
Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick

author:Seikashi Bungakusha
Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick
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Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick

In 2019, a piece of news broke through the silent night sky like thunder, causing an uproar across the country. Wang Yongqiang, a postdoctoral fellow at Peking University, has been missing for 20 years.

What is even more shocking is that even after learning that his elderly mother, Guo Qiaodi, is suffering from cancer, he still refuses to go home to visit.

Why did this former academic elite make such a decisive choice? What kind of struggle did he go through? As reporters followed the clues to trace this long-sealed past, a family tragedy spanning nearly 30 years gradually surfaced.

Behind this seemingly ordinary family, what kind of unknown pain and helplessness are hidden? Let's unravel this heartbreaking story together.

Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick

Wang Yongqiang's story began in a small impoverished village in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. In this materially scarce environment, the young Wang Yongqiang showed extraordinary intelligence.

However, his path to study was not all smooth sailing, but was full of thorns.

Wang Yongqiang's father made a living selling rat medicine, carrying a heavy medicine box every day, running around in the cold and heat, but he could barely maintain the family's basic expenses. Chronic poverty and frustration made my father's temper even more irritable.

Her mother, on the other hand, was an uneducated rural woman who had to do odd farm work to support her family. In such a family, Wang Yongqiang's appearance undoubtedly increased the burden on his parents.

Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick

Since he was a child, Wang Yongqiang has been responsible for housework beyond his age. He had to stand in the kitchen not high enough to help his sister wash the vegetables and laundry, and when he was older, he had to take care of his brother who had polio.

Despite this, his thirst for knowledge never waned.

However, Wang Yongqiang's dream of studying was strongly opposed by his parents. In their opinion, sending a capable child to school is just a waste of human resources.

Even though Wang Yongqiang graduated from junior high school and achieved the highest grades in the county, his parents still refused to pay his high school tuition.

Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick

In the face of his parents' obstruction, Wang Yongqiang showed extraordinary determination. He resolutely left home and found the principal of the high school he was about to attend alone, asking for help. This experience of seeking help from others was undoubtedly a torment for Wang Yongqiang, who had a strong sense of self-esteem, but in pursuit of knowledge, he gritted his teeth and persevered.

In 1991, 21-year-old Wang Yongqiang was admitted to Soochow University with his own efforts and began to study for a master's degree. However, this hard-won joy was soon shattered by a surprise visit from her mother.

Ignoring her son's face, she made a big fuss on campus and demanded that Wang Yongqiang hand over all the grants. In the face of his mother's vexatious trouble, Wang Yongqiang's heart was full of pain and shame, but he still reluctantly handed over his savings to his mother.

During his time at Soochow University, Wang Yongqiang devoted all his energy to studying, hoping to change his fate through knowledge. However, the pressure from the family never goes away.

Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick

His father kept calling, insisting that he drop out of school and go home. Every call was like a fierce war, leaving Wang Yongqiang physically and mentally exhausted.

Despite the difficulties, Wang Yongqiang gritted his teeth and insisted on completing his studies. In the depths of his heart, there is always an unquenchable flame, which is the thirst for knowledge and the vision of a better future.

This arduous study experience not only exercised Wang Yongqiang's will, but also laid the groundwork for his future life choices.

In 1999, Wang Yongqiang's life ushered in an important turning point. He married a woman from a famous family, who was the daughter of his famous doctoral supervisor.

Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick

This marriage was supposed to be an opportunity for Wang Yongqiang to get out of trouble, but he soon fell into a severe test.

On the eve of the wedding, something unexpected happened. Wang Yongqiang's parents refused to attend their son's wedding because they were dissatisfied with the amount of the bride price. Although this move made the bride unhappy, she chose to endure it considering that she might go abroad with her husband for further study in the future.

However, this is only the beginning of the difficulties that the newlyweds are about to face.

Soon after the marriage, Wang Yongqiang's parents began to call frequently, asking for money. The amount of money they made was far beyond the young couple's capacity.

Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick

Whenever he received a call from his parents, Wang Yongqiang's face would have a painful expression. He felt caught between his wife and his parents, and he was in a dilemma. On the one hand, he understands the difficult situation of his parents; On the other hand, he couldn't bear to put his wife under too much financial pressure.

Wang Yongqiang's wife also fell into deep confusion and unease. She understands her husband's desire to be filial to his parents, but she is also worried that if this continues, their future will not be autonomous.

Whenever this is mentioned, the couple falls silent, and tension fills the air.

When he decided to go to Japan for further study, Wang Yongqiang once again faced a difficult choice. His parents offered to travel with them to Japan, a request that Mr. Wang was at a loss to follow.

Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick

He tried to persuade his parents to give up the idea, but eventually had to agree to the request for regular monthly remittances. Looking at his wife's disappointed eyes, Wang Yongqiang's heart was full of guilt, but he didn't know how to balance this seemingly irreconcilable contradiction.

