
Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

author:Winter says school
Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen
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Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

In February 2008, the sun was shining brightly in Hong Kong, but it could not dispel the gloom that hung over Edison Chen's heart. The 28-year-old stood on the stage of the press conference with a firm and heavy gaze.

The spotlight flickered non-stop, as if witnessing the end of an era.

"I have decided to quit the Hong Kong entertainment industry indefinitely," Edison Chen's voice echoed through the venue, causing an uproar.

He was at the peak of his career, why did he suddenly choose to quit? What is the story behind this decision? Now, 14 years after that stormy day, perhaps it's time to revisit this once controversial figure.

Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

Edison Chen's acting career is like a gorgeous firework, dazzling but fleeting. In 2000, at the age of 20, he officially entered the entertainment industry with his first solo music album "Edison Chen".

At that time, his eyes flashed with a vision for the future, and no one expected that this handsome and dashing young man would rise rapidly in just a few years and become a hot star in the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

Subsequently, Edison Chen's acting career was in full swing. He has participated in many acclaimed and acclaimed films such as "A Thousand Machine Changes", "Initial D", and "Jianghu".

In 2006, he starred in "Dog Eat Dog", which pushed his acting skills to a new height. In this movie, Edison Chen has almost no lines, relying entirely on body language to interpret a ruthless killer who hides warmth in his heart.

Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

For the role, he did not hesitate to sacrifice his handsome appearance, and showed people with a grizzled face throughout the whole process, fully demonstrating his dedication and love for acting.

Edison Chen's talent and dedication have been widely recognized by the industry. Jackie Chan, Leslie Cheung, Anita Mui and other predecessors in the Hong Kong film industry have high hopes for him. "Elder Brother" Leslie Cheung once praised him as the most promising actor among his peers, while "Big Sister" Anita Mui encouraged him to keep his duty and believed that his future would be bright.

At the age of 26, Edison Chen's career reached its peak. Many industry insiders believe that he is very promising to become the next Academy Award actor. However, fate played a cruel joke on him.

In 2008, a sudden storm completely changed the trajectory of Edison Chen's life. Originally known as the future actor, he became a "photographer" in everyone's mouth overnight.

Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

The ironic title stems from an incident in which an intimate photo was accidentally leaked. In the storm of public opinion, Edison Chen had to make the decision to quit the Hong Kong entertainment industry.

In this way, an actor full of potential chose to quit in the prime of his career. The once brilliant star journey came to naught overnight. Edison Chen's story seems to be a realistic version of a fable about the impermanence of fate, which makes people sigh at the ups and downs of life.

Edison Chen's coming-of-age story is a complex interweaving of privilege and loneliness, rebellion and friendship. As the son of business tycoon Chen Zemin, he has lived a life of fine clothes and food since he was a child.

However, the material conditions of affluence did not bring him a full childhood. His parents divorced at an early age, and his father was busy with his career, so it seemed that all he could give was money, not affection.

Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

Such a family background has left a deep imprint on Edison Chen's character. He became rebellious and uninhibited, as if he was filling the emptiness in his heart with rebellion. However, it was in such youthful years that he met the best friend who changed his life - Nicholas Tse.

Two teenagers from different backgrounds formed a deep friendship during their middle school years. They are inseparable, go to school together, and talk about ideals together. This pure friendship has become one of the most precious treasures in Edison Chen's life.

Even years later, when a reporter asked about Nicholas Tse, Edison Chen still said sincerely: "Nicholas Tse is undoubtedly a crucial figure in my life, and even in the last moments, he will still be my best friend."

Fate always likes to joke. Who would have thought that this pair of good brothers who are like brothers and sisters would have a dislike in the future because of a woman named Cecilia Cheung? This turn of events seems to be an inevitable test of adolescent friendship.

Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

In his love life, Edison Chen was gradually labeled as a "master of the love field". His female partners change frequently, both glamorous and moving, pure and lovely, and affectionate.

However, behind these seemingly glamorous emotional experiences, there may be hidden deep scars in his heart that are difficult to heal.

Perhaps it is the lack of security in his childhood, Edison Chen seems to have been looking for true love, but he doesn't know how to cherish it. Interestingly, even so, most of the women he has had dealings with have deep feelings for him.

Even after the photogate incident, Zhong Xintong (Gillian), who was greatly hurt, admitted that she agreed to take those photos because she was afraid of losing him.

Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

Edison Chen's growth trajectory shows a complex and contradictory image. He is not only a rebellious son of a rich family, but also a good brother who values love and righteousness; is not only an enviable love master, but also a big boy with an insecure heart.

Such an experience may have shaped the controversial but charming Edison Chen.

After retiring from the entertainment industry, Edison Chen was not as depressed and decadent as many people expected. Instead, with incredible resilience and adaptability, he quickly broke new ground in the business world.

Bidding farewell to the spotlight and screen, Edison Chen devoted his energy to his trendy brand career. He keenly captures the aesthetics and needs of young people, and incorporates his unique vision of fashion into his designs.

Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

Soon, his brand became famous in the fashion circle and became a sought after object of young people. , a former rookie in the film industry, has also shown good talent in the business world.

Despite being in a foreign country, Edison Chen has never forgotten his roots. He has publicly stated many times: "Although I was born in Canada, I am convinced that I am Chinese.

