
32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

author:Foreign French

01, the carnivorous grasshopper ate a locust, is this a kind of war in a sense?

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

02. The leopard's left eye was injured

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

03. The scary-looking African ironclad mantis is a carnivorous mantis, you read that right, the food it is eating is its kind.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

04. Looking at this pelican eating fish from this angle, it feels very funny, its big mouth is like a big spoon!

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

05. Satellite antenna bobies

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

06. Sloths

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

07. "I thank you. ”

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

08, in order to survive, the woman took off her clothes and let the Japanese shoot, insulting to death

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

09, this moth is wearing a very fashionable and gorgeous fluffy clothes, it feels really made of non-woven fabric, this moth is also quite big, its name is the royal walnut moth, inhabiting the Americas.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

10. Shanghai Liuma Road, between Xizang Road and Jingyuan Street, Huangpu District.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

11. The skeleton of a toucan, it can be clearly found from the skeleton that its huge beak occupies almost half of the proportion of the body

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

12. Egg-eating snakes are strange snakes that live in Africa and the Middle East, and they specialize in stealing other people's eggs for food. In order to be able to swallow eggs in one gulp, their mouths have evolved into very peculiar shapes.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

13. This is really an unsolvable situation, no matter how you do it, the result is the same. Try it too!

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

14. This tree resembles a woman with her hands raised above her head.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

15. Be sure that it is not the ancient century

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

16. Many people keep them as pets

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

17. Do you think this is an alien creature? This photograph of a Daphnia taken with confocal laser scanning microscopy by Jen Michels from Germany shows some of the internal tissues and exoskeleton structure of the Daphnia.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

18. This crocodile only has the upper half of its body left.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

19. You're really hungry, the Komodo dragon really dares to stuff anything into your mouth, it's just a little stuck.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

20. It's the first time I've seen such a weevil, and it's actually black and white, the color of the national treasure panda.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

21. In Finland, brown bears and wolves were found hunting together and sharing the spoils

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

22. In order to attract prey, this spider has a pattern on its back that resembles a peacock opening screen.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

23. During the First World War, people came up with a very bad battle plan, which was extremely strong on the back of an elephant, and it turned out that this kind of "machine gun elephant cavalry" had no effect except for sending them to death in vain.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

24. Those inadvertent tenderness is the best proof of maternal love

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

25. The crested bee hawk is so fierce that it is not afraid of bee stings, digging bee hives, eating bee pupae, stealing honey, and everything it has is snatched from bees.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

26, Ai Ai lemur

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

27. The jaguar preys on the yellow anaconda. The jaguar is full of strength, and it is not a problem to catch a crocodile as a snack at all, and they are more than enough to deal with yellow anacondas, and the stout python may be similar to a spicy strip in their eyes.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

28. A contrasting snake, perhaps due to genetic mutation, a part of its body has albinism.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

29. This spider carries four thorns on its back. It's too defensive!

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

30. The hairy worm has a terrifying and stunning appearance, like a rainbow in the dark abyss.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

31. Yesterday my grandmother celebrated her 89th birthday, and the dog gave her a big hug. ”

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

32. This is the great blue shark in the English Channel. While the underwater photographer was taking a picture, they approached curiously.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

33. The crocodile and the python fought fiercely in the water

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

34. On the beach, there is a creature washed ashore by the waves hidden in the reef, and it looks extremely gorgeous on the outside, is it a sea anemone? Or some kind of unknown jellyfish? The colors of nature are truly breathtaking.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

35. The jaguar killed the crocodile, which is commonplace in the Amazon jungle.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

36. There is only one person on such a big bed, and I don't know how many people can lie on it.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

37, 06 Don't throw yourself to the ground anymore

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

38. So artistic.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

39. A huge wisteria climbed directly up to the eaves, which was very beautiful.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

40. It may be one of the smallest squid in the world, as small as a shrimp, the name of this squid is pea squid, and its volume will not exceed one pea.

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

41. How big can a stick insect grow? Let's see how they compare to human hands!

32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

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32 photos of brutal creatures: carnivorous grasshoppers chewing locusts, and weird octopuses with 36 tentacles

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