
When a woman is emotional, there will be these operations on her mobile phone

author:Qiuqiu loves to cook

When women are emotional, what are the actions on their mobile phones? Today we are going to uncover the psychological activities of women on their phones and see if you know their little secrets!


The woman became emotional, and her mood began to fluctuate. And their mobile phones have become a corner of their hearts, recording their moods and choices. Below, let's take a look at what women do on their phones when they are emotional!

When a woman is emotional, there will be these operations on her mobile phone

1. Collect self-soothing songs

When women are depressed or emotional, they tend to look for songs that will comfort and release them. They will save some of their favorite songs on their phones, pull up their headphones when they need them, and enjoy the healing power of music alone.

2. Visit the Chicken Soup for the Soul website

In times of emotional instability, women will open the Chicken Soup for the Soul webpage on their phones and look for inspirational stories and aphorisms to seek inner peace. These words can give them a kind of empathy and comfort, and become a spice for their mood.

When a woman is emotional, there will be these operations on her mobile phone

3. Flip through old photos

When emotional, the woman will go back in time and look through the old photos stored in her phone. These photographs record their fond memories and precious moments, and can evoke feelings of love, friendship and happiness, adding a touch of warmth and sweetness.

4. Search for counseling questions

To better understand their emotional changes, women search their phones for various mental health-related issues. They want to find some professional advice and sharing from which they can get answers or comfort to better cope with emotional challenges.

When a woman is emotional, there will be these operations on her mobile phone

5. Keep an emotional journal

Some women like to pour out their feelings, they will open a memo on their phone or a special diary app to write down their feelings. It's how they express their emotions, release their stress, and have a dialogue with their hearts.

Women's emotional world is delicate and complex, and mobile phones have become the carrier of their emotional sustenance. If you're a woman, try these things and maybe help you understand yourself better. If you are a man, knowing these operations will also allow you to better communicate and understand with your female friends.


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