
What foods are best to eat more if the liver is not good?

author:Health Road Plue

When the liver function is poor, it is recommended to eat more of the following foods to help nourish the liver and protect the liver:

High-quality protein foods:

Milk such as milk and yogurt, as well as soy products such as soy milk and tofu, are rich in protein, which helps to repair and regenerate liver cells.

Animal foods such as lean meat, fish, and eggs are also good sources of high-quality protein, which can boost the liver's immunity.

What foods are best to eat more if the liver is not good?

Fresh fruits and vegetables:

Eating more fruits rich in vitamins and minerals, such as apples, oranges, bananas, pears, etc., as well as vegetables such as carrots, celery, rape, spinach, etc., helps maintain the normal function of the liver.

Fruits such as mulberries, grapes, lychees, and kiwi fruits are especially recommended, as they are rich in antioxidants and have a protective effect on the liver.

Mushroom food:

Shiitake mushrooms, mushrooms, black fungus and other mushroom foods are rich in amino acids and vitamins, which can enhance immunity and are beneficial to the liver.

What foods are best to eat more if the liver is not good?

Whole grains and low-fat foods:

Whole grains such as millets and oats are rich in nutrients that can prevent toxins from damaging liver cells.

Low-fat foods such as sardines, cereals, yogurt, apples, and lamb help digestion and absorption and reduce the burden on the liver.

Other Liver-Nourishing Foods:

Foods such as wolfberries and pears are believed to have the effect of nourishing and protecting the liver, and can be eaten appropriately.

What foods are best to eat more if the liver is not good?


Although these foods are good for the liver, it is also necessary to pay attention to eating them in moderation to avoid excessive consumption that will increase the burden on the body.

People with a bad liver should avoid foods high in oil, fat, sugar and other types of foods in their daily life so as not to increase the metabolic burden on the liver.

What foods are best to eat more if the liver is not good?

In addition to dietary adjustments, people with a bad liver should also maintain good lifestyle habits, such as regular work and rest, avoiding staying up late, and maintaining a happy mood, to promote liver health.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that although food has a certain protective effect on the liver, it cannot treat liver disease. If the liver function is not good, it is recommended to seek medical attention in time for professional diagnosis and treatment.

#肝不好, what foods are best to eat more? #

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