
The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving

author:Seikashi Bungakusha
The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving
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The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving

On November 30, 2019, in the courtyard of a well-known hotel in Heshan District, Hebi City, a thrilling rescue was being staged. Fifteen-year-old Wang Luoran, a teenager who has not yet fully grown, is diving into the 30-meter-deep machine shaft again and again in an upside-down position.

At the bottom of the well, a 3-year-old girl is waiting for rescue amid a fading cry.

As the minutes ticked by, everyone held their breath and watched the brave teenager. Can he work miracles? This is a rescue race against death, and a teenager uses his life to interpret what it means to be a hero.

Wang Luoran's figure loomed at the wellhead, and every dive he made touched the hearts of everyone present. As the little girl's cries grew weaker, so did the sense of urgency for rescue.

The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving

A heavy atmosphere hung over the rescue site. The 30-centimeter-wide wellhead acts as a merciless barrier to keep all adult rescuers out. The members of the fire brigade, the zebra rescue team, and the blue sky rescue team were helpless in the face of this small space, and their strong physique became an obstacle at the moment.

Excavators and muck trucks arrived at the scene quickly, but the presence of underground rivers made the plan to dig wells and save people risky. The rescuers anxiously discussed, and every minute and every second seemed so precious.

At this moment, Wang Qingjun, a member of the zebra rescue team, had a flash of inspiration and thought of his young son Wang Luoran. The idea stirred up waves at the scene and made everyone fall into deep hesitation.

Wang's parents face a difficult choice. Their eyes flashed with contradictions and worries, but more than that, they had trust in their son and cherished their lives.

The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving

"This is our child, and we are willing to let him go!" Their voices were firm and powerful, breaking the silence of the scene.

The fire chief, still worried, repeatedly asked Wang's parents if they had thought through the possible consequences. In the face of these doubts, Wang's parents showed amazing courage and determination.

They are well aware of the risks, but in the face of life, they choose to trust their son.

At this critical juncture, Wang Luoran stood up. Despite being only 15 years old, his eyes reveal maturity and determination beyond his years. "Let me try," he said, his voice immature but full of determination.

The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving

The people around were blown away by the teenager's courage, but at the same time worried about the upcoming challenge.

The paramedics quickly conducted a detailed physical examination for Wang, and the firefighters gave him a brief but intensive rescue training. Everyone held their breath and watched the teenager who was about to take on a heavy responsibility.

Standing at the wellhead, Wang Luoran took a deep breath and looked firm. He knew that at this moment he was not only saving the life of a little girl, but also pushing his limits.

With the preparations for the first descent ready, everyone held their breath and waited for a miracle to happen.

The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving

Wang Rongran's rescue journey was full of hardships and challenges. The first time he went down the well, he was carefully lowered into the well, but the narrow walls of the well acted as a merciless barrier, blocking his progress.

He was quickly pulled back to the ground, his face full of disappointment and anxiety.

Unwilling, Wang immediately asked for a second attempt. After adjusting his position, he was again lowered into the well, but the results were still not satisfactory. The two consecutive failures made the atmosphere at the scene even more tense, and Wang Luoran's mother couldn't help but murmur in a low voice, tears of worry flashing in her eyes.

But Wang did not give up. On his third descent, he brought a miniature detector with him in hopes of getting a better understanding of the situation underground. However, the probe got stuck in the wall of the shaft, forcing him to return to the surface again.

The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving

Each failure made the hearts of those present tighten tighter, especially Wang Luoran's parents, whose faces were full of anxiety and worry.

The fourth time he went down the well, Wang Luoran finally broke through the previous obstacle and reached the position where he could see the little girl. "Sister, don't be afraid, my brother is here to save you!" His voice echoed at the bottom of the well, giving the little girl hope.

However, the rescue still ended in failure due to the inability to successfully bring the girl out. When Wang was pulled back to the surface, he excitedly described the situation at the bottom of the well to everyone, but he did not realize that his hands had been worn out by the wall of the well, and blood was flowing.

The firefighters quickly put on gloves for Wang and told him to pay attention to safety. Despite his exhaustion, Wang insisted on making his fifth descent. "Sister, don't be afraid, my brother will be here soon!" While comforting the little girl, he tried to rescue her.

The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving

This time, however, it was unsuccessful.

When he was about to go down the well for the sixth time, Wang Luoran's physical strength was close to the limit. His breath was short, and his forehead was covered with sweat. But his eyes remained steadfast.

"I can do it," he said to his worried parents, "and let me try again." "This last time I went down the well, it was as if time had stopped flowing. The people on the ground held their breath and waited anxiously.

Suddenly, the little girl's crying stopped abruptly, and the scene fell into a terrible silence. Everyone's heart is in their throats.

