
The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

author:Mo Shangshi was speechless
The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,
The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,
The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

As the saying goes, if your feet don't get old, you live longer, and if you want your feet to be old, you have to choose good shoes.

A pair of shoes that do not fit will not only affect the health of the feet, but also may lead to falling and fractures when walking, especially some "life-threatening shoes" on the market, which are very health risks.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

What are the "deadly shoes"? How to choose good shoes?

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,
All statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are reproduced in the article

Beware of "Deadly Old People's Shoes"

China has a serious aging population, with tens of thousands of elderly people in every city, especially as of 2021, the elderly population on the mainland has exceeded 240 million.

Therefore, the elderly have become the "sweet and sweet" of the market, and there are constantly products launched for them, among which the popular ones are elderly shoes.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

The market for elderly shoes has reached the level of 100 billion, and the price ranges from tens to hundreds, but are they really safe?

According to the World Health Organization, more than 300,000 deaths worldwide each year are due to falls, half of which are elderly people over the age of 60.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

There is no production standard for elderly shoes, which are basically made in accordance with the style of travel shoes and casual shoes, and the quality is not guaranteed, and even safety is not guaranteed.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

Guangzhou and Foshan once did a test on the shoes of the elderly, and found that one-fifth of the samples tested were defective, did not pass the phthalate test, and even exceeded the standard by 302 times.

What are phthalates? A carcinogen! It is one of the most commonly used plasticizers in the chemical industry.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

Studies have shown that phthalates can induce a reaction in human liver cancer cells at very low exposure concentrations, increasing the risk of liver cancer, not to mention exceeding the standard by 302 times.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

In fact, this is not the first time that there have been problems with elderly shoes, as early as 2019, elderly shoes were detected with toxic and carcinogenic substances, and in 2020, CCTV News also investigated some elderly shoes, of which nearly half of the shoes were unqualified.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

In addition to the excessive carcinogens in shoes, there is another factor that is also the key to "fatalization", excessive slip resistance, and the risk of falls increases.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

The elderly have inconvenient legs and feet, and their bones are still very loose, and the consequences of accidentally falling are unimaginable, so most of the elderly and their children will give non-slip shoes.

However, some unscrupulous merchants seize this point, add the anti-slip properties of the shoes to the maximum, and then blow the shoes to the sky, so as to sell the product.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

And there are many people who think that the better the anti-slip property, the better the effect and the safer, but there is a saying called "the extreme of things must be reversed", and the result of getting the result after the good thing is too good.

The anti-slip properties of elderly shoes are too high, which not only does not have anti-slip but increases the risk of slipping.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

Many old people walk with their feet not high, young people have vitality, "light feet" walk high, but most of the elderly are old, "heavy feet" can not be lifted, walking on rough cement roads, or cobblestone paved roads, excessive anti-slip, shoes and road friction is also greater.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

The greater the friction, the more likely the sole is to "trip" over the uneven places on the ground, which is likely to lead to a flat fall, which is very dangerous.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

The elderly buy shoes to discern the ability is relatively poor, generally listen to the business publicity, the business said well, the elderly directly buy, so there are some bad merchants to take the opportunity to make profits.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

They will seize a certain point to vigorously publicize and blow the shoes to the sky, or just to get the approval of these elderly people, increase the plasticizer on the shoes, and there will be excessive toxic substances.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

There are also some elderly people who listen to the words of the merchants and buy those "magical" elderly shoes home, and even some spend a lot of money, but when they buy them back and wear them, they find that there is no effect of the merchants' propaganda at all.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

In this case, the elderly generally do not want to change, basically "admit it" and then continue to wear, for fear of throwing away waste, they put it at home to wear it a few times, and the danger is coming quietly in this way.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

How to choose the right non-slip shoes?

The elderly should wear the safest and most suitable shoes when wearing non-slip shoes.

The first thing is to choose a rubber base, because rubber is the best non-slip of all materials, and of course natural rubber is better than synthetic rubber.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

The second is the kind of sole pattern that should be left and right horizontal lines, provided that the grooves are deep and many, which can not only prevent the sole from getting stuck, but also facilitate drainage.

Finally, the surface of the sole should be rough, and the anti-slip effect will be better in comparison.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

How to choose shoes for the elderly?

First of all, there are three don'ts: not too soft, not too flat, not too thin

Don't be too soft is not too soft sole, although the soft sole is comfortable to wear, but it is too soft to not have enough support for the feet, nor can it provide a good elastic cushion, and the feet will hurt if you don't take two steps, let alone the elderly.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

It is also more likely to cause sprains and bruises in the elderly, and the risk factor is higher.

Don't be too flat is the sole of the shoe is not too flat, it is not suitable for the elderly, the speed and coordination of walking will be weakened when people are old, wear too soft shoes on a flat road is good, when walking on the road with potholes, it will not be long before the soles of the feet will hurt.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

Don't be too thin is the sole is not too thin, many elderly people like traditional cloth shoes, thinking that it is light and breathable, and the price is also affordable, but the danger index of this kind of shoes is particularly high, and the most basic protection of the feet is not available, and some even do not have any anti-slip measures, where can it be safe.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

5 choices of shoes for the elderly: fit, non-slip, shock absorption, strong support, and good breathability.

Fit! I didn't know until I tried it.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

When the shoes are not suitable, don't take two steps and think it's okay, walk more, run and jump appropriately, and "toss" it is still suitable to be listed in the purchase list.

It has been explained in detail in the anti-slip article.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

Shock absorption! Press the sole of the shoe to measure.

When you press the soles with your fingers, the soles change, and you can clearly feel the force rebounding.

Prop up! Flip left and right.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

When trying on shoes, turn them over to the left and right, if it is easy to turn over, it means that this kind of shoes are easy to walk and break the feet, it is best not to buy, there is danger.

Breathability should be good, but the sole should not be thin, so that the growth of bacteria can be reduced, and shoes that meet these points can be decisively started.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

Shoes with hidden health risks

Snow boots

The sole is flat and soft, which cannot support the arch of the foot, and it is easy to cause the arch to collapse over time.

The outside is large and the inside is wide, and there will be slippage when walking, so it is easy to sprain or bruise.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,


It has poor air permeability, it is not easy to take care of, and the innermost part cannot be exposed to the sun, which is easy to breed bacteria and infect athlete's foot.

And the shoes are still very tight, and over time they will squeeze the nerves and blood vessels.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

Flatform shoes

It can cause the center of the body to move forward, resulting in hyperextension of the knee joint, and over time, it can also wear down the ligaments and cartilage in the knee joint, increasing the risk of related diseases.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,

Finally, it is best to choose shoes for everyone, and try them on in the afternoon or evening, so that you can choose the best shoes for your feet.

The "deadly shoes" were exposed, hurting the body and causing cancer! Carcinogens seriously exceeded the standard by 302 times,