As time goes on, the conflict between the husband and wife grows. Wang's wife began to question her husband's decision, fearing that they would not only have to bear the living expenses of their in-laws, but might also have to take care of Wang's younger brother's family in the future.

This endless family responsibility made her feel that her future was bleak.

Finally, in a fierce quarrel, Wang Yongqiang's wife put forward an ultimatum: "Please choose between your parents and me, if you can't cut off the constant contact with the family, then our marriage may only come to an end."

Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick

Faced with his wife's resolute back, Wang Yongqiang fell into an unprecedented predicament. He understood that his wife's request was not vexatious, but how could he easily disown him from the parents who gave birth to him? This difficult choice pushed Wang Yongqiang to the crossroads of his life.

Faced with his wife's ultimatum, Wang Yongqiang fell into an unprecedented predicament. His heart was like a turbulent ocean, and the waves of contradictions and pain were constantly pounding his reason.

On the one hand, he loves his wife deeply and understands her worries about the future; On the other hand, the deep-rooted concept of filial piety over the years made it difficult for him to completely sever the connection with his parents.

After countless nights of tossing and turning, Wang Yongqiang finally made a decision that everyone did not expect. He chose to get a divorce. The decision was not made lightly, but was well thought out.

Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick

The divorce procedures went unexpectedly smoothly, and the moment Wang Yongqiang got the divorce certificate, he felt that the world was spinning.

After the divorce, Wang Yongqiang sat alone on a park bench, looking back on his life and thinking about the direction of the future. He knew that he could no longer be torn between his wife and his parents.

He needed a fresh start, an environment where he could get rid of all his constraints.

After completing the task of studying abroad, Wang Yongqiang made an even more surprising decision. He quietly returned to China, came to the place of household registration, and resolutely canceled his household registration information.

Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick

Subsequently, he deleted all contact information, as if to completely erase everything from the past.

With mixed feelings, Wang Yongqiang stepped on the plane to the United States alone. The moment the plane took off, he knew that he was starting a new journey in life, a life of seclusion that lasted for more than 20 years.

This decision is undoubtedly difficult for Wang Yongqiang. He understands that this means saying goodbye to everything in the past, including the home that has plagued him for years but is difficult to part with.

In the dead of night, he still thinks of his parents and ex-wife, and his heart is full of mixed emotions.

Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick

However, Wang Yongqiang also understands that only such a thorough cut can allow him to truly get rid of the haze of the past and start his life again. During his time in a foreign country, he struggled to adapt to his new surroundings and focus on his career and life, trying to find his place in a completely new land.

20 years have passed in a hurry, and Wang Yongqiang has always maintained a low-key and secluded life. It wasn't until 2019 that a missing person notice shattered his peaceful life and brought this long-forgotten family tragedy back into the public eye.

In 2019, Wang Yongqiang's story was like a bombshell, detonating on major media platforms. The Peking University postdoctoral fellow, who disappeared for 20 years, re-entered the public eye because he refused to visit his mother, who was suffering from cancer.

At first, the Internet was full of condemnation of Wang Yongqiang, and people accused him of unfilial behavior, believing that he had failed to live up to his parents' nurturing grace.

Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick

However, as the truth of the matter was gradually revealed, the wind of public opinion quietly changed. More and more people are beginning to understand Wang's plight and even sympathize with his plight.

Netizens left messages to express their support, which brought a touch of comfort to Wang Yongqiang, who was far away in a foreign country.

An enthusiastic netizen discovered Wang's account on an overseas social media platform, and when the news of his discovery spread, many people were looking forward to the beautiful moment of the mother-son reunion.

However, Wang Yongqiang simply responded with two words: "Do not disturb". This short and cold reply once again sparked heated discussions.

Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick

This heartbreaking family story has provoked deep thinking from all walks of life.

There was a lively discussion among the media, academics and ordinary people. Some people think that Wang Yongqiang's behavior is unforgivable, while others express understanding of his choice. This discussion goes beyond individual cases to reflect the common dilemmas faced by many families in modern society.

Although Wang's story is extreme, the problems it reflects are universal. In modern society, many people struggle between personal development and family responsibilities.

There are no standard answers to these questions, but they are worth pondering for everyone. Perhaps, the solution lies in building more open and inclusive family relationships. Parents need to learn to respect their children's choices and give them room to grow. Children should also pursue personal development while not forgetting to repay their parents' nurturing kindness.

Peking University top students have been missing for 20 years, cut off from all contact, why is his mother still reluctant to go home when he is sick

Only when we learn to understand and respect each other can the family truly become a warm harbor instead of a heavy shackle. In these fast-changing times, we need to redefine family and find a new balance that balances personal development and family responsibilities.

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