
The late festival is not guaranteed, and no amount of fame and fortune can save Wei Jizhong, who "self-destructs his reputation".

author:Winter says school
The late festival is not guaranteed, and no amount of fame and fortune can save Wei Jizhong, who "self-destructs his reputation".
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The late festival is not guaranteed, and no amount of fame and fortune can save Wei Jizhong, who "self-destructs his reputation".

At the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, a gray-haired old man became a torchbearer again, he was the 87-year-old Wei Jizhong. This veteran of the sports industry, who was once known as the "father of China's Olympic industry", made an impassioned statement in front of the camera, saying that he would dedicate his life to China's sports cause.

From FIVB president to controversial sports commentator, Wei Jizhong's life trajectory has been a rollercoaster of ups and downs. Once, he was the pride of China's sports world; Today, it is facing unprecedented doubts and criticism.

What is the reason for this respected old man to lose his old age? Let's follow the footsteps of time, uncover the glory and controversy of Wei Jizhong, and explore the ups and downs of a legend in the world of sports.

In 2017, China's table tennis community ushered in a "flat" reform aimed at reforming the system. This reform, vigorously promoted by Wei Jizhong, replaced the original head coach system with the "team leader responsibility system".

The late festival is not guaranteed, and no amount of fame and fortune can save Wei Jizhong, who "self-destructs his reputation".

This reform is like a bombshell, causing shocks in the table tennis world.

The first victim of the reform was the legendary coach Liu Guoliang, who was known as the "fat man". The meritorious coach who led the Chinese table tennis team to the top of the world suddenly lost his position as head coach.

Liu Guoliang's departure was like a hammer, shattering the morale of the entire table tennis team.

The emotions of Ma Long, Xu Xin and other main players then fell to the bottom. At one point, they were even unable to concentrate on the game and missed the game without warning. Xu Xin admitted in an interview that the departure of the coach made it difficult for him to concentrate.

The late festival is not guaranteed, and no amount of fame and fortune can save Wei Jizhong, who "self-destructs his reputation".

This emotional fluctuation was soon reflected in the results.

In the subsequent international competitions, the Chinese table tennis team suffered an unprecedented setback. At the Japan Open, rookie Tomokazu Zhang won the championship by defeating Ma Long and Zhang Jike in a row.

What's even more shocking is that at the World Table Tennis Championships, the Chinese team only won one gold medal, setting the worst record in history. Even the men's world No. 1 position is occupied by Germany's Ocharov.

In the face of such a bleak situation, Wei Jizhong seemed unusually calm, and his response was: "Trial and error are always needed." This understatement has sparked strong public dissatisfaction.

The late festival is not guaranteed, and no amount of fame and fortune can save Wei Jizhong, who "self-destructs his reputation".

Seeing that the Tokyo Olympics are approaching, the General Administration of Sports of China can no longer sit still. In order to save the situation, they urgently recalled Liu Guoliang. Liu Guoliang's return, like a shot in the arm, quickly stabilized the morale of the army, and the national table tennis also regained its state.

Back in 2004, the Chinese women's volleyball team, under the leadership of coach Chen Zhonghe, experienced an unforgettable glorious period. It took Chen Zhonghe a full eight years to bring a team back to the top that had fallen into a trough.

At the Athens Olympics, the Chinese women's volleyball team won the gold medal again after 20 years, and Chen Zhonghe was also known as "a daughter-in-law who has become a wife for many years".

However, just when Chen Zhonghe became famous, Wei Jizhong questioned him. In the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the Chinese women's volleyball team lost the game against the United States team coached by Lang Ping and only won the bronze medal.

The late festival is not guaranteed, and no amount of fame and fortune can save Wei Jizhong, who "self-destructs his reputation".

Wei Jizhong blamed Chen Zhonghe entirely for this failure, and he even openly accused Chen Zhonghe of "tactics and thinking that are far behind the times." Subsequently, Wei Jizhong pushed his fellow countryman Cai Bin to take over as head coach.

Cai Bin's coaching career has become the darkest moment for the Chinese women's volleyball team. Under his leadership, the Chinese women's volleyball team lost one after another in many important competitions. The most shocking thing is that in the Asian Championships, the Chinese women's volleyball team lost to the Thai team for the first time and even missed the final.

This series of failures sparked strong public dissatisfaction, and doubts arose, and Cai Bin finally had to leave the scene in disgrace.

Faced with the plight of the women's volleyball team, Lang Ping resolutely gave up the preferential treatment in the United States and returned to China to coach. However, Wei Jizhong still seems to have a grudge against Lang Ping. In the final stage of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, he said dismissively: "It is almost impossible to win a gold medal under Lang Ping.

The late festival is not guaranteed, and no amount of fame and fortune can save Wei Jizhong, who "self-destructs his reputation".

This remark caused quite a bit of controversy at the time.

Lang Ping responded to all the doubts with strength. Under her leadership, the Chinese women's volleyball team not only regained the gold medal at the Rio Olympics, but also achieved great results in subsequent competitions.

The "spirit of the women's volleyball team" is once again deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and Lang Ping has also become a hero in the eyes of the people of the whole country.

Wei Jizhong's series of actions in the change of women's volleyball coach not only showed his contempt for professional talents, but also exposed his personal likes and dislikes above the interests of the team.

The late festival is not guaranteed, and no amount of fame and fortune can save Wei Jizhong, who "self-destructs his reputation".

He always seems to be stubborn and unable to objectively evaluate the coach's ability and contribution. This kind of improper intervention has seriously affected the development of the Chinese women's volleyball team, and has also accumulated a lot of negative comments for himself.

