
She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

author:Ancient and modern times
She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

In the Chinese film and television industry, Pu Chaoying's legendary experience can be called a fascinating and gorgeous transformation. In the 80s of the last century, she shined on the screen with a pearl-like light and became one of the "Four Golden Flowers of Pearl Shadow", conquering the hearts of countless audiences with her sweet and elegant temperament.

Time flies, and the responsibilities of marriage and family quietly change the trajectory of the life of this former goddess.

When she reappeared in the public eye, the image of the former jade girl had faded, and she was replaced by a plump "rustic aunt". This astonishing shift has sparked a lot of speculation and discussion.

However, the 63-year-old Pu Chaoying not only did not retire from the film industry because of this, but continued to be active in front of the screen with a new attitude, showing a completely different charm from when he was young.

She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

What is it that caused such a dramatic transformation of this former goddess? And how did she find new balance and joy in this transformation? Let's unravel the mystery of Pu Chaoying's legendary life and explore her wonderful story.

Pu Chaoying's artistic career began in 1972, when she was only 12 years old and successfully admitted to the Wuhan Song and Dance Theater with her outstanding performance. In this cradle of cultivating artistic talents, the little Pu Chaoying is like a sponge, greedily absorbing the nutrients of dance and vocal music.

Every morning, while other peers were still asleep in the warm bed, she was already standing in front of the bar in the dance studio, practicing the basics repeatedly. Sweat soaked her shoes, numbing her legs with pain, but her eyes grew more determined.

This unforgettable training experience laid a solid foundation for her future acting career.

She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

In 1977, 18-year-old Pu Chaoying graduated from the Song and Dance Theater and was assigned to work at the Wuhan People's Art Theater. From the stage to the drama, it is a new challenge for the young Pu Chaoying.

However, she quickly adapted to the transition and showed extraordinary acting talent on the theatrical stage. Every character she portrays is lifelike, as if a real person has come out of the script, and this talent quickly attracted the attention of industry insiders.

Among the many people who appreciate the talent of the general superheroes, the most crucial figure is the famous director Yu Deshui. The wise director saw the potential of the superhero at a glance.

He is keenly aware that this young girl not only has a solid artistic foundation, but also has a rare screen charm. So, Yu Deshui did not hesitate to use his connections to transfer Pu Chaoying to the prestigious Pearl River Film Studio.

She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

Coming to Zhuying, Pu Chaoying is like a fish in water. She enthusiastically devotes herself to the creation of each character, pondering every detail of the script. Soon, she ushered in her breakthrough work - the TV series "Beautiful Girl" broadcast in 1980.

In "Beautiful Girl", the 20-year-old Pu Chaoying is charming. She perfectly blends the cheerfulness and liveliness of the character with her own classical temperament, creating an image that combines traditional virtues and modern atmosphere.

This role immediately won the love of the audience, and also established Pu Chaoying's status in the film industry. Since then, she has become one of the "Four Golden Flowers of the Pearl Shadow in the 80s" and has emerged in the entertainment industry.

The success of the Premier League is not accidental. From the age of 12 to the age of 20 to become a new movie star, she has made unimaginable efforts in the past 8 years. However, just as her acting career was booming, fate prepared an unexpected turn for her.

She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

An unexpected marriage is coming, which not only changes the trajectory of her life, but also brings new challenges to her acting career.

When Pu Chaoying's acting career was in full swing, love quietly came. The beginning of this marriage stems from the good intentions of director Yu Deshui. He transferred Pu Chaoying to Zhujiang Film Studio, not only because of her acting talent, but also because he created an opportunity for his son to meet Pu Chaoying.

Yu Deshui's son is an unknown photographer. Although he is not as famous as his father, he is comfortable in the crew, and often captures her wonderful moments in the scenes of Pu Chaoying.

In frequent work contacts, feelings sprout between the two young people. Pu Chaoying was attracted to this suave photographer, while Director Yu's son was impressed by Pu Chaoying's talent and beauty.

She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

With the support of Yu Deshui, the two soon entered the palace of marriage. However, after marriage, Pu Chaoying faced a difficult choice. She decided to put aside her acting career for the time being and focus on family life.

This decision came as a surprise to many, but for Pu Chaoying, it was her responsibility and commitment to her husband and family.

After three years of family life, Pu Chaoying has experienced the ups and downs of being a wife and mother. She takes care of her family, takes care of her children, and devotes all her energy to the family.

However, the actor's soul has always been in her heart, calling her to return to the stage. With the understanding and support of his family, Pu Chaoying decided to make a comeback.

She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

After the comeback, the Premier League ushered in the second spring of his career. She has starred in works such as "Love in the Pearl River" and "Woman Flower", and won the "Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress" with her superb acting skills, and successfully ranked among the ranks of the "Four Golden Flowers of Pearl Shadow".

These achievements prove that her acting skills are not only not rusty because she is away from the screen, but has become more mature and profound in the experience of life.

However, behind the success is hard work. Pu Chaoying has to find a balance between his busy work and taking care of his family. She often rotates on the set, and when she comes home, she has to take care of the children and take care of the housework.

Even though she was already an experienced actor, she still felt powerless in the face of such heavy pressure.

She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

At this moment, Pu Chaoying's figure began to change quietly. She was once slender and elegant, but because of childbirth and work pressure, she gradually became plump. This change has sparked discussions from the outside world, and some people have even begun to describe her as a "rustic aunt".

