
19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

author:Foreign French

01. "I was in an office building, I found these things on the floor, what are these?" ”

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

02, this bird is really good-looking, but this is not a peacock, it is a peacock pheasant.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

03, a poor sea turtle was attacked by a shark and killed it directly. It's disgusting.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

04, everyone knows that the orchid mantis is pink all over, and it will be disguised as a flower, and there is a murderous motive hidden in the beauty. In addition to the orchid mantis, there is also an orchid spider that also has the same tricks, they also have a pale pink body, and they also disguise themselves as a flower like the orchid mantis, hiding in the dark to ambush their opponents.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

05. Caracals have soft bodies and long tails, and are able to jump and run in high places.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

06. The emperor moth (Attacus Atlas), which is the largest moth in the world, spreads its wings larger than the palm of a human hand.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

07. The alligator's recipe is quite rich, whether it is a turtle or a poisonous snake, it can chew with relish.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

08, Ewok Bounty Hunter

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

09, the time to test intelligence has come, will you know this question?????????????

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

10. The size of this giant king ribbon fish is so large that it takes three people to work together to pick it up

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

11. Tiger hunting is bought one and gets two free, presumably my heart is already happy, right?

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

12. "Welcome to my office. ”

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

13. Slug also has the beauty of slugs, and the body of the European forest slug has black markings, and the markings of each slug are different.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

14. The big otter has no natural enemies, it is still a social animal, and the crocodile does not dare to provoke it at all!

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

15. Whalehead crane

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

16. In the unnoticed microcosm, there is a magical creature - slime mold, if we use a macro lens to focus on slime mold, we will find a brilliant existence like the stars of the universe.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

17. If you look closely, the colors of toucans are really bright.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

18, 01 The fawn's intestines were torn out by the hounds!

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

19. It's so disgusting, a tick that sucks enough blood, I really want to step on it.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

20. The firefighting aircraft takes water

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

21. Everyone says that jackals, tigers, leopards, jackals, tigers and leopards, but what does the jackal look like? A lot of people don't actually know it. Let's take a look at what a jackal looks like.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

22. This is a magical meteorite

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

23. The yellow king snake was eating a small snake, and the little snake was unwilling to use its last strength to entangle the king snake and do everything possible to prolong its life.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

24. Princess Pamela was so upset that I didn't feed her when I got home from work, so she knocked over two pots of beloved plants in retaliation.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

25. Nature's "friendly neighbor" capybara, no matter what animal it is, can be good friends with it.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

26. Vulture bees will put pollen and carrion together, making a strange "sweet meat".

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

27. The white-spotted squid, which is mimicking the sea lily in the background.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

28. The standing goat has the same posture as a human

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

29. Poison dart frog is a brightly colored frog species, and only a few of them are particularly dangerous to humans

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

30. The Wisdom of the African People - In Botswana, in order to protect their livestock from being attacked by fierce beasts, the locals came up with a strange trick to draw eyes on the back of the buttocks of domestic animals.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

31. From southern Mexico to the Panama Canal, people love the bird of paradise. A bird of paradise called "Chagle" is most likely the prototype of the "Quetzalcoatl" worshipped by the Mayans and Aztecs.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

32, the deer's eyes are estimated to be dead

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

33. The Pacific catfish is a very cute octopus, with a round body and bright big eyes, much like a cartoon character, but it doesn't look so special and cute in photos after it is caught.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

34, brother is just a dark horse prince like the wind~

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

35. It seems that it has undergone a lot of torture.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

36. I feel that Godzilla's prototype is taken from it.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

37. I won't interfere with your breathing.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

38, very magical, about the ghostly hell squid

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

39. This is really an unsolvable situation, no matter how you do it, the result is the same. You guys try it too.?

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

40. I have seen a lot of all kinds of strange and strange animals, let's take a look at the sweet-looking quokkas, which is a small kangaroo that lives on a small island in Western Australia, its biggest feature is that it is known as a mobile emoji, and its smile is very charming.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

41. This is not a scene from a science fiction movie, but a real scene captured by the photographer underwater. The giant salamander was wrestling with a snake that bit the snake in one bite.

19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one

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19 incredible and weird items, almighty netizens will help you identify them one by one