
Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

author:Ancient and modern times
Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you
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Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

In February 2024, in a hospital in Beijing, the air was so heavy that it seemed to freeze. The famous actor Liang Tian's eyes were red, he clenched his mother Chen Rong's already cold hand, and said in a choked voice: "Mom, I'm sorry, my marriage has worried you."

This well-known female writer in the literary world has just passed away at the age of 88. Chen Rong's life has been full of ups and downs, from laid-off workers to literary giants, she has depicted countless life situations with her brushstrokes.

However, at this moment, her most beloved son is immersed in deep self-blame.

Liang Tian's regret not only stems from the failure of his love life, but also reflects the complex and deep emotional bond between the mother and son. What kind of life experience made this successful actor so heartbroken in front of his mother's soul? Let's trace this touching mother-son relationship that spans more than half a century.

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

Chen Rong's life is like a novel full of ups and downs, full of dramatic twists. On October 3, 1936, she was born in Wuhan, formerly known as Chen Derong.

Eager for knowledge, Chen Rong studied diligently, and finally graduated from Beijing University of Foreign Studies and Chinese (then known as Beijing Russian Language Institute) in 1957. With excellent grades, she was assigned to the Central People's Radio as a music editor, and her life seemed to have entered a smooth road.

However, fate always likes to play jokes with people. In 1962, just as Chen Rong's career was booming, a sudden illness disrupted the trajectory of her life.

Forced to leave her job, she could only survive on a meager living allowance. The once glamorous life faded in an instant, but Chen Rong was not crushed.

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

Perhaps the seeds of literature have long taken root in his heart, and Chen Rong has chosen another path. In 1963, she resolutely went to the countryside of Fenyang, Shanxi Province, and began the process of in-depth life.

There, she lived and ate with the peasants, participated in the labor, integrated into the local weddings and funerals, and felt the life of the grassroots with her heart. This experience has accumulated rich material for her future creations, and has also given her a deeper understanding of life.

In 1973, Chen Rong's health gradually improved, and she returned to work to teach Russian at Beijing No. 5 Middle School. But the spark of literary creation has already ignited in her heart and cannot be extinguished.

Teaching earnestly during the day and writing at night, Chen Rong's literary road began.

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

In 1975, Chen Rong launched the novel "Wan Nian Qing" and began to emerge in the literary world. But what really made her famous was the novella "Man to Middle Age" that came out in 1980.

This work sparked heated discussions across the country, and was put on the screen two years later, starring Pan Hong and Da Shichang, which was even more sensational. Chen Rong's name became a household name as a result, and her literary talent was widely recognized.

Since then, Chen Rong's creative career has been like a spring breeze. She has written such popular works as "Dead River", "People to Old Age", and "Too Lazy to Divorce", and has become one of the important writers of contemporary Chinese literature.

Her works delve into human nature and portray the fate of ordinary people in the changing times, which resonates with readers.

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

Chen Rong's success is not only a personal victory, but also a testimony to his love for life and his persistent pursuit of literature. She used her own experience to interpret the value of "people reaching middle age", and also brought hope to countless people struggling in adversity.

From a laid-off worker to a literary giant, Chen Rong's life trajectory is just like the story she wrote, full of twists and turns.

Under the aura of Chen Rong, the growth of the second son Liang Tian was full of ups and downs and struggles. Liang Tian, who was born in 1959, has been in stark contrast to the rest of his family since he was a child.

In this scholarly family, his father Liang Rongkang is the deputy editor-in-chief of the People's Daily, and his brother Liang Zuo and sister Liang Huan were both admitted to the Chinese Department of Peking University with excellent grades and later became well-known screenwriters.

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

However, Liang Tian seems to be an "outlier" in this family.

Compared with his family's academic literacy, Liang Tian seems to have no interest in his studies. He only has a junior high school education, and after retiring from the army, he worked as a mailer in the China Writers Association, a job that seemed mediocre to outsiders.