These comments have caused a certain amount of psychological pressure on the general public.

However, the Premier League did not let this hold back. Instead, she chose an unexpected path. She decided to embrace the change in her body and incorporate it into her performance.

She began to experiment with different types of roles and showed more diverse acting skills.

She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

This decision marks an important turning point in the acting career of the Premier League. No longer limited to a beautiful and elegant image, she began to challenge various types of roles.

This transformation not only shows her courage and strength as an actress, but also opens a new chapter in her acting career.

Pu Chaoying's acting career has undergone an amazing transformation, from the former "goddess" image to the later "rustic aunt" role, she used her acting skills to interpret the versatility of an excellent actor.

In 1994, the hit drama "Love in the Pearl River" became an important milestone in the transformation of the general super-British company. In this drama, she played a role that was completely different from her previous image - Tan Rong.

She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

This unscrupulous character to achieve his goals is in stark contrast to Pu Chaoying's sweet and elegant screen image in the past. She interpreted Tan Rong's insidious cunning to the fullest, allowing the audience to see the other side of her acting skills.

The success of this role not only shows Pu Chaoying's strength as an actor, but also lays the foundation for her future role breakthroughs.

However, what really surprised the audience was "Marriage First and Love Later" broadcast in 2011. In this drama, Pu Chaoying completely subverted her image and played a bloated and spicy "rustic aunt" - Qiao's mother.

The character was a world away from her past image, sparking a lot of discussion. Pu Chaoying did not flinch because of the change in figure, on the contrary, she integrated this change into the role, creating a vivid and real image of an ordinary mother.

She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

Her performance is natural and smooth, making the audience feel as if they have seen the chattering but loving mother in their own home.

In "Ip Man", Pu Chaoying created a humorous and humorous image of a charter wife, further showing her versatility. Although this character does not have many scenes, it left a deep impression on the audience and became a highlight in the movie.

This courage and determination has won the respect of people in the industry. More and more directors began to invite her to participate in various types of roles, and her acting career ushered in a new peak.

Pu Chaoying proved with his own practical actions that the real charm of an actor is not to be young and beautiful forever, but to be able to create colorful characters and touch the hearts of the audience.

She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

From "goddess" to "rustic aunt", Pu Chaoying's transformation is not only a change in appearance, but also a sublimation of an actor's artistic life. Her experience teaches us that a true artist should have the courage to break through and constantly explore new possibilities for the role.

This kind of courage and spirit of exploration is the key to Pu Chaoying's long-term prosperity in the entertainment industry.

Behind Pu Chaoying's wonderful acting career, is her deep care for her family. In her own way, she explains how to find a balance between a star-studded stage and a warm and sweet family.

In addition to the busy filming schedule, Pu Chaoying always tries her best to play the role of wife and mother. She spends every minute between work rushing home to spend time with her family, take care of the children, and do her best to take care of the house.

She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

Even in the busiest times, she will find time to care for the needs of her family, and interpret the title of "good wife and mother" with her actions.

For his father-in-law Yu Deshui, Pu Chaoying is even more deeply grateful. She knows very well that it is Yu Deshui's insight and great help that gives her the opportunity to shine in the entertainment industry.

Even after Yu Deshui retired, Pu Chaoying still took care of the old man with the most sincere heart, making him feel warm and relieved in his later life.

This kind of warm family life is in stark contrast to some of the roles created by Pu Chaoying on the screen, and it also makes people appreciate her truth and simplicity more.

She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

She proved with practical actions that a successful actor can also be a competent wife and loving mother.

In his career, Pu Chaoying still maintains his love and focus on acting work. She constantly takes on new challenges, tries different types of roles, and interprets the various situations of life with her performances.

At the same time, she also began to play the role of "Green Leaf", providing support and assistance to the new generation of actors, and contributing to the development of China's film industry.

Pu Chaoying's experience has set an example for many women who are struggling. She proved with her actions that women can find a balance between career and family, not only to shine in the workplace, but also to give sincere love to their families.

She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

This balance is the essence of the wisdom of life.

The traces of the years are difficult to hide, but the 63-year-old Pu Chaoying still has a unique charm in the entertainment industry. Although her figure is no longer as slender as when she was younger, she exudes the charm of a mature woman.

Every time she appears in the public eye, her smile is still warm and sincere, and her eyes are flashing with love and expectation for life.

Phu Chaoying calmly accepted the changes brought about by time. She is no longer obsessed with the pursuit of perfect appearance, but more focused on inner fulfillment and happiness. On her social platforms, we can often see her sharing bits and pieces of her daily life: whether spending warm time with her family, or filming seriously on the set.

She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

These ordinary and real moments infect everyone who pays attention to her.

For his acting career, Pu Chaoying still maintains his former enthusiasm and focus. She continues to take on the challenges of various roles and interprets the various situations of life with her performances.

At the same time, she also gladly accepted the role of "Green Leaf", providing support and help for the new generation of actors, and silently contributing to the development of China's film industry.

The story of Pu Chaoying tells us that the value of life is not to stay young forever, but to face the changes of the years gracefully. She used her own experience to explain what true calmness and wisdom are, and became a role model for many middle-aged people to learn.

She married the director's son, and after marriage, her body became a "rustic aunt", and she lives happily at the age of 63

In her, we see how a woman still maintains her love for life after the passing of her years, and how she finds new value in life during the change of role.

This positive and optimistic attitude to life is the most touching charm of Pu Chaoying.

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