
In 2021, a rich man suddenly disappeared after giving a million gifts, and his girlfriend was shocked when he opened the box

author:Seikashi Bungakusha
In 2021, a rich man suddenly disappeared after giving a million gifts, and his girlfriend was shocked when he opened the box
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In 2021, a rich man suddenly disappeared after giving a million gifts, and his girlfriend was shocked when he opened the box

On March 14, 2021, Zhang Ping from Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, was bathed in the light of happiness. Her fiancé, Yang Jian, had just sent an astonishing bride price – worth 1314520 yuan, in a luxurious suitcase.

This number symbolizes "I love you for the rest of my life", which moved Zhang Ping to tears. However, as fate would have it, just a few hours later, Zhang Ping appeared at the police station in despair, clinging to the box full of bride price, claiming that her fiancé had suddenly disappeared.

When the police opened the box, everyone was shocked by what they saw - the box was full of bank bills! Was this sudden turn of events an elaborate hoax or a heartbreaking misunderstanding? Where will Zhang Ping's marriage dream go? A seemingly perfect love story is moving in an unexpected direction.

Zhang Ping's story starts with her background. As a single mother, Zhang Ping can be described as a successful person in her career. After years of struggle, she has jumped from an ordinary migrant worker to a private business owner, with a net worth of one million and is quite famous in the local area.

In 2021, a rich man suddenly disappeared after giving a million gifts, and his girlfriend was shocked when he opened the box

However, behind the success is an indescribable bitterness. The failure of her marriage made her both eager and hesitant about love.

Under the persuasion of her family, Zhang Ping landed on a dating website. She wanted to be perfunctory, but unexpectedly, this decision completely changed the trajectory of her life.

Here, she meets Yang Jian, a handsome, humble and polite man who looks handsome.

The appearance of Yang Jian seems to have injected a warm current into Zhang Ping's life. He claims to be the owner of a precious metal investment company with annual sales of more than 10 billion yuan, and this background makes Zhang Ping yearn for it.

In 2021, a rich man suddenly disappeared after giving a million gifts, and his girlfriend was shocked when he opened the box

The two soon made an appointment to meet, and the first meeting made Zhang Ping's heart move. Yang Jian's elegant temperament and considerate words and deeds made her feel as if she had returned to her girlhood.

The relationship between the two developed extremely quickly. In just two months, they established a romantic relationship. Yang Jian was considerate to Zhang Ping, often giving her exquisite gifts and taking her to visit his "company" and "real estate".

Zhang Ping was immersed in this hard-won relationship and was convinced of everything about Yang Jian.

However, Zhang Ping's mother has a lot of criticism about this relationship. She didn't understand why a successful entrepreneur would choose her daughter, let alone give such a generous bride price.

In 2021, a rich man suddenly disappeared after giving a million gifts, and his girlfriend was shocked when he opened the box

But Zhang Ping thought that this was her mother's worries, and firmly believed that Yang Jian was the person she was destined for.

March 14, 2021, White Day. Yang Jian chose to propose to Zhang Ping on this romantic day. The sun was shining and the air was filled with sweetness, as if even nature was blessing the lovers.

Yang Jian carefully planned this marriage proposal. He not only presented a brilliant diamond ring, but also prepared a bride price that made everyone jaw-dropping - a whole 1314520 yuan in cash, packed in a luxurious suitcase.

When he held the box in both hands and staggered towards Zhang Ping, Zhang Ping was so excited that he picked up his mobile phone and took pictures of this unforgettable moment.

In 2021, a rich man suddenly disappeared after giving a million gifts, and his girlfriend was shocked when he opened the box

Yang Jian said affectionately: "There is 1314520 yuan in this, which symbolizes my love for you all my life. Zhang Ping, please be sure to keep this bride price, and wait for me to choose a good day to marry you.

Zhang Ping was moved to tears, she felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.

According to local customs, the woman also needs to prepare a return gift. Although Zhang Ping felt a little sudden, she still acted quickly. She took out 131452 yuan from the bank and gave it to Yang Jian in a beautiful red treasure chest.

Yang Jian took the treasure chest and said softly: "Let me keep this wealth for you, and when we enter the marriage hall, we will return the original thing."

In 2021, a rich man suddenly disappeared after giving a million gifts, and his girlfriend was shocked when he opened the box

The engagement ceremony, although simple, is full of romance and happiness. However, Zhang Ping's mother always frowned. She didn't understand why a successful entrepreneur would choose her daughter, let alone give such a generous bride price.

The mother's fears soon became a reality.

That night, at the insistence of her mother, Zhang Ping violated tradition and decided to open the gift box for inspection. However, when the box was slowly opened, Zhang Ping was struck by lightning - all the boxes full of 100 yuan bills turned into bank counting bills! At that moment, Zhang Ping felt that the world was spinning, and it was hard to believe her eyes.

Shocked, Zhang Ping immediately tried to contact Yang Jian, but found that his phone had been turned off and WeChat had also been lost. In just a few hours, Yang Jian disappeared from Zhang Ping's world without a trace.

In 2021, a rich man suddenly disappeared after giving a million gifts, and his girlfriend was shocked when he opened the box

Zhang Ping's heart was full of contradictions and confusion. On the one hand, she does not want to believe that her beloved will deceive her, and on the other hand, she has to face the reality in front of her.

She recalled the bits and pieces of getting along with Yang Jian, trying to find clues, but found that she seemed to know nothing about this man.

