
CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

author:Xixi talks about the world
CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents
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CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

In 1986, on the stage of the CCTV Young Singer Competition, a singer named Su Hong won the crown with a stunning performance, and her singing touched the hearts of countless audiences.

This girl from a military family, with her talent and hard work, started a brilliant music career. However, fate is always elusive. In the years that followed, Su Hong experienced a series of heartbreaking changes: her parents died one after another, and her beloved husband was also killed by illness.

How does this once radiant singer find the strength to move forward in the midst of great grief? Su Hong's story is not only a sad song about loss, but also a touching legend that shows strength, love and responsibility.

Su Hong's musical career began in 1978, when she was only 14 years old and joined the song and dance troupe in Benxi City, Liaoning Province. Despite coming from a military family, Su Hong chose a very different path, following her inner love for music.

CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

In the cabaret troupe, her talent was quickly revealed. Su Hong's clear and moving voice, coupled with hard training, made her stand out in various performances in the troupe.

As time passed, Su Hong's talent shone brighter and brighter. She has starred in many classic operas, such as "Sister Jiang", "Xiao Erhei Married" and "The Singer of the End of the World".

These works not only allowed her to accumulate valuable stage experience, but also won her the love and recognition of the audience.

In order to further improve her professional level, Su Hong seized the opportunity to study at the Shenyang Conservatory of Music. There, she had the privilege of studying with many prestigious vocal professors, such as Cheng Hao, Wang Yanan, and Zheng Sulan.

CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

This learning experience laid a solid foundation for Su Hong's music career and broadened her artistic horizons.

Not satisfied with this, Su Hong also studied with top domestic music masters such as Gu Jianfen, Fu Lin and Jin Tielin. These valuable experiences and knowledge, like precious nutrients, nourish Su Hong's music career and make her singing more profound and charming.

Su Hong's efforts soon paid off. In 1987, she appeared on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala for the first time. On this stage, which was followed by hundreds of millions of audiences, Su Hong performed "Little Me" with an affectionate voice, which instantly captured the hearts of audiences across the country.

This song has thus become a classic in the history of the Spring Festival Gala.

CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

Since then, Su Hong has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala many times. In 1989, 1990 and 1996, she sang as a guest and left a deep impression on the audience every time she appeared.

Especially in 1990, she cooperated with Hangzhou singer Hang Hong to perform "Wangchun", and in 1996, she sang "Through the Neon" with Zhu Hong, which became the highlight of that year's Spring Festival Gala.

From a soldier's home to a stage star, Su Hong's music path is full of sweat and enthusiasm. Her success is not only due to her talent, but also to her dedication and unremitting efforts to music.

Su Hong used her own experience to prove that as long as you stick to your dreams and work hard, you will definitely be able to shine on the road you love.

CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

1986 was a year worth remembering for Su Hong. This year, she not only made a major breakthrough in her career and won the crown of the CCTV Young Singer Competition, but also gained sweet love in her personal life.

She tied the knot with the famous dancer Jolik and started a happy married life. The two supported each other on the road of art, made progress together, and became an enviable model couple in the entertainment industry.

After marriage, Su Hong did not slow down her career because of a happy family life. Instead, she threw herself into the music career with even more enthusiasm. In 1987, Su Hong joined the All-China Federation of Trade Unions Art Troupe, responded to the party's call, and actively devoted herself to the great cause of "serving the people at the grassroots level".

She took the initiative to invite Ying, went deep into the grassroots to carry out condolence performances, and brought joy and warmth to ordinary workers with her moving singing.

CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

In these days of grassroots performances, Su Hong deeply experienced the sincere emotions of the masses. Whether it is the shade channel made of simple straw hats, or a pair of warm cotton gloves handed over in the cold winter, she feels warm.

These experiences not only shortened the distance between Su Hong and the grassroots workers, but also injected new inspiration and vitality into her music creation.

In addition to her music career, Su Hong is also passionate about public welfare. In 2003, when the SARS epidemic swept across the country, Su Hong stepped forward and wrote and recorded many inspiring anti-epidemic songs such as "Warm World" and "Feel the Motherland".

She not only used music to cheer for the people of the whole country, but also generously donated a large number of urgently needed materials to the disaster area, showing an artist's sense of social responsibility.

CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

During the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Su Hong once again showed her social responsibility. She actively participated in the event as an Olympic volunteer and composed many popular songs to add luster to this world-renowned sporting event.

Her dedication and talent have been widely recognized, and she has received numerous honorary awards.

Su Hong during this period can be described as the golden years of life. She has achieved great results in her career and is happy in her family life. Her husband, Jolik, has always been her strong backing and escorted her career.

In 2000, the two ushered in the crystallization of love - the lovely daughter was born, which brought more joy to this happy family.

CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

However, Su Hong did not stop moving forward because of the happiness of life. She still maintains a strong enthusiasm for her work, and she is busy every day like a spinning top.

During the day, he participates in various performances, and at night he has to work overtime to record cassettes. And Jiao Like silently undertook the "logistics support" work of the family, so that Su Hong could devote herself to her career.

