
Zhou Suhong: After taking care of her paralyzed husband for 5 years, she remarried a wealthy businessman who was 9 years older in her second marriage, what happened now?

author:The Lord of the Secluded Valley

At the opening of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the captain of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Zhou Suhong, was under a lot of pressure, but in the end, she and her teammates fought hard to win a precious bronze medal.

Zhou Suhong is a legend in the Chinese volleyball world and has loved volleyball since she was a child.

At first, Zhou Suhong was not an "expert" in the Zhejiang women's volleyball team.

Even because he often played off, he was nicknamed "Old Paoer" by his teammates.

However, this nickname did not hinder her progress, but as she grew up all the way, she also became her symbol - Sister Cannon.

She entered the Zhejiang women's volleyball team at the age of 15 and was the team's key scorer, taking on an important position with Chen Zhaodi.

Zhou Suhong: After taking care of her paralyzed husband for 5 years, she remarried a wealthy businessman who was 9 years older in her second marriage, what happened now?

Subsequently, she was successfully selected for the national team and participated in many world-class competitions, helping the Chinese women's volleyball team to reach the top of the world again.

After the match, Zhou Suhong did not stay in the arena to continue watching the game, but immediately rushed to a hospital in Shanghai to take care of her husband Tang Miao, who was paralyzed by the accident.

This marriage has gone through ups and downs, and Zhou Suhong has been taking care of Tang Miao meticulously for many years.

Zhou Suhong: After taking care of her paralyzed husband for 5 years, she remarried a wealthy businessman who was 9 years older in her second marriage, what happened now?

But in the end, it was exchanged for a sentence from her husband:

"Let's get a divorce."

Behind this sentence is Tang Miao's deep guilt towards his wife.

Zhou Suhong: After taking care of her paralyzed husband for 5 years, she remarried a wealthy businessman who was 9 years older in her second marriage, what happened now?

Their love affair began in 2002.

At that time, in order to relieve the pressure of training, a friendly indoor football match was organized.

In the game, a football unfortunately hit Zhou Suhong's face, and the person who kicked this goal was Tang Miao.

After the accident, Tang Miao felt deeply guilty, and specially prepared milk and eggs for Zhou Suhong as breakfast on the second day to apologize.

This little accident turned out to be the beginning of the two.

In the days that followed, the two communicated frequently, shared volleyball experience and life together, and gradually cultivated a deep relationship.

In 2005, their romance was made public.

Zhou Suhong: After taking care of her paralyzed husband for 5 years, she remarried a wealthy businessman who was 9 years older in her second marriage, what happened now?

They went from friends to lovers, and soon became husband and wife in 2007.

After they got married, they started a blog called "Hammer and Bubbles" to share their daily bits and pieces with each other.

Zhou Suhong was once the "Grand Slam" of the women's volleyball team, and Tang Miao also had a brilliant career.

was originally a golden boy and girl in the sports world who envied others, but God made people by providence.

However, soon after marriage, Tang Miao had an unfortunate accident during a training session, resulting in serious damage to the cervical spine, and since then high paraplegia.

After the operation, Tang Miao saved her life, but there was no future.

Zhou Suhong: After taking care of her paralyzed husband for 5 years, she remarried a wealthy businessman who was 9 years older in her second marriage, what happened now?

Zhou Suhong, who learned the bad news, resolutely rushed to Russia.

When she saw Tang Miao in front of the hospital bed, she saw the tragic situation of her husband who was full of tubes and bedridden, and her heart was like a knife.

Why is providence so?

Zhou Suhong's heart was full of helplessness and pain.

While preparing for the Beijing Olympics, Zhou Suhong also has to travel frequently between Beijing and Russia to take care of her paralyzed husband.

For the next five years, Ms. Zhou had to manage her career, as well as deal with high medical bills and her husband's physical and mental care.

Zhou Suhong stayed firmly by Tang Miao's side until he finally got out of the ventilator.

She even gave up her career at one point to take care of her husband wholeheartedly.

Zhou Suhong: After taking care of her paralyzed husband for 5 years, she remarried a wealthy businessman who was 9 years older in her second marriage, what happened now?

