
Blood pressure medications can really affect kidney function! Expert Answer: Can taking blood pressure medication hurt the kidneys?

author:Luo Min


It can be said that blood pressure medication damages the kidneys for a long time, so do blood pressure medication really hurt the kidneys?

There is an old saying in China, medicine is poisonous, this sentence has been circulated among the people for a long time, as for whether this sentence is correct, there are also different opinions among the people. Especially for patients with coronary heart disease and hypertension, because these two diseases need to be maintained by long-term medication, there will be a doubt about the patient's unavoidable whether taking medicine for a long time will damage the body?

Recently, there is a saying that taking blood pressure medication can hurt the kidneys.

But this statement is a rumor, there is no scientific basis, but the negative impact caused by it is extremely large, there has been more than one patient to ask me about this question, and this is only what I know, in the place I don't know, maybe there are patients because of this rumor and stop taking the medicine themselves, without the regulation of the drug, then the condition is easy to get out of control, causing danger. Although I have explained it to my patients many times, the scope of transmission is limited after all, so I am writing this article today to answer the question, at least I hope that my fans and family members will understand: taking blood pressure medication will not cause damage to the kidneys.

Blood pressure medications can really affect kidney function! Expert Answer: Can taking blood pressure medication hurt the kidneys?

In fact, antihypertensive drugs can not only lower blood pressure, but also [protect the kidneys]!

We must know that high blood pressure and kidney damage are mutually affected, kidney function decline, will lead to edema and blood pressure increase, blood pressure will increase, will lead to increased pressure on the kidneys, and then cause kidney small blood vessels to harden, so that blood pressure further rises, forming a vicious circle.

The more severe the high blood pressure, the longer the course of the disease, and the greater the damage to the kidneys. Therefore, controlling blood pressure is a fundamental measure to protect the kidneys.

Blood pressure medications can really affect kidney function! Expert Answer: Can taking blood pressure medication hurt the kidneys?

So, do blood pressure medications harm the kidneys? What are the different effects of different antihypertensive drugs on the kidneys?

Normal kidney function: When the kidneys are functioning normally, blood pressure medications do not harm the kidneys. Taking any blood pressure medication that can lower blood pressure levels will have a protective effect on the kidneys. For most people with high blood pressure, antihypertensive drugs are "kidney-protective".

Renal function decline: For hypertensive patients with varying degrees of kidney damage, there are some particularities in choosing antihypertensive drugs: (1) For hypertensive patients with proteinuria, the preferred antihypertensive drugs are "sartan" and "puli", which are the first choice for patients with chronic kidney disease. Early use of these two types of drugs in hypertensive patients with mild proteinuria can reduce blood pressure to the target value and make the urine protein disappear. (2) Patients with high blood pressure with severe edema can choose diuretics. (3) If the renal impairment is more serious, and the serum creatinine level has exceeded 265 micromol/L, it is necessary to be guided by a doctor. Antihypertensive drugs are used. Dipine drugs are often the first choice of antihypertensive drugs for patients with severe kidney disease, and regular re-examination of kidney function is required after taking the drug.

Blood pressure medications can really affect kidney function! Expert Answer: Can taking blood pressure medication hurt the kidneys?

In general, the rumor that blood pressure medication can hurt the kidneys is completely untenable. People with high blood pressure should continue to take medication to control their blood pressure to protect their kidney health. Of course, when choosing antihypertensive drugs, we should follow the doctor's advice according to our own kidney function and choose the most suitable drug for ourselves. A healthy lifestyle and doctor's guidance are key to recovery for people with high blood pressure and kidney disease. Let's put aside the rumors, embrace science, and work for health!

Blood pressure medications can really affect kidney function! Expert Answer: Can taking blood pressure medication hurt the kidneys?