"This insistence and recognition of cultural identity is particularly valuable in today's complex international environment. His words and deeds have invisibly become a manifestation of the patriotic feelings of overseas Chinese.

In his love life, the former "master of love" has also undergone an unexpected change. The combination of Edison Chen and international supermodel Qin Shupei surprised many people.

Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

The marriage was surprisingly stable and sweet. Not only did he become a competent husband, but he also turned into a doting "daughter slave" after the birth of his daughter.

used to be a rebellious and unruly teenager, but now he is a good man who takes care of his family.

Such a change has naturally sparked a lot of discussions. Some people question whether Qin Shupei is wise to marry Edison Chen, but whether he is happy or not, I am afraid that only the parties concerned can understand it.

And judging from Edison Chen's words and deeds, he seems to have really found inner peace and satisfaction.

Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

As time went on, the public's perception of Edison Chen was also quietly changing. More and more people began to understand him and support him. What they expect to see is no longer the clichéd photogate affair, but his new work in the field of music and fashion.

Edison Chen's transformation is undoubtedly a moving story about the prodigal son's return. He proved with practical actions that even if he falls into a low point in life, he can get back on his feet with his talent and hard work.

From a former star in the entertainment industry to a current business talent, from a rebellious teenager to a good man in the Gu family, Edison Chen's transformation may be the best interpretation of "growth" in many people's hearts.

Although he has retired from the entertainment industry for many years, his acting career has always been an indelible mark in Edison Chen's heart. In 2015, in the documentary "Within Reach", we saw a Edison Chen who took off his star halo.

Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

He showed people without makeup, and his eyes revealed nostalgia and regret for the past.

"I'm really, really eager to be able to star in a movie," Edison Chen admits with an unconcealable sense of loss in his voice. "Acting is my passion in life.

This sentence expresses the deepest desire in his heart. The boy who used to shine on the screen can now only recall the glory of the past in his memory.

The trick of fate forced him to give up his beloved career. "They took away my passion, and they won." Edison Chen expressed it like this, and there was both helplessness and unwillingness in his tone.

Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

This is perhaps the only place where he admits that he has been defeated, because other than that, he has never felt defeated.

Despite this, Edison Chen did not completely give up on his artistic pursuits. Music, especially hip-hop, became another outlet for him to express his emotions. Even when he is no longer on the big screen, he still conveys his thoughts and emotions through music.

This love for music has become one of the important driving forces that support him to move forward.

In the face of the past, Edison Chen showed a rare calmness. When asked if he would choose to change the trajectory of his life if he went back in time, he replied without hesitation: "My determination has never wavered, and there is no change between the past and the future."

Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

This persistence is not only an affirmation of one's choice, but also an attitude towards life.

However, such candor is not understood by everyone. Instead, it sparked a new round of controversy and criticism. But for Edison Chen, being able to stay true to his heart may be more important than pleasing others.

Edison Chen's story allows us to see the inner struggle and persistence of an artist. His experience teaches us that even if we are forced to give up our beloved career, the love and passion in our hearts will not be easily extinguished.

This undying love has become the most precious treasure in his life journey, and it has also become the driving force that pushes him forward.

Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

Maybe one day, we will be able to see Edison Chen on the screen again. But even if this wish could not be realized, his love and dedication to the performing arts has become an indelible part of his life.

Time flies, and the once controversial Edison Chen now seems to have a new image in the eyes of the public. Despite being away from the entertainment industry for many years, his social media presence has not diminished in the slightest.

The fact that an ordinary photo of his life can receive as many as 4 million views on a certain platform is enough to prove that the public still maintains a strong interest in him.

What's even more surprising is that he has a whopping 23 million followers, a number that even exceeds many popular stars.

Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

As time passed, more and more people began to re-examine the complex figure of Edison Chen. They no longer limited their eyes to the photogate incident that shocked the entertainment industry, but began to appreciate Edison Chen's talent and unique perspective in music, fashion and other fields.

What people expect to see is his new work, his understanding of art, not the clichéd old news.

Edison Chen's philosophy of life has also become a bright light in the hearts of many people. "Compared with ideals, wealth can always only be second, and love is the most critical factor.

That's how he expressed his values. This attitude of sticking to dreams and pursuing love is particularly valuable in today's utilitarian society. He encouraged people to "believe in yourself, stick to your ideals, and find your own passion", which is not only his life credo, but also the motto of many young people.

Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

Facing the future, Edison Chen still maintains optimism and humor. When asked what he would look like at the age of 50, he laughed that he would "remain handsome and look good."

This self-confidence and positive attitude allows people to see his inner strength and love for life.

Fourteen years on, perhaps it's time to put aside prejudice and reacquaint ourselves with this once-controversial artist. Edison Chen's story tells us that life is not all smooth sailing, but as long as you maintain your love and persistence for your dreams, you can always find your own light in the face of adversity.

From a rebellious teenager in the past to a mature artist today, from a controversial star to an understood creator, Edison Chen's transformation is not only a personal growth, but also a microcosm of an era.

Many years have passed, and it is time to "whitewash" Edison Chen

His experience shows us that everyone can make mistakes, but at the same time, there is also an opportunity to start afresh and write a new chapter in life.

Perhaps, now is the perfect time for us to take a fresh look at Edison Chen. Instead of prejudice and prejudice, we should understand this complex and charismatic artist with a more open and inclusive mind.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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