She always remained optimistic and never revealed the slightest pain to Tang Miao.

She is the "best" on the field and the strongest in life.

Tang Miao knew that his condition would only bring a heavy burden to Zhou Suhong, and he was very guilty.

At the beginning, Tang Miao insisted on divorcing her, hoping that Zhou Suhong could get a better life and not have to suffer from her illness.

Of course, Zhou Suhong disagreed, she insisted that even if Tang Miao was paralyzed in bed, she could take care of him.

Moreover, Zhou Suhong has retired, so she has more time to take care of Tang Miao wholeheartedly.

Faced with her husband's resolute attitude, Zhou Suhong was heartbroken, so she could only agree to Tang Miao's "5-year contract".

Zhou Suhong: After taking care of her paralyzed husband for 5 years, she remarried a wealthy businessman who was 9 years older in her second marriage, what happened now?

The so-called "5-year contract" means that if Tang Miao is not recovered and can walk after 5 years, Zhou Suhong will have to agree to divorce.

Five years have passed in a flash, Tang Miao has gone from a hospital bed to a wheelchair, but she still can't stand up.

Seeing everything his wife had done for him, Tang Miao resolutely filed for divorce again, and he could no longer let Zhou Suhong sacrifice for him.

Zhou Suhong and Tang Miao were at a stalemate on this issue, and Tang Miao's father Tang Heping also came forward to persuade the divorce.

It's not because he's dissatisfied with Zhou Suhong's daughter-in-law.

On the contrary, because he was too satisfied with his daughter-in-law, he was very grateful to Zhou Suhong for her dedication, and he didn't want her to bear more burdens.

Zhou Suhong: After taking care of her paralyzed husband for 5 years, she remarried a wealthy businessman who was 9 years older in her second marriage, what happened now?

In Tang Heping's view, Zhou Suhong has long been his biological daughter.

Relatives all persuaded Tang Miao not to mention divorce again, thinking that it would be good now.

But Tang Miao suddenly became emotional, and her face turned red and asked herself what she could give her.

So, Tang Miao resolutely filed for divorce again:

"Do you remember our agreement?"

According to the agreement, Zhou Suhong reluctantly signed the divorce agreement.

"I love you, but let's divorce the two of us!"

Eventually, the two divorced, but their relationship did not end completely.

Zhou Suhong has never seen herself as an outsider.

She regards Tang Miao as her family, even if she can't be husband and wife anymore, she is still willing to be the daughter of the Tang family and Tang Miao's sister.

"If we can't be husband and wife, we can still be sisters and brothers."

Zhou Suhong: After taking care of her paralyzed husband for 5 years, she remarried a wealthy businessman who was 9 years older in her second marriage, what happened now?

Zhou Suhong still visits Tang Miao frequently, and Tang Miao's family also treats Zhou Suhong as a family.

"Even if we are divorced and don't live together, we are still a family, and she is my daughter. So Tang Miao called Sister Hongsu, which is also okay. ”

It turns out that the higher level of love is family affection.

Later, Zhou Suhong married a wealthy businessman who was 9 years older than herself, remarried, and gave birth to a daughter.

She still regards Tang Miao as her family and often takes her family to visit Tang Miao.

After that, Zhou Suhong continued to work in the field of physical education.

Zhou Suhong: After taking care of her paralyzed husband for 5 years, she remarried a wealthy businessman who was 9 years older in her second marriage, what happened now?

Tang Miao's life is gradually getting better.

Although paralyzed in bed, he realized his desire to be a father through IVF technology.

Although he later divorced, he still tried to face life and start anew.

True love lies in accompanying each other, but also in letting go at the right time and thinking about each other.

Today, Zhou Suhong is happy with her family, busy with work and volunteering.

Zhou Suhong did not completely stop after retiring, she also worked in the field of sports administration, and also served as the secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, as well as a member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and deputy director of the Education, Science, Health and Sports Committee.

Tang Miao is working the road of rehabilitation, his physical condition is gradually improving, and he is continuing to find his happiness.

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