During this period of time, Su Hong used her actions to interpret what a successful artistic life is: she not only shines on the stage, but also plays multiple roles as a wife, a mother and an artist in life.

Her story tells us that as long as we have dreams and work hard, we can reap fruitful fruits in both career and life.

CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

In 1994, just as Su Hong's career was in full swing, a sudden health crisis disrupted her peaceful life. One day, she suddenly felt unwell and had a strong discomfort reaction to the smell of soy milk and oil smoke.

At first, she thought it was just a common cold, but the symptoms were getting worse.

After an in-depth examination, the doctor gave a shocking diagnosis: Su Hong suffered from severe allergic laryngitis and rhinitis, and more worryingly, this symptom could evolve into incurable nasopharyngeal cancer.

This bad news was like a bolt from the blue, which made Su Hong difficult to accept for a while.

CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

Under the careful care of Jiao Lik and the careful treatment of the doctors, Su Hong's condition gradually improved. Her physical condition is improving day by day, and her voice is gradually returning to its former brightness.

After nearly five years of recuperation, Su Hong finally successfully overcame the disease in 1999 and returned to the stage she loved.

This experience of fighting the disease made Su Hong cherish life even more, and also made her relationship with her husband Jiao Like deeper. She deeply realized the value of health and the importance of the love and support of her family.

After returning to the stage, Su Hong devoted herself to the music career with more enthusiasm. She cherishes every opportunity to perform on stage and infects the audience with her moving singing.

CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

This experience not only did not defeat Su Hong, but made her stronger, and also made her singing more aware and cherished of life.

However, fate does not seem to let Su Hong go. At the end of 2009, even bigger blows followed, which would once again test the strong singer.

In December 2009, Su Hong was struck by the bad news that her father, Liu Lintu, had been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. This news almost crushed Su Hong, and she couldn't accept this cruel reality for a while.

However, with the support of her husband Jiao Like, Su Hong endured her grief and faced this difficult situation strongly.

CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

Unfortunately, fate doesn't seem willing to spare the family. Just one New Year later, Liu Lintu's condition deteriorated dramatically. Despite the best efforts of Su Hong and her family to find various treatments, they were unable to save her father's life.

In May 2010, Liu Lintu passed away forever.

This blow was heavy enough for Su Hong, but greater grief was yet to come. Only three months later, Su Hong's mother also died because she couldn't bear the pain of losing her husband.

After losing her parents in just a few months, Su Hong fell into endless grief, and she felt as if she had lost the whole world.

CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

Just as Su Hong was trying to get out of the haze of losing her parents, fate gave her a heavy blow again. In the summer of 2010, Su Hong took Jiao Like and her daughter to Dalian to relax, hoping to ease the family's mood.

However, the trip made them realize that there was something unusual about Jolik's physical condition.

Zoelik, who could have swam in the sea for more than an hour, is now exhausted after only ten minutes. This abnormal phenomenon caused Su Hong to be highly vigilant.

Upon her return to Beijing, she immediately accompanied Jiao Lik to several hospitals for comprehensive medical examinations.

CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

At first, doctors misdiagnosed Giolik with diabetes, but the treatment was not satisfactory. After further examination, an even more brutal fact emerged - Jiao Lik was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer.

However, despite Su Hong's great efforts, fate still did not favor this strong woman. In May 2011, Jolik finally passed away with deep regret, leaving behind a promise to his wife that she would take care of his parents.

After losing her loved ones in just two years, this pain was almost unbearable for Su Hong. However, she knows that life goes on and she still has responsibilities to fulfill.

With the longing for her relatives and the hope for life, Su Hong began a new chapter in her life.

CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

After experiencing a series of blows from the loss of her loved ones, Su Hong was not completely crushed by grief. She knows that she is also carrying her husband's last wish to take care of his parents.

Although the pain of losing her son is indescribable, Su Hong did not let her in-laws sink in grief and tried her best to help them rebuild a normal life.

Su Hong often said to her in-laws: "Mom and Dad, Rick is gone, from now on, I will be filial to you like my biological parents, and I will always be by your side."

This is not just a promise, but also a vow that she fulfills with practical actions.

CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

Over the years, Su Hong has consistently fulfilled her promises. She treats her in-laws as her biological parents and takes care of them in every possible way. Under Su Hong's careful care, her in-laws' feelings for her gradually sublimated, transcending the ordinary relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, forming a sincere family bond.

Although there is no blood relationship between them, the deep affection goes beyond any blood kinship.

Su Hong's story teaches us that even in the darkest moments, love and responsibility can give people the strength to keep going. She used her actions to interpret what true filial piety is and showed a strong life force.

Despite experiencing a huge loss, Su Hong still chose love and responsibility and wrote a new chapter in her life.

CCTV singing competition champion Su Hong: Her parents and husbands died one after another, and she raised her in-laws as her biological parents

Her story is not only a tragedy of loss, but also a touching story of humanity, the inheritance of love, and new hope. Su Hong proved with her actions that even in the darkest moments of life, we can find the courage to rebuild our lives and move on.

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