and Muraveiko also stressed that Belarus will use non-strategic nuclear weapons when its sovereignty is threatened.

NATO has already made Belarus anxious about the pressure on the border, and at this time, Belarus also claimed that Ukrainian troops were also massing on the Belarusian border. According to CCTV News, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on July 1 that the build-up of Ukrainian troops on the Belarusian-Russian border is also a problem for the Russian side.

The situation has taken a turn for the worse! NATO's 20,000-strong troops are approaching the Belarusian-Russian border, and US military bases in Europe may be in danger again

It is uncertain what NATO and Ukraine intended, or whether Russia and Belarus are playing up tensions again. However, judging from the various actions of NATO and Russia, the situation between Russia and Ukraine will continue to escalate, no matter what the original plans of Russia and NATO, both sides continue to increase the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the next challenges will be extremely severe for Russia and Ukraine.

However, war will only bring profound disasters to ordinary people, and it is always the ordinary people in the war who pay the heaviest price, and it is still the common aspiration of the people to achieve peace between Russia and Ukraine at an early date.