
The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

author:Mo Shangshi was speechless
The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

It has not been a day or two since house prices have continued to fall, and the official rescue action has not been a day or two, but the downward trend has not changed well.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

Many people are starting to get anxious and spread their opinions on various platforms, saying that if housing prices continue to fall like this, the poor will be the most unbearable, which is really a big joke.

Who can't stand the continuous decline in housing prices first? Whose conspiracy is it to spread public opinion now?

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?
All statements in this article are based on reliable sources of information and are reproduced in the article

Housing prices continue to fall, is it really the people who suffer?

Today's real estate pattern can be said to be very unoptimistic, people gradually lost confidence in buying a house, housing prices have fallen all the way, showing an uncontrollable situation, although the official introduction of the 517 policy, let people see the official determination to save the market, the intensity is also unprecedented.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

However, from the perspective of data feedback, it is not very ideal, although many people still maintain an optimistic attitude, but there are also some people who feel that they are deceiving themselves, so in order to prevent real estate from completely losing its status in people's hearts, countless confusing statements have appeared.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

For example, housing prices continue to fall, the most unbearable is the people, there are more and more similar content on the short video platform, as long as you pay attention to real estate, you can brush similar content every few articles, and the views they expound are basically the same, in general, it is a purpose: housing prices continue to fall, which is harmful to the people.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

It seems that they are always thinking about the people, and they seem to be sorry for the people if they think that housing prices continue to fall, but are these so-called experts really thinking about the people? Especially now after the implementation of the 517 New Deal, when housing prices are still falling across the country, we really have to think carefully about this issue.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

In fact, the decline in housing prices in China is a normal phenomenon, and it is also a situation that people have long predicted, everything is the opposite of everything, when countless people invest in the ranks of speculation, the housing prices to a height that it should not have, should have been prepared to face the scene of real estate downturn today.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

At the peak of real estate, it was just that people could not find other products that could steadily increase their value and maintain their value, and the endless stream of real estate made people greedy, and Chinese houses became value-added goods in their eyes, rather than places for people to live.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

Therefore, driven by the economic model, housing prices have risen again and again, until a price that people cannot afford, but with the increasing number of new industries in China, the economic model has also changed to a certain extent, and the excessively high housing prices have also brought inconvenience to people, and the adjustment of housing prices has begun.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

And due to the impact of the bubble economy, housing prices have returned to a state of equilibrium, soaring when they rise, and they must have plummeted when they fall, which is the balance, and in the eyes of our people, housing prices have returned to normal, everyone can buy a house, and they can save a sum of money to improve the quality of life.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

But it is this kind of scene that we look getting better and better, and in the mouths of major experts, it has become an act that endangers the people, so if housing prices continue to decline, who are the people who really can't stand it?

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

Real estate continues to decline, who is the one who can't stand it

Since the beginning of 2021, housing prices have ushered in a downward adjustment, and it has continued to this day, and the introduction of the 517 policy has not been able to curb the trend of housing prices continuing to decline.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

Everyone should know that in fact, in addition to the decline in housing prices, the rents of office buildings and residences are also declining, and the decline in rents is not the collective conscience of landlords to seek benefits for the people, and the main reason for the rent reduction is because there are fewer people and the population of first-tier cities has been lost.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

The reason for this phenomenon is that no matter what business is not good, the income and consumption level of ordinary people have decreased, and the rent of four or five thousand in first-tier cities is really unaffordable, in fact, this is not a good thing, because from this aspect, we can see that the overall economic environment has deteriorated, not only real estate has deteriorated.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

But after the house price has fallen, will anyone really buy it? In fact, the reason why the national property market has fallen again and again is because no one buys it, and the current market is completely oversupplied, and no one buys it no matter how low it falls, so it will keep falling, and everyone has become a wait-and-see person.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

People with money continue to wait and see if there is still a need to invest, people without money themselves can't afford to buy a house, and every day they look at the housing prices that are getting worse and worse as a joke, so who is the person who really can't stand it? Anyway, it's definitely not an ordinary person, the family only bought a living house, just to have a place to live, and the people who have a hot kang head with their wives and children will definitely not be so uncomfortable.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

Even if you know that your house is not worth it, you just smile indifferently, after all, this is a home is not a commodity, the really uncomfortable one is the developer, who got the construction qualification in the soaring stage of housing prices, and now it has not been built, and now they feel disgusting when they pick it up, and they feel disgusting when they put it down, and it is a loss whether they build it or not.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

There is also a rich person who invests a lot of wealth in real estate, housing prices have been falling, and the property in their hands will continue to depreciate, and their total wealth will naturally fall again and again, how can they not be in a hurry, the last kind of people are those who rely on real estate to make money, whether it is sales or anything is not good.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

Fundamentally speaking, as a commodity, the house is a commodity that ordinary people have to consider, not considering the endless rise in cost performance, it is a good thing for people who make money from housing, but it is definitely not a good thing for ordinary people, and now the decline is uncontrollable, people are not ready to invest money, and then the fall is harmful to the poor, which is completely nonsense.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

What will be the future of real estate?

If you look at the data alone, the continued decline of real estate is not running, whether you can stand it or not, now you need to bear it, many people come forward to discuss the problem of housing prices, the unanimous will is that housing prices can not be reduced, the official want to think about how to do it, from the loan problem to the down payment problem has all been said, but people who can't afford to buy a house still can't afford it.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

Is the problem really that difficult, as mentioned above, the first-tier cities have begun to decline, people's economic situation is not ideal, as long as the people's income problem is solved, then everything can be solved, not to mention the overall rise in per capita income, you and I both know that the poor will always be the one who is equalized.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

When 80% of people can buy a house without a loan, I don't believe that real estate can still appear in the current situation, without increasing people's income, and if you want ordinary people to come to real estate to get involved, then you can only wait for the house price to fall and ordinary people can accept it, or all of them will be interviewed.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

People are no longer as simple as they used to be, experts come forward to secretly change concepts in a few words, incite the masses to enter the pit without brains, and now they still want to cheat the poor out of their money, it is difficult.

The question that China's real estate needs to think about deeply: if housing prices continue to fall, who can't stand it the most?

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