
31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

author:Foreign French

01. As the name suggests, "Card Reader Hamster" can read various flash memory cards after being connected to a computer

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

02. The neck is dislocated

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

03. The most incredible animal is like a combination of a catfish and a frog, which is the tadpole of the Xenopus laevis toad. When the tadpole grows up, it will turn into a frog, and this is what it looks like in the later stages of its metamorphosis. The strong frog legs protrude from the catfish's body, and the appearance is very inconsistent.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

04, a tragic scene: the kangaroo mother died, and the little kangaroo leaned against the mother, shivering. It's calling for Mom, but Mom will never wake up again.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

05, it's so rare, what kind of fierce bird is this, it actually pulled out the tongue of the woodpecker, and almost tore off the tongue of the woodpecker.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

06. Help! Out of breath!

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

07, live in the Congo forest in Africa

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

08, the beautiful orchid mantis.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

09, Australian magic lizard

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

10. Sperm whales only have teeth in the lower jaw, and the upper jaw has a socket matching the lower jaw, so the bite force is insufficient, and it can only swallow food.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

11. The color of this red-headed cuckoo is very gorgeous, and its body is as red as fire, especially its tail, which is black and white, which is very fashionable.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

12. Tiger in the snow

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

13. Its hairstyle is very distinctive, does it look a little like a middle-aged person?

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

14. The side view of the meat hammer vulture, I feel that there is a crack in the skull.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

15. This one is very beautiful, the color is very bright, and it is a Tiffany color.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

16. Serfs eating.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

17. Good guy, this seagull was lucky enough to catch a real "hard dish"!

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

18. Tiffany blue, plus fiery red wings, such a beautiful porcelain-like stick worm, all pet lovers want to have.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

19. I have to say that the imperial moth in Madagascar is indeed quite beautiful, with bright colors, and the large round spots on its body are as bright as eyes.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

20. No one wants to encounter such a scene, open the trash can, and actually find that there is a whole row of crisp noodles inside, is there really so much garbage in the trash can for them to share?

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

21. It's hard to imagine that a pigeon can make its chest like this, this is actually a kind of "ball-breasted pigeon"

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

22. Ribbon piglet squid is also called piglet squid. In 2019, a rare piglet squid was first spotted in Hawaii.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

23. The cat is eating plants, haha.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

24, the movements of this iguana, no matter how you look at it, look very much like the character in the Marvel movie - Batman.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

25. Pure ornamentation.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

26. For some reason, I always think this goat looks a little weird......

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

27. What is it? ”

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

28. The poor antelope has been attacked from all sides, and its life is about to come to an end today.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

29. After being tossed by the little guy, you can fall asleep while sitting.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

30. Can you see this guy lying on the trunk of the tree? The Aussie Spider, with its flat body clinging to the trunk of a tree and covered in bark-like markings, you can see its furry legs, which is another demon for spider-derrorists.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

31. It's so disgusting, a tick that sucks up blood, I really want to step on it.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

32. This particular breed of dog will melt in the sun

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

33. What a heavy box, two people pull and two people push, what is in this box? It's unbelievable. Here is the IBM data storage, which has a capacity of only 5MB, and the photo was taken in 1956.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

34, 10 Unexpected 之喜,鸽子把拖把当鸟窝,意外收获一套房

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

35. I watched my goosebumps rise

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

36. Come on and play chess!!

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

37. Look at how thick the scales on the pangolin's body are, this is its best armor, but it still can't withstand human poaching.

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

38. If you swap the eyes of a human and a chicken, the picture will suddenly become terrifying and weird......

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

39. How do you reply?!!

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

40. The bream dragged its big blanket - beautiful big wings swam through the water, so beautiful!

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

41. Perfect integration

31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

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31 photos of weird creatures that netizens broke the news! I almost believed it

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