In this family full of scholars and writers, Liang Tian often felt out of place, and a lingering inferiority complex lingered in his heart.

Every Spring Festival, when the whole family gathers together to talk and laugh, Liang Tian always silently takes on the responsibility of washing the dishes in the dim kitchen. His eyes revealed envy for his family, and there was a hint of helplessness.

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

This feeling of being out of place often makes him seem reticent at family gatherings.

As a mother, Chen Rong is naturally deeply worried about Liang Tian's future. She hopes that her son, like the rest of the family, will have a stable and decent job and live an enviable life.

However, fate always likes to joke with people and always surprises people inadvertently.

Just when everyone thought that Liang Tian might be doing nothing, his unique comedic talent began to quietly appear. In works such as "Two Sons Open a Shop", "Seahorse Song and Dance Hall", and "The Stubborn Master", Liang Tian's performances gradually won the love of the audience.

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

The characters he created are vivid and full of market atmosphere, which makes people laugh and empathize.

Liang Tian's acting career ushered in a turning point, that is, the hit TV series "I Love My Home". In this work, the image of "urban backward youth" created by Liang Tian is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and makes him famous in one fell swoop.

He used his own unique way to interpret the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the little people, and won the love of audiences across the country. From an obscure receiver to a household name actor, Liang Tian's transformation surprised and gratified everyone.

Chen Rong looked at his son's success, and was both surprised and emotional. She began to understand and appreciate Liang Tian's unique talent, and was sincerely proud of his achievements in his acting career.

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

However, as a mother, Chen Rong still keeps a close eye on Liang Tian's life and emotional situation, hoping that he can achieve a happy family life on the basis of his successful career.

Liang Tian's success proves that everyone has their own unique development path. He proved his worth in his own way, and let his mother's worries gradually dissolve.

However, the trials of life do not end here, and the twists and turns of his love life will become a new trouble in Liang Tian's heart, and it is also the reason why he will feel deeply guilty in the future.

Liang Tian's story tells us that a person's worth should not be judged by inherent vision. Everyone has their own strengths and potential, and the key is to find a stage that suits them.

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

The understanding and support of family members is especially important in this process.

Despite his brilliant achievements in his acting career, Liang Tian's love life is like an emotional drama full of ups and downs, full of twists and turns. He has experienced two failed marriages, which not only became an unrelieved pain in his heart, but also the main reason why he believed that his mother was worried.

Liang Tian's first marriage was uneventful, he formed a family with an ordinary woman, and the two had a daughter named Liang Xiaoliang. However, this seemingly peaceful marriage eventually broke down.

The failure of his marriage dealt a huge blow to Liang Tian, and he had to face the double pressure of his career and raising his daughter alone. Whenever he saw his daughter's innocent smiling face, he would always feel guilty in his heart, feeling that he had not been able to give his child a complete home.

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

However, the reality is always unsatisfactory. The marriage also failed to withstand the trials of life and ended in failure. Surprisingly, the fact of Liang Tian and Sun Fengying's divorce has not been made public.

In order to avoid excessive media hype, and possibly to protect the children, Liang Tian chose to remain silent, so that the outside world still mistakenly thought that they were a loving couple.

This concealment not only brought heavy psychological pressure to Liang Tian, but also made him feel tormented when facing the public. Whenever someone praised them as a model couple, Liang Tian could only return with a bitter smile.

This contradiction between his heart and appearance made him feel deeply tired and helpless.

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

The failure of two marriages made Liang Tian have deep self-doubt about his feelings. He began to reflect on whether he was really fit for married life and whether he had lived up to his mother's expectations of him.

Whenever he saw Chen Rong's expectant eyes, Liang Tian felt a burst of guilt and powerlessness. He knew that his mother had always hoped that he could find true love and form a happy family.

After the divorce, Liang Tian chose to live a single life. He devotes more energy to his career and taking care of his mother, seemingly in this way to make up for his failures in his love life.

