
Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

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Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions
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Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

In the Chinese comedy industry, there is such a star who once had infinite glory: he stepped on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala seven times, and performed on the same stage with Zhao Benshan, Song Xiaobao and other comedy celebrities, and he was in the limelight for a while.

However, fate has made people, and now he has become the target of "wanted by the whole network", and it is even difficult to get out of his hometown Shanhaiguan. What's even more embarrassing is that even his mentor Zhao Benshan, who single-handedly made him popular, was unable to save his declining career.

This artist's name is Cheng Ye, and his stage name is Da Chengzi. How did he fall from the darling of the Spring Festival Gala stage to such a situation? Let's uncover this ups and downs of comedy life together.

In 1983, in a remote village in Huludao City, Liaoning Province, Cheng Ye fell to the ground. As an authentic Northeasterner, he has been attracted by the charm of the two-person turn since he was a child.

Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

Despite the hardships of life, Cheng Ye's love for acting grew day by day, as if it was his only hope of escaping poverty.

At the age of six, Cheng Ye began to learn to throw handkerchiefs, which became his first step into the palace of art. At the age of twelve, he followed the elders of the village to learn suona, accumulating valuable experience for future stage performances.

At the age of sixteen, with an infinite love for acting, Cheng Ye began his artistic journey, running around looking for performance opportunities.

The hardships of life have not dampened Cheng Ye's enthusiasm. Even if even food and clothing are a problem sometimes, as long as he stands on the stage, he can burst out with amazing energy. Those slightly immature eyes flashed with a vision for the future and a dedication to art.

Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

In 2001, the god of fate favored this hardworking young man. Cheng Ye met the noble man who changed his life - Zhao Benshan, the master of the sketch world. Zhao Benshan took a fancy to this simple, hard-working young man at a glance and admired his talent and tenacity.

Under the personal guidance of Zhao Benshan, Cheng Ye is like a fish in water, and his performance skills have improved by leaps and bounds.

After several years of tempering, Cheng Ye finally ushered in the highlight moment of his life - on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. He performed on the same stage with famous comedy actors such as Zhao Benshan and Song Xiaobao, and presented a series of popular classic sketches such as "Eating Noodles", "Insincere Disturbance", "Grilled Skewers" and "New Year's Day" for the audience.

Cheng Ye's unique bald head shape and honest and humorous performance style quickly won the love of audiences across the country.

Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

Appearing on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala seven times, Cheng Ye's popularity is close to that of Song Xiaobao and he has become one of Zhao Benshan's most proud disciples. Standing at the pinnacle of his career, Cheng Ye's eyes flashed with confidence, and the corners of his mouth hung with a happy smile.

He firmly believes that his comedy life has just begun, and there are more exciting things waiting for him in the future. However, he never imagined that fate was about to play a cruel joke on him.

With the passage of time, the influence of the Spring Festival Gala gradually weakened, and Cheng Ye began to think about the direction of his career development. By chance, he got the opportunity to participate in the movie "Laughing Rivers and Lakes" and played the role of "Ma Leizi" in the film.

This experience gave Cheng Ye a strong interest in the film and television industry, and he began to dream of one day directing a film that was both acclaimed and acclaimed.

Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

However, when Cheng Ye expressed his desire to transform the film and television industry to his mentor Zhao Benshan, he was politely refused. Zhao Benshan persuaded earnestly: "Xiao Ye, let's focus on doing a good job of sketches."

The film and television industry is deep, and it is not so easy to get ahead. A trace of worry flashed in Zhao Benshan's eyes, he knew the complexity and cruelty of the film and television industry.

Faced with his master's dissuasion, Cheng Ye fell into deep confusion. He not only respects Zhao Benshan and is grateful for the cultivation of his teachers, but also desires to try new fields in his heart. Cheng Ye's eyes were full of contradictions and struggles, and he repeatedly thought about how to choose.

After a fierce ideological struggle, Cheng Ye finally made a decision that changed his fate - he wanted to break into the film and television industry. "Master, I know you are doing it for my good.

Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

But I want to try, even if I fail, I have no regrets. Cheng Ye's tone was full of firmness and expectation.

Zhao Benshan looked at his proud disciple and sighed deeply. He patted Cheng Ye on the shoulder and said earnestly, "Since you have decided, let's go."

Remember, no matter what difficulties you encounter, being a teacher will always be your strong backing. Zhao Benshan's eyes were both reluctant and trusting of his disciples.

With the blessing of the master and his own dreams, Cheng Ye resolutely embarked on the journey of the film and television industry. He is full of confidence that with his experience and talent in the comedy industry, he will definitely be able to make a big impact in the film industry.

Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

Cheng Ye's eyes flashed with longing, and there was a confident smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he had seen the scene where he was shining in the film industry.

However, he never imagined that what awaited him would be a Waterloo that would ruin his entire career. The turning point of fate is just around the corner, but Cheng Ye doesn't know it, and is still immersed in the beautiful imagination of the future.

With a love for movies and a desire for success, Cheng Ye began to prepare for his debut film "Tianpeng Havoc in the Heavenly Palace". This is a comedy set in "Journey to the West", and Cheng Ye not only serves as the director, but also stars himself.

He is ambitious and firmly believes that this work will cause a sensation like "Spring Splendid Pig Bajie" back then.

Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

However, Cheng Ye, who was new to the film industry, made a fatal mistake in the creative process - he was overconfident and wantonly tampered with the classics. In his films, the classic plot of "Journey to the West" was changed beyond recognition.

Cheng Ye's unbridled imagination has created a series of jaw-dropping plots: there is a lifelong love between Taishang Laojun and Princess Tiefan, and even a passionate bed scene between the two has been added.

What's even more outrageous is that the true fire of the red child's samadhi has actually become the ability inherited from the Taishang Laojun.

During the filming, Cheng Ye was immersed in his own creativity, completely unaware of the controversy that these adaptations might cause. His eyes glittered with excitement, and a confident smile hung on his lips, as if he had seen the audience cheering for his "whimsy".

Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

On the set, Cheng Ye sometimes frowned and thought, sometimes laughed, completely immersed in his own creative world.

However, reality gave Cheng Ye a slap in the face. After the release of "Havoc in the Heavenly Palace", the response from audiences and critics was unexpectedly bad. The film has been widely criticized for its absurd plot and excessive adaptation.

The audience has said that this movie not only has no laughs, but is a blasphemy of the classics.

Faced with the flood of negative comments, Cheng Ye felt both shocked and confused. He couldn't understand why the work he had put all his heart and soul into was met with such strong criticism.

Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

His eyes were full of confusion and incomprehension, and his heart began to waver. Cheng Ye often sits alone in the corner of the movie theater, watching the sparse audience and listening to their disappointed comments, and his heart is like a knife.

To make matters worse, the film was forced to be removed from the shelves just a few days after its release due to huge controversy. As the main person in charge of this "absurd drama", Cheng Ye fell into an unprecedented predicament.

He became the target of "wanted by the whole network", and major film and television companies avoided him, and no one was willing to cooperate with him anymore.

was once a proud comedy star, but now it has fallen to the point where there is no drama to film. Cheng Ye's eyes no longer had the confidence they had in the past, replaced by deep loneliness and helplessness.

Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

He began to regret his rashness, but it was too late.

Every time in the dead of night, Cheng Ye would recall Zhao Benshan's original advice, and tears of remorse couldn't help but burst out of his eyes. He tried to contact Zhao Benshan, hoping to get help from the teacher.

However, even Zhao Benshan, a respected master of comedy, could not save his career.

Cheng Ye had to face the biggest crisis in his career, a comedy star who once dominated the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, but now fell into a trough in his career because of a failed movie.

Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

He often stood alone in front of the mirror, looking at his tarnished self and thinking about how he could get back on his feet. But each time the determination to perk up is shattered by the callousness of reality, which makes him fall into deep self-doubt again.

After the incident of "Havoc in the Heavenly Palace", Cheng Ye seemed to have evaporated from the entertainment industry. He used to frequently appear in major variety shows and film and television works, but now it is difficult to find him.

The comedy star who shined on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala seemed to be a thing of the past overnight.

Cheng Ye tried to make a comeback many times, but every time he wanted to make a comeback, he would be rejected because of the previous negative news. The once bustling mobile phone is now lying quietly in the corner, and there are no more busy calls.

Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

Even the agents who had always supported him gradually distanced themselves from him and stopped contacting him frequently.

Even Zhao Benshan is difficult to change this situation. Although Zhao Benshan has been supporting Cheng Ye behind his back and trying to match him, the memory of the entertainment industry is too good, and the power of the audience is too strong.

Cheng Ye found that it was difficult for him to even get out of his hometown of Shanhaiguan, as if he was trapped in his birthplace.

Faced with such a predicament, Cheng Ye's heart was full of frustration and powerlessness. He often sat alone at home, reminiscing about the glory days of the past, with bitter tears in his eyes.

Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

In the mirror, he is no longer the high-spirited comedy star, but a down-and-out artist who has lost his direction.

Cheng Ye began to question his choice, if he had followed Zhao Benshan's advice, would he not have ended up like this? However, time cannot be turned back, and he can only silently bear the pain brought by the low point of his career.

used to be a frequent guest of the Spring Festival Gala, but now he has become a marginal figure in the entertainment industry, and this huge gap makes Cheng Ye suffer. His eyes were full of confusion and loss, and he didn't know where to go in the future.

In the dead of night, Cheng Ye would look out the window, thinking about how to regain his stage.

Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

Cheng Ye's rise and fall has sparked widespread discussion. Some netizens regretfully said that if he insisted on developing in the field of sketches, he might have surpassed Song Xiaobao by now and become a top star in the comedy industry.

Some people also lamented that Cheng Ye was fortunate to be a disciple of Zhao Benshan, but he failed to cherish the opportunity, and it was a pity that he ended up in such a situation.

Cheng Ye's experience has taught us a profound lesson: life is full of choices, and every decision may change our future trajectory. In the face of the two paths A and B, there are countless possibilities.

If you choose the right one, you may soar into the sky; If you choose the wrong one, you may lose all your efforts.

Facts have proved that Cheng Ye, a disciple of Zhao Benshan, has now paid the price for his actions

At critical moments in life, we need to be thoughtful, weigh the pros and cons, and humbly listen to the advice of others instead of being blindly confident. Cheng Ye's story warns us that while pursuing our dreams, we must also objectively evaluate our abilities, be down-to-earth, and take steps step by step.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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