
Don't let your monstera get wronged, soil or hydroponics? Here's the answer!

author:Colorful drawing board aKI

Hi gardeners! Today, we're going to talk about a refreshing houseplant – the monstera. Its one-of-a-kind leaves are like a work of art in nature. But, now the question is, do you want to plant it in the soil, or soak it in water?

1. Soil cultivation: return to nature a return to the basics

First, let's talk about soil cultivation. Doing so is like putting the monstera back into nature. Soil not only provides stable nutrients for plants, but also allows for better root development.

Don't let your monstera get wronged, soil or hydroponics? Here's the answer!

- Highly stable: The land here is like a five-star turtle back bamboo restaurant, providing you with 24-hour all-round nutritional care.

The roots are well developed: in the soil, it grows freely and absorbs more nutrients and water.

Method: Select soil with good drainage, such as humus soil, garden soil, river sand, etc., to keep it moist but not damp.

2. Hydroponics: a popular and simple model

And then there's hydroponics. The nutrient solution is not only clean, but also allows us to directly see the beauty of its roots.

Don't let your monstera get wronged, soil or hydroponics? Here's the answer!

- Ornamental: Hydroponic turtle back bamboo, like a beautiful water artwork, is pleasing to the eye.

- Environmental protection: no soil, sterile, dust-free, dust-free, pollution-free, it is the ideal choice for you to pursue a simple life.

How to use: Choose clean utensils, change the water frequently, and don't forget to add nutrient solution, so that the turtle back bamboo can enjoy the "five-star" treatment in the water.

3. Comprehensive comparison: the best is the best

Now, let's make a comparison. Soil cultivation is suitable for most environments, is easy to handle, and is ideal for beginners in gardening. The hydroponic method is more suitable for offices, living rooms and other places that require the environment.

- Difficult maintenance: Soil cultivation is easier, while hydroponics requires more frequent control of the quality of water and the addition of nutrients.

- Adaptability: Soil cultivation is suitable for general home environments, while hydroponics is suitable for places with special requirements for decoration.

Don't let your monstera get wronged, soil or hydroponics? Here's the answer!

4. Precautions: No matter what, you must take care of it, you must take care of it

No matter what method you use to raise it, remember:

1. Look: Always pay attention to the growth of the monstera bamboo forest and find problems in time.

2. Proper lighting: avoid direct sunlight and choose a place with scattered light.

3. Temperature control: ensure the stability of the temperature in the room and prevent the temperature difference from being too large.

Okay, guys, that's the end of this issue. Soil cultivation and nutrient hydroponics are mainly decided according to their own preferences and actual conditions. Either way, with careful care, your monstera is sure to thrive and add color to your life.

Next time, I wish your monstera to thrive in the dirt as well as in the water. Remember, make it your home!

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