However, deep down, he still longs to find a true life partner, form a happy family, and no longer let his mother worry about him.

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

Liang Tian's marital troubles are not only his personal pain, but also reflect the helplessness and pressure of public figures in the face of relationship problems. His experience tells us that marriage and relationships are not child's play, and we need to manage them with heart and courage to face failure.

In 2001, fate dealt a heavy blow to Chen Rong's family. On April 25, Chen Rong's beloved husband Liang Rongkang passed away due to illness, and the once dominant deputy editor-in-chief of the People's Daily closed his eyes forever.

Before Chen Rong could get out of the pain of losing her husband, another bad news followed. Just 24 days later, on May 19, the eldest son Liang Zuo died of a sudden myocardial infarction.

The loss of loved ones one after another dealt a heavy blow to Chen Rong. Her strong heart seemed to be shattered overnight, and her whole person fell into deep grief.

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

This series of blows not only destroyed her spiritual world, but also laid hidden dangers for her physical health.

In the face of the great changes in the family, Liang Tian resolutely took on the burden of taking care of his mother. He put down a lot of socializing at work and left more time for Chen Rong. Every day after work, Liang Tian would rush home as soon as possible, accompany his mother to chat, walk, and take care of her diet and daily life.

In his own way, he hopes to fill the void left by the departure of his father and brother.

However, fate always seems unwilling to let go of this mother and son, who have suffered many vicissitudes. During the raging new crown epidemic, Chen Rong's physical condition deteriorated, he was hospitalized many times, and even faced life and death tests several times.

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

During these difficult days, Liang Tian waited in the hospital inch by inch, accompanying his mother day and night.

In the ward, Liang Tian held his mother's hand and comforted him softly: "Mom, you must hold on." I have a lot more to say to you, and a lot more to do with you.

Chen Rong nodded weakly, his eyes showing gratitude and relief for his son. At that moment, both mother and son seemed to understand the importance of each other.

In these difficult days, the relationship between Liang Tian and Chen Rong has undergone subtle changes. They are no longer just mother and son, but more like confidants who talk about everything. Chen Rong will share her creative inspiration with Liang Tian and listen to her son's plan for his acting career; Liang Tian would confide in his mother about his love life and seek her advice and comfort.

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

This deep mother-son friendship has become an important force to support the two of them through difficulties. Chen Rong's physical condition gradually improved, and Liang Tian also re-examined his life value and direction in the process of taking care of his mother.

He began to understand that true filial piety is not only material care, but more importantly spiritual companionship and communication.

Through mutual support during this difficult period, the relationship between Liang Tian and Chen Rong has reached unprecedented intimacy. They are not only mother and son who are connected by blood, but also become the most important support in each other's lives.

This experience also made Liang Tian cherish every moment with his mother even more, and deeply realized the value of family affection.

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

On February 4, 2024, the winter in Beijing was exceptionally cold. After 88 years of life, Chen Rong finally closed her eyes full of wisdom.

Faced with the death of his mother, Liang Tian was grief-stricken, and the remorse and self-blame in his heart came like a tide.

At the farewell ceremony, Liang Tian choked up and said the words that had been buried for a long time: "Mom, I'm sorry, my marriage has worried you." You can rest assured that I will live my life well and live up to your expectations.

His voice trembled, and his eyes glistened with tears, "If there is an afterlife, I will also be your son."

Liang Tian's mother Chen Rong passed away: Mom, I'm sorry, my married life has worried you

This unforgettable mother-son relationship is not only a remembrance of the deceased relatives, but also Liang Tian's solemn commitment to his future life. The death of his mother became a turning point in his life.

Liang Tian secretly made up his mind to make new breakthroughs in his career and feelings, and achieve true fulfillment of life, so as to comfort his mother's soul in heaven.

Chen Rong's life is like the story she writes, full of ups and downs, but full of wisdom. Now, she has passed on this wisdom and tenacity to her son, and has become the driving force and spiritual pillar for Liang Tian's progress.

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