This seemingly perfect engagement ceremony turned out to be the beginning of a scam. Zhang Ping didn't know where she should go, she only knew that her dream of marriage was completely shattered at this moment.

Zhang Ping's world was turned upside down overnight. Despite all the signs pointing to an elaborate scam, she still couldn't believe that the person she loved dearly could cheat on her like this.

In 2021, a rich man suddenly disappeared after giving a million gifts, and his girlfriend was shocked when he opened the box

With a glimmer of hope, Zhang Ping came to the police station with the suitcase full of banknotes, and tearfully asked the police to help find Yang Jian, who suddenly disappeared.

After the police took over the case, they immediately launched a full investigation. They first verified the personal information and company background provided by Yang Jian. The results of the investigation were shocking: the properties and companies that Yang Jian claimed to own were non-existent.

The business license he displayed was also carefully forged. Yang Jian's carefully constructed image of a successful entrepreneur burst like a bubble under the investigation of the police.

At the same time, the police also conducted an in-depth investigation into Yang Jian's social circle. They found that Yang Jian often posted content on social media to show off his "successful life".

In 2021, a rich man suddenly disappeared after giving a million gifts, and his girlfriend was shocked when he opened the box

However, much of this content is an elaborate illusion designed to attract victims like Zhang. There are a large number of likes and comments under each post, but in fact, many of them are directed and acted by Yang Jian.

Just when the police were searching for Yang Jian's whereabouts, an accident happened. On March 16, Yang Jian took the initiative to call Zhang Ping and invited her to visit the newly established company.

This sudden phone call made Zhang Ping's heart have mixed feelings, both surprised and apprehensive. Under the guidance of the police, she agreed to Yang Jian's invitation in order to create an opportunity for the police to arrest her.

The police quickly drew up a plan for the arrest. They laid a net around the agreed place, just waiting for Yang Jian to throw himself into the net. However, the cunning Yang Jian seemed to sense something and temporarily changed the meeting place.

In 2021, a rich man suddenly disappeared after giving a million gifts, and his girlfriend was shocked when he opened the box

The police were caught off guard by this sudden situation, but they quickly adjusted their strategy and continued to track Yang Jian's whereabouts.

After some maneuvering, the police finally succeeded in arresting Yang Jian in the Xianju area. Faced with the flickering handcuffs, Yang Jian looked panicked and kept emphasizing that he had not committed fraud.

However, his justification pales in the face of ironclad facts.

In the police station, Zhang Ping finally saw Yang Jian, who had disappeared for two days. Her feelings were complicated, both angry at his deception and heartbroken at her own credulity. When the police showed her Yang Jian's true identity and criminal record, Zhang Ping was struck by lightning and found it difficult to accept this cruel reality.

In 2021, a rich man suddenly disappeared after giving a million gifts, and his girlfriend was shocked when he opened the box

As the investigation deepened, more shocking facts surfaced. Yang Jian not only deceived Zhang Ping, but also maintained a "love" relationship with multiple women at the same time, using the same method to defraud them of trust and money.

This carefully woven scam has finally been completely debunked thanks to the efforts of the police.

For Zhang Ping, it was a painful but necessary process. She has to face the fact that she has been deceived, and at the same time she has to face her blindness and credulity in her relationship.

Although this experience was heartbreaking, it also made her realize the importance of staying vigilant in the online age.

In 2021, a rich man suddenly disappeared after giving a million gifts, and his girlfriend was shocked when he opened the box

In the police interrogation room, Yang Jian's true face was finally revealed. Faced with ironclad facts, he had to admit that he was a repeat offender, specializing in meeting single women through dating websites, and then carrying out well-planned scams.

Yang Jian's methods can be described as clever. He crafts the image of a successful entrepreneur and uses fake company information and forged documents to gain the trust of his victims.

He even spared no expense to hire others to forge real estate deeds and business licenses, in order to make his lies more credible. Once an intimate relationship is established, he will borrow money or ask for valuables from his victims for various reasons.

What's even more shocking is that Zhang Ping is not Yang Jian's only victim. The police found the contact information of a number of women in Yang Jian's mobile phone, most of whom had established a relationship with Yang Jian, and some had even given him large sums of money.

In 2021, a rich man suddenly disappeared after giving a million gifts, and his girlfriend was shocked when he opened the box

Yang Jian took advantage of the trust and feelings of these women to carry out multiple frauds at the same time, and took the technique of "killing pigs" to the extreme.

During the interrogation, Yang Jian also revealed that the reason why he chose Zhang Ping as a target was precisely because of her status and financial resources as a successful female entrepreneur. This cruel fact undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping's experience is undoubtedly a wake-up call for us. In this era of highly developed information, the means of love scams are becoming more and more sophisticated and hidden.

We must always be vigilant, especially when it comes to feelings and money.

In 2021, a rich man suddenly disappeared after giving a million gifts, and his girlfriend was shocked when he opened the box

Don't easily trust people you meet online, no matter how perfect they behave. Learn to think for yourself and not be fooled by sweet words and false images of wealth.

Before committing to a relationship, be sure to understand the other person's background in many ways and seek professional help if necessary.

In case of suspicious situations, you should confide in relatives and friends in a timely manner, and report the case to the police if necessary. Only by remaining rational and sober can we find sincere feelings in the complex online world and avoid falling into the trap of love like Zhang Ping.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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