
Don't just save money when raising pigs! How much do you know about the hidden hazards behind raising pigs on the cement floor?

author:Colorful drawing board aKI

Walking into a rural pig farm, you will find that cement floors have almost become standard. Low cost, durable, and looks like a good choice. But wait, don't jump to conclusions, we have to talk about the things that this concrete floor pig breeding can bring.

Don't just save money when raising pigs! How much do you know about the hidden hazards behind raising pigs on the cement floor?

The problem of cleanliness is a big user of water resources

First of all, the issue of cleaning concrete floors is no joke. There is a lot of pig dung, that smell, that picture, it's simple. Rinse with a high-pressure water gun? It sounds simple, but behind it is the consumption of a lot of water resources. In rural areas, water resources are precious, so our environmental protection ledger has to be calculated.

Sewage treatment, the big test of environmental protection

What to do with the rinsed pig manure? Direct emissions? That's not going to work, the EPA's door is not an ornament. Solid-liquid separation, waste liquid treatment, this set of down, not only high technical requirements, but also low cost. Rural pig farms, this is really a big test.

Disease prevention and control, hidden dangers to health

The concrete floor is hard, and it is easy for bacteria to grow. Pigs walk on it every day, and if they are not careful, they can get sick. Moreover, the coldness of the cement floor is also a test for the joints of the pigs, and in the long run, it may affect the health of the pigs.

Don't just save money when raising pigs! How much do you know about the hidden hazards behind raising pigs on the cement floor?

The heating problem, the challenge of winter

Winter is coming, and the pigs need warmth too. But the heating problem of the concrete floor is not an ordinary difficulty. Underfloor heating? It sounds beautiful, but it is not easy to implement in rural areas, both costly and technical. The pigs on the cold concrete floor, the taste is not pleasant.

The ground is too hard, and the welfare of pigs is affected

The cement floor is too hard, which is also a problem for the welfare of pigs. Walking on such ground for a long time, the hooves of pigs may be damaged, affecting their mobility and health. Moreover, the hard ground is not conducive to the rest and relaxation of the pigs.

Of course, we cannot deny that the cost of cement floor is low, the construction is simple, and the service life is long. But behind these advantages, are we neglecting the health and welfare of pigs, as well as environmental protection and water consumption?

Don't just save money when raising pigs! How much do you know about the hidden hazards behind raising pigs on the cement floor?

Raising pigs on the cement floor has its conveniences, but the harm cannot be ignored. As part of the swine industry, we need to find a balance between cost, environmental protection, pig health and welfare. Perhaps, exploring a more environmentally friendly and humane way of raising pigs is the direction of our future development.

Raising pigs is not only for economic benefits, but also for respect and responsibility for life. Let's work together to create a healthier and more comfortable living environment for pigs, and also contribute to our planet.

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