The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving

As the rope slowly ascended, the crowd erupted in cheers. When Wang Luoran and the little girl were pulled out of the well, applause rang out like thunder. Wang was exhausted and soaked, but his face was filled with the joy of victory.

He did it, and he managed to rescue the little girl.

The little girl's father burst into tears and expressed his gratitude to Wang Luoran for kneeling down. Although Wang was exhausted, he insisted on caring about the little girl's condition until he confirmed that she was safe and sound.

At this moment, 15-year-old Wang Luoran is no longer just an ordinary teenager, he has become a hero in the eyes of everyone. His courage, perseverance and selflessness were on full display in this thrilling rescue, illustrating what true heroism is.

The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving

Wang Luoran's heroic deeds quickly spread throughout the country, and he was hailed as a "young hero". Major media outlets rushed to report on his deeds, and discussions about him on social platforms continued to rise.

For a time, the 15-year-old boy became the center of public attention.

However, the ensuing high level of attention also brought unprecedented pressure to Wang Luoran. Every action is amplified, and every sentence is interpreted. He felt as if he was trapped in the spotlight with nowhere to hide.

"I just did what I was supposed to do," he often said, his eyes bewildered and uneasy.

The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving

At school, his classmates looked at him with strange eyes. Some praised his courage, others questioned whether his academic performance was worthy of the title of "hero". In society, some voices demand that he always maintain a perfect image, as if he must always play the role of a hero.

Some people even put forward the absurd "responsibility theory", arguing that he should be responsible for the rescued girl.

These pressures made Wang Lingran feel powerless. He began to question himself, doubting whether he was worthy of the title of "hero". Sometimes, he would hide in his room, reminiscing about that thrilling rescue, both proud of his courage and troubled by the stress that came with it.

Fortunately, Wang Luoran's family has always been his strong backing. His parents saw their son's distress and decided to help him through this difficult time. "You just have to be true to yourself," they told him, "and heroes are not perfect people, but people who have the courage to stand up when needed."

The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving

These words gave Wang Luo Ran strength. He began to learn to accept his imperfections, understanding that being "heroic" does not mean omnipotent. With the support of his family, he gradually regained his self-confidence and learned how to face the public's attention and expectations.

Wang's experience has also sparked social concern about the mental health of adolescents. Experts called for paying attention to the psychological pressure of young people while praising heroic deeds, and giving them more understanding and support.

With the passage of time, the heat of public opinion gradually decreased, but Wang Rongran's growth continued. This experience has made him more mature and more aware of what it means to be responsible and responsible.

He began to think about how to turn this honor into a continuous motivation to make more contributions to society.

The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving

After experiencing the thrilling rescue and the ensuing turmoil, Wang Luoran did not choose to back down or be content with the status quo. On the contrary, this experience became a turning point in his life, pushing him to be more active in public welfare relief causes.

Under the guidance of his parents, Wang began to participate in volunteer rescue work on a regular basis. From initial nervousness to gradual familiarization with various rescue skills, he has grown in practice.

Every time he participated in the rescue, he had a deeper understanding of the preciousness of life and the meaning of responsibility.

Once, Wang Luoran participated in a search and rescue operation with his mother for a lost elderly man. From 7 p.m. to 1 a.m., they searched the entire neighborhood tirelessly.

The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving

When the old man was finally found, Wang felt a great sense of satisfaction brought by the rescue work.

This experience not only exercised Wang's will, but also taught him how to better handle pressure and how to stick to his beliefs while remaining humble.

His courage and commitment are no longer just reflected in the sensational underground rescue, but are integrated into his daily life.

"Every rescue makes me feel the preciousness of life," Wang said, with a determined glint in his eyes, "I will continue to work hard to live up to everyone's expectations."

The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving

This former "young hero" is growing into a young man who truly understands responsibility and responsibility.

Wang Rongran's story is not only a heroic deed of one person, but also the epitome of the responsibility of Chinese youth in the new era. In this era of rapid development, young people are interpreting what responsibility is and what responsibility is in their own way.

From Wang Luoran to the young volunteers who stood up during the pandemic, to the grassroots workers who have been quietly dedicated, China's future is shaping in the hands of these young people.

Their actions teach us that heroes are not far away and that everyone can be a force for change in the world.

The young man in the flower season hung upside down in the well 6 times, sacrificing his life to save the young girl, and the girl's father knelt down in thanksgiving

The story of these young people, as Mr. Liang Qichao said a hundred years ago, "Today's responsibility is not for others, but for my youth." They responded to this heavy expectation with practical actions, and bravely shouldered the glorious mission and heavy responsibility entrusted to them by the times.

In them, we see the hope and strength of the Chinese nation. These young faces, who shine with courage and responsibility, are the backbone of promoting the prosperity of the country and realizing the great rejuvenation.

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