
What foods lower blood lipids?

author:Health Road Plue

Here are some foods that can lower blood lipids and help lower lipid levels in the blood through different mechanisms:


Cucumber: The fine fiber in cucumber helps promote intestinal putrefactive substances and lower cholesterol. The propanol disic acid contained in it has obvious hypolipidemic effect.

What foods lower blood lipids?

Garlic: The volatile capsaicin in garlic can remove fat from blood vessels and effectively lower cholesterol.

Onion: Onion contains triallyl disulfide and sulfur amino acids, which have a good hypolipidemic effect.

Carrots: The calcium pectinate in carrots binds to bile acids and is excreted in the stool, helping to lower blood cholesterol levels.

Eggplant: Eggplant is rich in vitamin P, which can enhance cell adhesion, reduce blood cholesterol, and improve microvascular elasticity.

Celery: Celery contains more dietary fiber, which has the effect of lowering blood pressure, blood lipids and blood sugar.

Mung bean sprouts: The vitamin C in mung bean sprouts promotes cholesterol excretion and prevents its deposition in the inner walls of the arteries.

What foods lower blood lipids?


Hawthorn: Hawthorn contains a variety of active ingredients that help improve hyperlipidemia and lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

Apples: The pectin in apples helps lower cholesterol.

Grape: Resveratrol in grape skin has the effects of lowering blood lipids, antithrombosis, preventing arteriosclerosis and enhancing immunity.

What foods lower blood lipids?

Grains & Legumes:

Oats: Oats are rich in dietary fiber, which can lower cholesterol and blood lipids.

Soybeans: Soybeans contain vegetable protein and a variety of trace elements, which can lower cholesterol. Eating soybeans for 2~3 weeks can reduce blood cholesterol by 14% to 21%.


Salmon: The unsaturated fatty acids in salmon can reduce blood triglyceride levels, raise HDL cholesterol, and enhance blood vessel elasticity.


Shiitake mushrooms and black fungus: These mushroom foods can significantly reduce serum cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL levels, while increasing HDL.

Olive oil: Olive oil has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system and helps to lower blood lipids.

What foods lower blood lipids?

Ginger: "Gingerol" and "Gingerol" contained in ginger are effective ingredients for lowering cholesterol and blood lipids.

Please note that while the above foods can help lower blood lipids, they are not a substitute for medication. If the blood lipid level persistently abnormal, it is advisable to seek medical attention in a timely manner and to proceed with diet and medication under the guidance of a doctor. At the same time, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and eating habits is essential to maintain normal blood lipid levels.

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