From Chen Zhonghe to Lang Ping, the Chinese women's volleyball team has experienced ups and downs. And Wei Jizhong's words and deeds in this process make people question: why would a person who has made great contributions to Chinese sports be so stubborn in his later years, even at the expense of the interests of the national team? This behavior not only damages his personal reputation, but more importantly, it may have a negative impact on the development of the entire Chinese women's volleyball team.

The contradiction between Wei Jizhong and the women's volleyball team is not only reflected in the choice of coaches, but also in his series of controversial remarks. In 2019, under the leadership of Lang Ping, the Chinese women's volleyball team successfully defended its world championship with an impressive record of 11 consecutive wins.

The news made the whole country rejoice, but Wei Jizhong's reaction was shocking.

The late festival is not guaranteed, and no amount of fame and fortune can save Wei Jizhong, who "self-destructs his reputation".

In a blog post celebrating the women's volleyball team's victory, Wei Jizhong wrote: "There are very few people standing on the podium, but the people who have paid for this victory are countless.

At first glance, these words seem to praise the workers behind the scenes, but on closer inspection, people find that he deliberately ignored the contributions of Lang Ping and the women's volleyball players. Such rhetoric immediately sparked a public backlash.

Sports commentator Zhao Jiaxing pointed out sharply: "Lang Ping, Zhu Ting and others are all world-class athletes, and this kind of neglect will undoubtedly affect the cohesion of the team."

Zhao Jiaxing's comments represent the opinion of most people, and people do not understand why Wei Jizhong made such inappropriate remarks at such a festive moment.

The late festival is not guaranteed, and no amount of fame and fortune can save Wei Jizhong, who "self-destructs his reputation".

This is not the first time that Wei Jizhong has sparked controversy over inappropriate remarks. As early as 2004, he made an uncomfortable assessment of the size of the women's volleyball players, saying that they were "plump and have thick thighs".

This kind of commentary on the figure of female athletes clearly lacks due respect.

In 2018, when the Chinese women's volleyball team failed to defend the gold medal in a certain event, Wei Jizhong bluntly said: "Zhu Ting is not omnipotent. "This kind of accusation against the star players in the event of a defeat will undoubtedly undermine the morale of the players.

Wei Jizhong's remarks not only show his disrespect for female athletes, but also expose his narrow vision as a leader in the sports world. He always seems to be from the perspective of a bystander, lacking the understanding and respect he deserves for the efforts of athletes and coaches.

The late festival is not guaranteed, and no amount of fame and fortune can save Wei Jizhong, who "self-destructs his reputation".

One might say that Wei Jizhong was just expressing his personal opinion. However, as a public figure, especially with a significant influence in the world of sports, his remarks will inevitably be seen as some sort of official attitude.

This kind of irresponsible remarks will not only affect the psychological state of the athletes, but also may affect the atmosphere and cohesion of the whole team.

Despite the controversy in his later years, it is undeniable that Wei Jizhong made significant contributions to China's sports industry. Nothing has been more striking than his experience as president of the FIVB.

As one of the few Chinese who can hold important positions in international sports organizations, Wei Jizhong has won more voice and influence for Chinese sports on the world stage.

The late festival is not guaranteed, and no amount of fame and fortune can save Wei Jizhong, who "self-destructs his reputation".

Wei Jizhong is adept at using his international network to maintain close ties with IOC members. This relationship has played an important role in organizing and hosting various international events, and has made great contributions to the internationalization of Chinese sports.

However, Wei Ji's most celebrated achievement is his contribution to China's bid to host the Olympic Games. At the critical moment of Beijing's bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games, Wei Jizhong exerted his international influence and lobbied everywhere.

His efforts played a key role in Beijing's eventual bid to host the event. It is this achievement that has earned him the reputation of "the father of China's Olympic industry".

Wei Jizhong's contribution reflects his love and dedication to China's sports industry. His efforts have not only enhanced China's status in the international sports community, but also opened up a new path for the development of Chinese sports.

The late festival is not guaranteed, and no amount of fame and fortune can save Wei Jizhong, who "self-destructs his reputation".

However, as he grew older, he seemed to gradually lose his keen insight into the development of sports in the new era, and his words and deeds became more and more out of touch with the times.

This huge contrast makes people sigh at the end of the heroes of the past. Wei Jizhong, who once fought for the rights and interests of Chinese sports on the international stage, is now questioned because of a series of inappropriate words and deeds.

This huge gap is not only a personal tragedy, but also a reflection of the dilemma faced by the older generation of leaders in the sports world.

The controversy in Wei Jizhong's later years is not only a personal tragedy, but also reflects the deep-seated problems of China's sports management system. Problems such as excessive reliance on personal prestige, neglect of professional opinions, and lack of effective decision-making and supervision mechanisms are worthy of our deep consideration.

The late festival is not guaranteed, and no amount of fame and fortune can save Wei Jizhong, who "self-destructs his reputation".

Wei's experience is a wake-up call for other sports veterans. In the ever-changing world of sports, it is worth thinking about how to keep up with the times and how to continue to play an active role after taking a back seat.

Only by constantly learning and remaining humble can we avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

For Wei Jizhong, perhaps it would be wise to opt out at the right time. For the entire sports industry, the establishment of a sound decision-making mechanism, attaching importance to the opinions of professionals, and cultivating a new generation of management talents are the long-term solutions to ensure the sustainable development of China's sports industry.

The late festival is not guaranteed, and no amount of fame and fortune can save Wei Jizhong, who "self-destructs his reputation".

The story of Wei Jizhong reminds us that honor and responsibility coexist, and influence and prudence go hand in hand. Only by correctly understanding their own roles can they truly contribute to the development of China's sports industry.

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